Fuzzy Algebra
Recent papers in Fuzzy Algebra
This paper deals with the Q-Pythagorean fuzzy sub semiring, ideals and bi-ideals in Γ-semirings. Moreover we study the properties of Q-Pythagorean fuzzy ideals in Γ-semiring.
In this work, we attempt to investigate the connection between various types of ideals (for examples (m;n)-ideal, bi-ideal, interior-ideal, quasi-ideal, prime-ideal and maximal-ideal) of an or- dered semigroup (S; � ; � ) and the... more
In this paper, we have enhanced the notion of the direct product of two intuitionistic fuzzy sets to the notion of the generalised direct product of two doubt intuitionistic fuzzy subalgebras and two doubt intuitionistic fuzzy H-ideals of... more
This study aims to examine intuitionistic fuzzy congruences and intuitionistic fuzzy submodules on an R-module (near-ring module). The relationship between intuitionistic fuzzy congruences and intuitionistic fuzzy submodules of an... more
In this paper, we introduce and explore some novel concepts within the frame work of intuitionistic fuzzy module theory. First, we define the notion of an intuitionistic fuzzy chained module as a generalisation of chained modules,... more
The importance of semigroups and their fuzzy subsystems is evident from their applications and significant role in several applied dis-ciplines like computer sciences, control engineering, error-correcting codes and fuzzy automata theory.... more
α-fuzzy cosets of a fuzzy submodule and α-fuzzy quotient modules are defined and discussed. A homomorphism from a given module onto the set of all α-fuzzy quotient module is established. The dimension of α-fuzzy quotient module is... more
This research work gives an insight on fuzzy semigroup, operation and fundamentals making it easy to understand
- by Ibrahim Job
In this paper we examine the relationship between the Ideal and Boolean Algebra of Lattice. Here the main result is that principal ideal (atom), principal dual ideal (filter) and also their product are Boolean algebra.
In the literature, there are two different approaches to define entropy of Atanassov Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets (AIFS, for short). The first approach, given by Szmidt and Kacprzyk, measures how far is an AIFS from its closest crisp set,... more
In this paper, We define some types of Irregular Intuitionistic Fuzzy Graphs (IIFG) and some properties of Irregular intuitionistic fuzzy graphs are studied. Some results on Highly Irregular intuitionistic fuzzy graphs and its complement... more
In this article, we try to obtain a more general form than (∈, ∈ ∨ q)-intuitionistic fuzzy bi-ideals in ordered semigroups. The notion of an (∈, ∈ ∨ q k)-intuitionistic fuzzy bi-ideal is introduced, and several properties are... more
In this article, we deal with ordered generalized $\Gamma$-hyperideals in ordered $\Gamma$-semihypergroups. In particular, we study $(m, n)$-regular ordered $\Gamma$-semihypergroups in terms of ordered $(m, n)$-$\Gamma$-hyperideals.... more
In this paper we introduce the notion of anti Q-L-fuzzy group, anti Q-L-fuzzy -ideals with values in a complete lattice L which is infinite meet distributive, and investigate some of its properties.
In this paper we introduce the notion of anti Q-L-fuzzy group, anti Q-L-fuzzy -ideals with values in a complete lattice L which is infinite meet distributive, and investigate some of its properties.
In this paper, we define the algebraic structures of anti Q-fuzzy subgroup and some related properties are investigated. The purpose of this study is to implement the fuzzy set theory and group theory in anti-Q fuzzy subgroups.... more
A fuzzy subset A defined on a set X is represented as X x x x A A where , ) ( , . It is not always possible for membership functions of type ] 1 , 0 [ : X A to associate with each point x in a set X a real number in the... more
The advancement in the fascinating area of fuzzy set theory has become area of much interest, generalization of the existing fuzzy subsystems of other algebraic structures is very important to tackle more current real life problems. In... more
A fuzzy subset A defined on a set X is represented as A = {(x, A (x), where x ∈ X}. It is not always possible for membership functions of type λA : X → [0,1] to associate with each point x in a set X a real number in the closed unit... more
In this paper, we introduced the notion of intuitionistic fuzzy prime radical of an intuitionistic fuzzy ideal in Γ-rings. We also characterise intuitionistic fuzzy primary ideal of Γ-rings. We also analyse homomorphic behaviour of... more
In this paper we consider the fuzzy ideals of N-group G where N is a nearring. We introduce fuzzy ideal θ µ of the quotient N-group G/µ with respect to a fuzzy ideal µ of G. If µ is a fuzzy ideal of G and θ a fuzzy ideal of G/µ such that... more
In this paper, new powerful modification of homotopy analysis technique (NMHAM) was submitted to create an approximate solution of nonhomogeneous nonlinear ordinary and partial differential equations. The NMHAM is a combination of the new... more
In this paper, the notion of fuzzy quasi ideal is extended to intuitionistic fuzzy quasi ideal with respect to a triangular norm and various results of such intuitionistic fuzzy ideals are studied. It has also been established that if an... more
In this paper, the notion of fuzzy quasi ideal is extended to intuitionistic fuzzy quasi ideal with respect to a triangular norm and various results of such intuitionistic fuzzy ideals are studied. It has also been established that if an... more
In this paper, we introduced the notion of interval-valued (θ, δ)fuzzy KU-ideals of KU-algebras and some related properties are investigated. We proved that U (η; t) is a KU-ideal if and only if the interval-valued fuzzy subset η is an... more
In this paper, we introduce the concept of Anti Q-fuzzy PMS-ideals of PMS-algebras, lower level cuts of a fuzzy set and proved some results. We discussed few results of anti Q-fuzzy PMS-ideals of PMS-algebras in homomorphism and Cartesian... more
In this paper, we introduce normal hyperideal and bi-hyperideal in normal hypersemigroups. We study (normal)hypersemigroup and normal regular hypersemigroup based on bi-hyperideal proving some equivalent conditions. In particular, we... more
In this paper, we study the concept of ordered (m, n)-Γ-hyperideals in an ordered LA-Γ-semihypergroup. We show that if (S, Γ, •,) is a unitary ordered LA-Γ-semihypergroup with zero 0 and satisfies the hypothesis that it contains no... more
In this paper, we establish the intuitionistic fuzzy version of the Lasker-Noether theorem for a commutative Γ-ring. We show that in a commutative Noetherian Γ-ring, every intuitionistic fuzzy ideal A can be decomposed as the intersection... more
FJ. The CopRS two-component system is responsible for resistance to copper in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803.
This article is in continuation to author's previous paper, on intuitionistic L-fuzzy primary and P-primary submodules,
The concept of an intuitionistic fuzzy set was introduced by Krassimir T. Atanassov in 1986. As an application of this to algebra, in this article we study some properties of intuitionistic fuzzy submodules (IFSM's) of an R-Module and the... more
The concept of an intuitionistic fuzzy set, which is a generalization of the concept of a fuzzy set, was introduced by Krassimir T. Atanassov in 1986. In this article the algebraic nature of an intuitionistic fuzzy subset of an R-Module... more
- by Paul Isaac
As a generalization of fuzzy sets,the concept of intuitionistic fuzzy sets was introduced by Krassimir T. Atanassov in 1986. In this article, we study about the support and level sets of intuitionistic fuzzy sets in an R-module. Also we... more
The Fuzzy set theory has been applied in many fields such as management, engineering and almost in every business enterprise as well as day to day activities. Ordering fuzzy numbers plays an important role in approximate reasoning,... more
In this paper all rings A are commutative with identity and all modules(mods)X are unitary left mods over a ring A .Weintroduce a generalization of essential submodule(s.mods) namely annihilator semi essential submodules(for short;... more
The purpose of this paper is to introduce and study some of the properties of supra N-open sets via supra N-derived, supra N-border, supra Nfrontier and supra N-exterior. Also we introduce some separation axioms using supra N-open set.
We consider the intuitionistic fuzzification of the concept of bi-Γ-ideal in a Γ-LA-semigroup S, and investigate some properties of bi-Γ-ideal. We prove that if B = (µ B , γ B) is an intuitionistic fuzzy bi-Γideal of a Γ-LA-semigroup T,... more
In this paper, we introduced the notion of interval-valued (θ, δ)fuzzy KU-ideals of KU-algebras and some related properties are investigated. We proved that U (η; t) is a KU-ideal if and only if the interval-valued fuzzy subset η is an... more
In this paper, we study ordered hyperideals in ordered semihypergroups. Also, we study (m, n)-regular ordered semihypergroups in terms of ordered (m, n)-hyperideals. Furthermore, we obtain some ideal theoretic results in ordered... more
In this paper, we redefine the definition of a fuzzy HX group and define a new algebraic structure of Q-fuzzy HX group and anti Q-fuzzy HX subgroup and some related properties are ivestigated. We establish the relation between Q-fuzzy HX... more
In this article, we introduce the notion of fuzzy G-module by defining the group action of G on a fuzzy set of a Z-module M. We establish the cases in which fuzzy submodules also become fuzzy Gsubmodules. Notions of a fuzzy prime... more
In this paper we propose the use of enhanced mid-level information, such as information obtained from the application of supervised or unsupervised learning methodologies on low-level characteristics, in order to improve semantic... more
In this paper we propose an algorithm to improve the results of knowledge-assisted image analysis, based on contextual information. In order to achieve this, we utilize fuzzy algebra, fuzzy sets and relations, towards efficient... more
The aim of this paper is to present some characterizations of almost prime ideals and almost prime submodules in the intuitionistic fuzzy environment. We investigate various properties of these concepts and achieve many results.
In this paper, we made an attempt to study the algebraic nature of anti-fuzzy subsemiring of a semiring and we introduce the some theorems in anti-fuzzy subsemiring of a semiring.
The article is devoted to classification of close sets of functions in k-valued logic. We build the classification of finite closed sets. The sets contain only constants and unary functions since sets containing even a two-ary function... more
A fuzzy subset A defined on a set X is represented as X x x x A A where , ) ( , . It is not always possible for membership functions of type ] 1 , 0 [ : X A to associate with each point x in a set X a real number in the... more