Fuzzy Set
Recent papers in Fuzzy Set
Several fuzzifications of formal concept analysis have been proposed to deal with uncertain information. In this paper, we focus on concept lattices under a multiadjoint paradigm, which enriches the language providing greater flexibility... more
During the last decade, "fuzzy techniques" have been increasingly applied to the research area of construction management discipline. To date, however, no paper has attempted to summarize and present a critique of the existing "fuzzy"... more
This paper deals with the application of a soft computing technique to a medical project. The application consists in connecting a patient to an ophthalmologist situated in a hospital or to a specialized web center through a... more
Career guidance for students, particularly in rural areas is a challenging issue in India. In the present era of digitalization, there is a need of an automated system that can analyze a student for his/her capabilities, suggest a career... more
An original methodology is proposed for the representa- tion, using MRI acquisitions, of cereberal structures in the presence of non-infiltrating pathology. This methodology includes the automatic detection and segmentation of brain... more
New entropy measures such as higher order fuzzy entropy and hybrid entropy of a set have been introduced. Various properties along with their proofs have been included. Applicability of these new measures to various problems has been... more
In this paper, the Fuzzy Vector Median is proposed, defined as an extension of Vector Median. It is based on a novel distance definition of multidimensional fuzzy numbers (fuzzy vectors), which satisfy the property of angle decomposition.... more
This paper considers a single product inventory control in a Distribution Supply Chain (DSC). The DSC operates in the presence of uncertainty in customer demands. The demands are described by imprecise linguistic expressions that are... more
This paper focuses on hardware implementations of fuzzy inference systems which provide low silicon cost, high operational speed and adaptability to different application domains. The architecture and basic building blocks of two fuzzy... more
This paper proposes a model for the reoccupation of ants in a region of attraction, using evolutive partial differential diffusion-advection equations, in which the population dispersion and velocity in directions x and y are fuzzy... more
In this paper, we present a view of kernels from a fuzzy set theoretical perspective. Indeed, it turns out that kernels which are positive-definite functions have to fulfill a consistency property given by the so-called T-transitivity of... more
As a generalization of fuzzy sets, the concept of interval-valued fuzzy sets was introduced by Gorzalczany [Fuzzy Sets and Systems 21 (1987) 1]. In this paper, we shall extend the concept of “fuzzy inclusion”, introduced by Šostak [Supp.... more
The evolutionary based computational approach has been matured into an extensive collection of concepts and techniques with the hype in the complexities of the problems which could not be easily dealt by the classical approach. The... more
... Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006 Fuzzy Genetic System for Modelling Investment Portfolio Rahib H. Abiyev and Mustafa Menekay ... (5) Here )(y i B μ is membership degree of the constraint. qi is maximum violation (tol-erance)... more
Quantifying or, more generally, estimating the severity of the possible consequences of occupational accidents is a decisive step in any occupational risk assessment process. Because of the lack of historic information (accident data... more
We propose two processes to obtain L-fuzzy concepts based on finite L-fuzzy contexts and the theory of Cousot and Cousot [Pacific J. Math. 82 (1979) 43]. The first algorithm calculates the L-fuzzy concepts derived from an L-fuzzy set and... more
Fermented sausages are dried in natural or artificial driers. Air relative humidity (RH) and temperature (T) are regulated in artificial driers. Nowadays the set points of RH and T are manually readjusted in a staggered form by an expert... more
A noncooperative model of a normal form game is developed using tools from fuzzy set theory. The paper extends the decision theory framework of to a game-theoretic setting. We identify conditions for the existence of equilibrium in this... more
This paper considers the automatic design of fuzzy rule-based classification systems from labeled data. The classification accuracy and interpretability of generated rules are of major importance in fuzzy classification systems. We... more
This study examines estimates of extinction rates for the current purported biotic crisis and from the fossil record. Studies that compare current and geological extinctions sometimes use metrics that confound different sources of error... more
The purpose of this paper is to present a view of a telemonitoring system based on fuzzy logic for distress situations detection of elderly people living alone in the home environment. This system includes three different sensors:... more
The theory of fuzzy sets and the development of qualitative reasoning have had similar motivations: coping with complexity in reasoning about the properties of physical systems. An approach is described that utilizes fuzzy sets to develop... more
Presented is a completeness theorem for fuzzy equational logic with truth values in a complete residuated lattice: Given a fuzzy set Σ of identities and an identity p≈q, the degree to which p≈q syntactically follows (is provable) from Σ... more
In this paper, we establish the local and global existence and uniqueness results for fuzzy functional differential equations. For the local existence and uniqueness we use the method of successive approximations and for global existence... more
Fuzzy set ordination was used to examine relationships between tree species and site factors on Mt. Ascutney, Vermont, USA. Prism plots were established at four elevations (455, 610, 760 and 915 m) along contour lines that encircled the... more
A new comprehensive model of information retrieval (IR) based on Zadeh's calculus of linguistic statements is proposed. Its characteristic and novel feature is the capability to take into account both the imprecision and uncertainty... more
In this article we firstly summarize some notions on L−fuzzy sets, where L denotes a complete lattice. We then study a special case of L−fuzzy sets, namely the "intuitionistic fuzzy sets". The importance of these sets comes from the fact... more
Many color vision systems require a first step of classifying pixels in a given image into a discrete set of color classes. In this paper we describe a human perceptionbased approach to pixel color segmentation. Fuzzy sets are defined on... more
8. HANDBOOK OF MONETARY ECONOMICS (in 2 volumes) Edited by Benjamin Friedman and Frank Hahn 9. HANDBOOK OF DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS (in 4 volumes) Volumes 1 and 2 edited by Hollis B. Chenery and TN Srinivasan Volumes 3A and 3B edited by Jere... more
Bow-tie analysis is a fairly new concept in risk assessment that can describe the relationships among different risk control parameters, such as causes, hazards and consequences to mitigate the likelihood of occurrence of unwanted events... more
Two approaches for constructing control charts to monitor multivariate attribute processes when data is presented in linguistic form are suggested. Two monitoring statistics T \(^{\rm 2}_{f}\) and W 2 are developed based on fuzzy and... more
A new impulse noise reduction method for colour images, called histogram-based fuzzy colour filter (HFC), is presented in this paper. The HFC filter is particularly effective for reducing high-impulse noise in digital images while... more
Utility mining discovers the most profitable item in transaction database which is of great importance in the upgrade of revenue. There are various algorithms for mining the high utility itemset such as CTU-PRO, Two phase and also UMMI... more
In this paper, an attempt has been made to introduce cardinality of an intuitionistic fuzzy graph. Also, the definition of bipartite, complete bipartite, strong arc, strength of the connectedness, dominating set, domination number,... more
In this paper we focus on the aggregation of IDS alerts, an important component of the alert fusion process. We exploit fuzzy measures and fuzzy sets to design simple and robust alert aggregation algorithms. Exploiting fuzzy sets, we are... more
Axiomatic design gives a design map to designers in order to establish a scientific basis, which improves design activities. In the classical axiomatic design (AD) approach, the relationships between functional requirements (FRs) and... more
Two classes of metrics are introduced for spaces of fuzzy sets. Their equivalence is discussed and basic properties established. A characterisation of compact and locally compact subsets is given in terms of boundedness and p-mean... more