Recent papers in GE
The subseasonal-to-seasonal (S2S) predictive timescale, encompassing lead times ranging from 2 weeks to a season, is at the frontier of forecasting science. Forecasts on this timescale provide opportunities for enhanced... more
Fecha de entrega correo casallasoler@[email protected] febrero 17 de 2014 plazo máximo 8:00 p.m.
- by David Rincon Gonzalez
- GE, Tr, AER, Uy
The ge 戈, a halberd-type bronze weapon, was one of the most widely used weapons during the Bronze and early Iron Age of China. It was common 3500-2200 years ago in northern China and remained in use until the late Western Han Dynasty in... more
We study analytically and numerically the stability of the standing waves for a nonlinear Schrödinger equation with a point defect and a power type nonlinearity. A main difficulty is to compute the number of negative eigenvalues of the... more
Satellite remote sensing has been practised since 1972, starting with broad channels and moderate ground resolution (Landsat MSS). In the 198Os, Landsat TM and SPOT provided for improved spatial and spectral resolutions, Many satellite... more
This review critically assesses a large and growing literature on multiactor environmental governance. The first section provides an historical and conceptual background to the observed increase in such arrangements. The second section... more
Light attenuation in marine ecosystems can limit primary production and determine the species composition and abundance of primary producers. In Florida Bay, the importance of understanding the present light environment has heightened as... more
By focusing on a half-century of recent Latin American economic history, this book presents a multidisciplinary approach to examining the relentless pursuit of development in the Global South and aims to revitalise the academic debate on... more
Wave mechanics of a particle in 1-D box (size $= d$) is critically analyzed to reveal its untouched aspects. When the particle rests in its ground state, its zero-point force ($F_o$) produces non-zero strain by modifying the box size from... more
The paper presents a model system, which consists of a partial equilibrium model and process-based terrestrial biogeochemistry models, to determine the optimal distributions of both Miscanthus (Miscanthus 9 giganteus) and short rotation... more
We test Laplacian-level meta-generalized gradient approximation (meta-GGA) non-interacting kinetic energy functionals based on the fourth-order gradient expansion (GE4). We consider several well known Laplacian-level meta-GGAs from... more
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Building trust in science and evidence-based decision-making depends heavily on the credibility of studies and their findings. Researchers employ many different study designs that vary in their risk of bias to evaluate the true effect of... more
Many contemporary societal challenges manifest themselves in the domain of human-environment interactions. There is a growing recognition that responses to these challenges formulated within current disciplinary boundaries, in isolation... more
A progressive global increase in the burden of allergic diseases has affected the industrialized world over the last half century and has been reported in the literature. The clinical evidence reveals a general increase in both incidence... more
Volatile organic compound (VOC) contamination of subsurface geological material and groundwater was discovered on the Nortel Monkstown industrial site, Belfast, Northern Ireland. The objectives of this study were to (1) investigate the... more
Burnt mounds, or fulachtaí fiadh as they are known in Ireland, are probably the most common prehistoric site type in Ireland and Britain. Typically Middle–Late Bronze Age in age (although both earlier and later examples are known), they... more
This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in Transdisciplinary Multispectral Modeling and Cooperation for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage: Communications in Computer and Information Science.
Abstract: The aim of the work was to define the influence of dietary supplementation with GM (genetically modified) GT#4 flaxseed cake enriched in polyphenols on inflammation development in mice liver. Mice were given ad libitum... more
The potential for the efficient and effective organization of market processes by using interactive media is hardly used. Intelligent software agents represent one of most interesting the innovative technologies under economical criteria.... more
In Costa Rica, considerable effort goes to conservation and protection of biodiversity, while at the same time agricultural pesticide use is among the highest in the world. Several protected areas, some being wetlands or marine reserves,... more
Research on forest ownership has received growing attention in recent years, particularly in relation to the effects of restitution processes in former socialist countries, emerging new forest owner types, trends towards fragmentation of... more
Interpreting spatial patterns in redox and coupled water-nitrogen fluxes in the streambed of a gaining river reach
The version presented here may differ from the published version or from the version of the record. Please see the repository URL above for details on accessing the published version and note that access may require a subscription.
Abstract. The kernel-based classifiers use one of the classical kernels, but the real-world applications have emphasized the need to consider a new kernel function in order to boost the classification accuracy by a bet-ter adaptation of... more
The west coast of Scotland is comprised of complex coastlines and topography, and a range of physical processes influence its coastal marine environment. The region is host to one of the highest densities of harbour porpoise Phocoena... more
This article focuses on the drivers and barriers afforded by three innovations—automated vehicles, electric mobility, and ridesharing and bike-sharing—in the four African urban areas of Johannesburg (South Africa), Kigali (Rwanda), Lagos... more
The subseasonal-to-seasonal (S2S) predictive time scale, encompassing lead times ranging from 2 weeks to a season, is at the frontier of forecasting science. Forecasts on this time scale provide opportunities for enhanced... more
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Background Malaria is a significant public health problem in Tanzania. Approximately 16 million malaria cases are reported every year and 100,000 to 125,000 deaths occur. Although most of Tanzania is endemic to malaria, epidemics occur in... more
Burnt mounds, or fulachtaí fiadh as they are known in Ireland, are probably the most common prehistoric site type in Ireland and Britain. Typically Middle–Late Bronze Age in age (although both earlier and later examples are known), they... more