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El vocablo neoliberalismo padece su propio éxito. Movilizado ampliamente y en los ámbitos más diversos de las prácticas comunicacionales contemporáneas -desde las teorías económicas a la filosofía política, del pensamiento crítico a la... more
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U ovome radu razmatraju se i prikazuju dosadašnje spoznaje o kritičkom mišljenju u području obrazovanja. Svrha rada je prikaz i analiza dosadašnjih znanstvenih doprinosa istraživanja kritičkog mišljenja u obrazovanju kako bi se izradila... more
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1. Introduction The development of the physical growth and population growth of cities has been on a steep rise over the past three decades. With new developments, cities were quickly adapted to changes, and the expansion of the service... more
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      Fuzzy LogicCellular Automation
The present study aims to identify the driving forces affecting community-based development in low-income urban areas. For this purpose, Al-Teimour neighborhood in Mashhad metropolis was selected as a sample. The research is applied and... more
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    • Empowerment
1. Introduction The tendency towards moving to cities and urbanization is currently an increasing challenge over the world which seems to be the consequence of modernity. Unbalanced growth of cities is now a remarkable challenge. Paying... more
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      UrbanizationUrban SprawlSmart GrowthUrban Growth
Cities as a living place are constantly evolving and dynamic. The key factors affecting the physical and spatial development of cities are commercial centers. Entropy and Holdern models were in this applied study to explain the physical... more
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      FuturologyMahabadSpatial DevelopmentScenarios
Suleyman is the Co-Founder of the world's leading AI companies including Inflection AI, and DeepMind, acquired by Google. He was behind the AI programs AlphaZero and AlphaGo Zero. It is therefore not surprising that Suleyman and Bhaskar... more
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      Teaching undergraduate economicsEconomics TeachingTeaching of Economics (Education and Social Science)Innovative methods of teaching and learning introductory economics
The section of the monograph reveals the peculiarities of meaning and value determination of human existence, dynamics of human life, dependence on complex structural and functional determinations.
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Pre 40 godina pisci naučne fantastike su pisali o "uređajima za trenutnu komunikaciju" pomoću kojih će svako na planeti moći trenutno da stupi u kontakt sa bilo kim drugim. Skeptici su im se podsmevali. Danas takav uređaj-mobilni... more
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      Social SciencesPoliticsFuturology
This paper explores the profound interconnections between artificial intelligence (AI), human transformation, and planetary evolution. Drawing from the perspectives of Eugenio Carutti and James Lovelock, it examines how intelligence—both... more
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The purpose of the following text is to present what I have established about volitional concepts such as act or will. I claim that the concepts play the most important rôles in epistemology and ontology (theoretical philosophy),... more
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      PhilosophyEpistemologyPhilosophy Of LawHegel
Ensaio visual.
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      Arqueologia HistóricaComunidades CampesinasHistória do Piauí
This is a list of interviews with Stanisław Lem
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      Science FictionPolish LiteraturePolish StudiesInterviews
In their article entitled “AI is Changing the World: For Better or for Worse?” Grewal, Guha, and Becker imply two symptom-avoidance rather than goal-approach questions: (1) What fundamental societal problems, previously identified in the... more
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      PredictionFuturologyArtifical IntelligenceSingularity
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      HumanitiesPolitical ScienceFuturologyPolis
U Rijeci, gradu u kojem je rođen, školovao se i radio, 8.travnja 2014. godine, u 57. godini života umro je prof. dr. Marko Mušanović. Svi koji su poznavali profesora Mušanovića znaju da se hrabro nosio s teškom bolesti od 2005. godine s... more
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We are living in unstable socio-economic processes, with significant social changes occurring and decisions being made with controversial effects on the population. This time, it is not sufficient to foresee trends, given that possible... more
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      Political ScienceFutures StudiesFutures Research
Nella visione immaginale io non vedo semplicemente, ma partecipo , intensamente e integralmente ad una realtà, quella terza realtà posta tra il sensibile e l'intelligibile, che é quella che si origina a partire appunto da una disposizione... more
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El documento "Entre Distopías y Utopías: Forjando un Nuevo Mundo" examina las visiones del futuro presentadas en obras de ciencia ficción y literatura especulativa, contrastando los escenarios distópicos y utópicos imaginados por autores... more
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      Literature ReviewInteligencia artificialHistoria Del Futuro
Sociology has long wrestled with theoretical fragmentation, hindering a unified understanding of social life. This paper unveils the General Social Theory of Compromises (G-STOC), a bold framework that reimagines social phenomena through... more
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      Social SciencesTrustSocial OntologySocial Epistemology
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      Military HistoryModern HistoryContemporary HistoryStoria Contemporanea
The interplay of science , prophecy and AI is highlighted, with special reference to the social forces of territoriality, tribalism and ideology in humanity. A rational learning sequence is presented, in terms of developing... more
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      Future StudiesFutures StudiesFutures Studies and ForesightFuturology
Voz Socialismo del Léxico crítico del futuro, publicado por el Laboratorio de Investigación en Ciencias Humanas (LICH, UNSAM). Se discuten las raíces pre y posrevolucionarias del socialismo en Francia como núcleo histórico-conceptual de... more
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      Historia ConceptualCiências HumanasCiencias SocialesHistoria Conceptual De Lo Político
This paper explores the employees' readiness in the manufacturing sector for the fourth industrial revolution (4IR) vis a vis the 10 critical skill-sets identified by the World Economic Forum (WEF). We took a critical review of relevant... more
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      PsychologyEmployabilityIndustrial RevolutionLikert Scale
Альберт Ефимов -кандидат философских наук, вице-президент, директор Управления исследований и инноваций ПАО «Сбербанк», заведующий кафедрой инженерной кибернетики Национального исследовательского технологического университета «МИСиС»,... more
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      EngineeringHistoryArchaeologyComputer Science
A Philosophical Novel


Better than BRAVE NEW WORLD, better than NINETEEN EIGHTY-FOUR, better than Samuel Butler’s EREWHON, better than Thomas More’s UTOPIA ...
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Cada vez en mayor grado la influencia e impacto del cambio tecnológico que se está produciendo en el mundo y está transformando la sociedad está repercutiendo también en la gestión gubernamental, la cual requiere procesos innovativos para... more
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    • Ciencia política
A partir da fissura na temporalidade moderna e tendo a descricao e designacao do tempo presente como Amplo Presente, este ensaio propoe que as imagens produzidas pela ficcao audiovisual de filmes e series sobre ideias de futuros, sejam a... more
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      TemporalityFutures Contract
[© Publication and access are restricted by copyright. Publikacja i dostęp ograniczone prawem autorskim. Публикация и доступ ограничены авторским правом.] The aim of this paper is to consider Stanisław Lem’s postulate of the... more
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      GeneticsParasitologyStochastic ProcessPhysics
The concept of dystopia or anti-utopia goes beyond what is imagined as an ideal world; it is used to describe works that include the chaos, political problems, despair, and impossibility that humanity is dragged into. Stanislaw Lem, who... more
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      Dystopian LiteratureStanislaw LemFuturologyGrotesque
Energy management must consider available resources, dependence on external sources, energy supply, pricing, environmental impact, and global influences. For developing countries, energy security often takes precedence over energy... more
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      Energy SecurityEnvironmental SustainabilityDecarbonizationEnergy Resilience
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This brief technical synopsis points to the key role of AI tools in enhancing human spiritual development. The analysis foresses a deepening inegration of learning Torah and science via AI tools, thus extending human spiritual... more
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      Philosophy of ScienceJudaismFuturologyPhilosophy of Artificial Intelligence
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      HistorySociologyHuman GeographyEpidemiology
Revista Prospectiva y Estrategia con los artículos mas relevantes publicados durante el mes de abril 2024 sobre prospectiva y futuro en seguridad y defensa, economía y negocios, salud, educación, energía, ciencia y tecnología, etc. Mi... more
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      FuturologyProspectiva y Vigilancia TecnológicaProspectiva EstratégicaEstrategia y Prospectiva
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Article type: Research Article Dou to the special importance of land use in Iran and the passage of over one year from the enactment and communication of National Land Use Document in March 2020 and the concerns about the practical steps... more
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      FuturologyLand UseDocumentalActor-Based Model
The body-oriented approach in the philosophy of cognitive sciences is gaining in importance in the conditions of the formation of new high-tech contexts. The problem of interoception and integration of bodily data into socio-economic... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceCognitionInteroception
Естественная история архитектуры как артефакта, предназначенного для изменения окружающей среды с целью уменьшения ее селективного давления, параллельна истории эволюции живых видов и их взаимоотношений с окружающей средой. Что касается... more
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    • Архитектура
Lake Tahoe in 1998, one evening after a technology conference. Bill Joy was an eminent computer-systems designer, chief scientist for Sun Microsystems. Ray Kurzweil was an award-winning inventor and technologist, whose many creations... more
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Since 2021 Jetstone Publishers has taken up the task of preparing new scholarly editions of the unduly neglected works of the Scottish writer James Leslie Mitchell (better known as Lewis Grassic Gibbon). He published seventeen books in... more
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      Scottish LiteratureScottish RenaissanceJames Leslie Mitchell/Lewis Grassic GibbonModernist Literature (Literary Modernism)
Since 2021 Jetstone Publishers has taken up the task of preparing new scholarly editions of the unduly neglected works of the Scottish writer James Leslie Mitchell (better known as Lewis Grassic Gibbon). He published seventeen books in... more
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      Scottish LiteratureScottish RenaissanceJames Leslie Mitchell/Lewis Grassic GibbonScottish Culture
Within the course of time, a broad ring of literary genre of fortune-telling type has been formed around the futurology having developed within the scope of human beings' beliefs, considerations and curiosities. One of these types is that... more
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      Research MethodologyPedagogyFuturologyTrend Analysis
Nov 5,2023 10:09 an unfinished Russian missile ship was destroyed.
Dec 6, 2023 9:01 AM Intermediate finish: 8,000 Russian guns destroyed.
Jan 21, 2024 10:53 Cotton in 4 regions of Russia.
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      Russian-Ukrainian Relationsісторія україниHistory of Ukraineистория украины
Secondo la teoria filosofica del "puro positivo" elaborata da Luigi Vero Tarca la negazione è intrinsecamente contraddittoria perché il "negativo del negativo" è ancora un negativo: la negazione è tale che la *sua* negazione non... more
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      LogicNegation (Logic)TrivialismTheory of Logical Opposition
Под одним углом зрения, мир киборгов-это окончательное зарешечивание планеты глобальным контролем, окончательная абстракция, воплощённая в апокалипсисе Звёздных войн, развязанном под предлогом обороны, окончательное присвоение женских тел... more
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    • Future Studies