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Introdução: as inovações tecnológicas que surgem no contexto dos Arquivos estão diretamente ligadas à sua capacidade de evolução e adaptação. Descobrir e estudar quais dessas novas tecnologias podem ser mais bem aproveitadas nos Arquivos... more
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David Dalka, desarrolla una teoria del poder y futuro de los eventos corporativos ante la inmensa necesidad de hacer estudios de mercado para todo. Los mejores espacios de conversación y presentación de ideas son los eventos corporativos... more
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      Events managementFuturologyCurrent Events Analysis
Review of "A History of the Future: Prophets of Progress from H. G. Wells to Isaac Asimov", by Peter J. Bowler

Resenha do livro "A History of the Future: Prophets of Progress from H. G. Wells to Isaac Asimov", de Peter J. Bowler
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      HistoryLiteratureHistory of ScienceScience Fiction
Монография посвящена актуальным проблемам общества и культуры, перспективам их изменений в связи с ускорением исторического времени. В работе представлен обстоятельный анализ классических воззрений на культуру и культурную политику,... more
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    • Futurology
Utopía salvaje (1982) es la tercera novela del antropólogo, político y escritor brasileño Darcy Ribeiro (1922-1997). En este capítulo me propongo calibrar el papel desempeñado por dicha novela en el procesamiento por parte de Ribeiro de... more
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      Utopian StudiesFuturologyHistoria de las ideas latinoamericanasPensamiento latinoamericano
Cuando empecé a interesarme por la ciencia ficción, ya presentía, como quizá muchos de ustedes, que lo que estaba leyendo no era solo ficción, muchas veces estaba ante planteamientos sustanciales para cambiar la vida en el presente. La... more
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      Political ScienceFuturologyCiencia ficción
Первое, что вспомнилось при подготовке этой статьи – университетские занятия конца 1990-х по социологии. Российские профессора на основе теоретических разработок западных коллег давали студентам более-менее понятную картину мира через... more
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The article deals with the influence of the invention of writing and information technology on the development of civilisation and the value of Freemasonry. The text is an English translation of the Czech article: MERUNKA, Vojtěch... more
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      Future StudiesSociology of ReligionComputer ScienceArtificial Intelligence
This paper considers the technological singularity as predicted and fostered by Ray Kurzweil and others from the standpoint of socialism, particularly a left communist perspective. What is a Marxist understanding of the technological... more
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      Future StudiesMarxismComputer NetworksFuturism
The paper examines the birth of trend forecasting in the USA and positions trend forecasters and professional futurists within the wider history of marketing, market research and advertising.
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      MarketingFuture StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesBusiness History
Un survol de l’état des lieux et des possibilités futures dans le domaine surréaliste de le téléportation. (2007)
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      Transportation StudiesFuturology
At this day and age, it is necessary to carefully plan and anticipate a desirable future. The focus on positive future orientation and a successful educational process enables young people to improve their professional and personal... more
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      Higher EducationDidacticsQualitative methodologyFutures Studies
....why we need to engage multiple, speculative critical design futures in a post-political and post-utopian era
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      Critical TheoryHistorySociologyFuture Studies
Совсем Другие: Сборник феминистской и квир-фантастики / Сост. и ред. О. Шаталова, Г. Мамедов, Бишкек: Штаб-Press, 2018. 336 с. (Радикальное воображение). В сборник вошли рассказы и визуальные проекты 15 активисток и активистов из... more
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      Future StudiesQueer StudiesFeminist TheoryQueer Theory
Odrobina teologii i futurologii — w formie opowieści.
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      Future StudiesScience FictionShort story (Literature)Fiction Novels And Short Stories
En Chile, el ejercicio de anticipar y priorizar políticas, medidas e inversiones en ciencia, tecnología, conocimiento e innovación, no ha estado organizado de manera sistemática en el Estado. Este documento resume ejercicios de... more
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      FuturologyProspective studiesFutures StudyProspectiva
Si les historiens considèrent que l’on ne peut pas faire rejaillir un passé bien enterré, ils sont aussi d’accord pour dire qu’on ne peut anticiper rationnellement l’avenir. L’Histoire n’est pas cyclique et ne se répète pas, elle est... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryFuture StudiesFutures and Options
Unlike US futurologists Herman Kahn and Anthony J. Wiener (1967) who thought that Asian countries couldn’t grow as fast as the US, Canada and the European countries, be they capitalist or communist, O’Neill believed that the time was ripe... more
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      Development EconomicsInfrastructure PlanningComparative Political EconomyFuturology
Resumen. Originalmente, los estudios acerca del porvenir se enfocaban hacia la descripción de una imagen o sucesión de ellas de carácter anticipatorio. Conforme esta idea general evolucionaba y se enriquecía de diversas áreas de la... more
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      FuturologyProspective studiesEstudios del desarrolloLos recuerdos del porvenir
Статья посвящена проектированию политического и социально-экономического развития России исходя из парадигмы стратегии консервативной модернизации - "реставрации будущего", предполагающей восстановление утраченной связи времен и... more
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El gober Sammy de Nuevo Nuevo León actualmente le entra al toro por los cuernos, a saber: escasez de agua, un brote incontrolable de feminicidios, fiscalía aparentemente inútil, medidas anti corrupción contra la mafia del agua, el asunto... more
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      Mexico (Anthropology)Mexican PoliticsContemporary Mexican LiteratureFuturology
Visions of the Future in the Writings of Stanisław Lem (Wizje przyszłości w twórczości ‎Stanisława Lema) Saarbrücken: Lap Lambert Academic Publishing, 2010 - Vol. I Visions of the Future in the Writings of Stanisław Lem (Wizje... more
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      Future StudiesComputer ScienceArtificial IntelligenceScience Fiction
Russia has been preparing for a major war at least since 2003 and for a confrontation with Ukraine, including the capture of Crimea, since 2004, when the ‘Orange Revolution’ started in Kiev. Another contingency plan was drafted for... more
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      Russian StudiesRussian LiteratureSocial SciencesPolitical Science
• Visions of the Future in the Writings of Stanisław Lem (Wizje przyszłości w twórczości ‎Stanisława Lema) Saarbrücken: Lap Lambert Academic Publishing, 2010 - Vol. II Annotated and Cross-Referenced Primary and Secondary Bibliography of... more
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      BibliographyScience FictionFuturologyLemology
VVirgilio Ilari (Ed.). Contributors: Gregory Alegi, Mathias André, Ferdinando Angeletti, Christopher Bassford, Jeremy Black, Mehdi Bouzoumita, Riccardo Cappelli, Viviana Castelli, Paolo Cau, Lucio Ceva, Giuseppe Ciampaglia, Linda Roland... more
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      Military HistoryStrategy (Military Science)FuturismForecasting
Scenarios for the future of renewable energy through 2050 are reviewed to explore how much renewable energy is considered possible or desirable and to inform policy-making. Existing policy targets for 2010 and 2020 are also reviewed for... more
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      Renewable EnergyEnergy PolicyModelingInformation Policy
Questo lavoro parte dall’idea che la nostra individualità, intesa principalmente come libertà, è facilmente modellabile e assoggettabile da parte di un potere incontrastabile quale è quello che pare oggi imporsi. L’esperienza che sta alla... more
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      Artificial IntelligencePhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyGeorge Orwell
"A catastrophic draught event was reported across much of the north of South America during August - December 2005. This resulted in extensive and irreversible damage in parts of the Amazon river network. The 2005 Amazon draught followed... more
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      Environmental EngineeringEnvironmental ScienceAquatic EcologyClimate Change
Resumen. Este documento es una colección de respuestas para las críticas más usuales que los sectores bioconservadores esgrimen contra la filosofía transhumanista. El documento se ha dividido en tres (03) categorías, cada una de las... more
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      BibliographyScience FictionStanislaw LemFuturology
Leros Press 2002
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      Science FictionFuturologyLemology
Fraction of the timeline that is yet to occur is known as future. Educational strategists have largely emphasized upon the use of statistical techniques. They can learn extensively from the futurologists and the study of future in terms... more
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      Future StudiesFuturology
El libro reúne una serie de estudios que abordan la conexión entre las Humanidades y la problemática de la temporalidad, en particular del futuro. Los textos se presentan organizados en cuatro grandes partes. La primera –“Futuros del... more
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      Utopian StudiesFuturologyUtopiaUtopia/dystopia
Numerous estimates for the date of the first interstellar mission have been made in the existing literature. However, these estimates are not based on existing elaborate scenarios from other domains, which project the next 100-300 years.... more
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      Scenario Based PlanningScenario planningForecasting and Prediction ToolsFuturology
В настоящей статье рассматриваются различия и сходства идейного развития Станислава Лема и Олдоса Хаксли. Целью работы является обрисовать ведущие идейные и идеологические тенденции в творчестве двух писателей и попытаться провести их... more
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      PhilosophyTechnologyAldous HuxleyPacifism
Before modern era, religion became more dominant in daily life of human being because religion institution is the sole authority to dicide either religion aspect or scientific one. But in modern era, especially after some inventions of... more
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      AlgebraChemistryEconomicsInstructional Design
Najistaknutiji aspekt razvoja sadašnje generacije skriven je u percepciji slike globalne budućnosti. Brojne sociološke studije bavile su se analizama predviđanja pozitivnih i negativnih scenarija budućnosti s različitih aspekata... more
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      CreativityHigher EducationQualitative methodologyCurriculum Development
(Post-apocalypses, Imperial Dreams, and Neutrotopies. Visions of Hungary’s Future in Contemporary Science-Fiction Short Stories) There have been umpteen endeavours to define science fiction. Similarly, a number of slogans... more
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      MarxismScience FictionHungarian StudiesContemporary Literature
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryModern HistoryMedieval History
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      Information TechnologyHuman EvolutionPhilosophy of TechnologyMedia Studies
Diese Publikation erscheint anlässlich der Ausstellung DIE ZUKUNFT FOTOGRAFIEREN NCCA, Moskau, 8. Februar bis 10. März 2013 Arsenal Kreml, Nishnij Nowgorod, 16. bis 31. März 2013 Museum Erarta, St. Petersburg 8. bis 27. Juni 2013... more
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      Contemporary ArtFuturologyContemporary Photography
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      Science FictionStanislaw LemFuturology
Resumen. La Cuarta Revolución Industrial y las tecnologías que la caracterizan ofrecen nuevas posibilidades y estrategias de desarrollo social y humano. El Transhumanismo es una filosofía derivada de dicha disrupción tecnológica que... more
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      SociologyUtopianismFuturologyH. G. Wells
Στοὺς Ἀρχαίους Χρόνους ἡ δημοκρατία κατέληγε σὲ χειροκρατία· κατὰ τὴ Σύγχρονη Περίοδο ὅμως καταλήγει σὲ ὁλοκληρωτισμό. Παράδειγμα οἱονεὶ πρόχειρο συνιστᾶ τὸ σοβιετικὸ σύνταγμα τοῦ 1936: Ὑπῆρξε τὸ περισσότερο φιλελεύθερο, τὸ πιὸ... more
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      FuturologyE. M. Forster Studies
In the proposed interpretation, Lem’s The Mask is a story of a pursuit of a coherent identity. On one hand, this aspiration is realised through attempts to isolate the “proper” body of the Mask from the prosthetic, one’s “own” history... more
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An Analysis Of Francis Schaeffer's "The Church At The End Of The 20th Century"
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      Future StudiesSystematic TheologyEschatology and ApocalypticismFuturism
Resumen. El siguiente artículo propone la idea de que el transhumanismo no solo es un movimiento inspirado en la ilustración, sino que en su seno puede identificarse una corriente que actualiza los valores ilustrados para la Cuarta... more
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      PhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyPhilosophy of ScienceCyborg Theory
Partindo do livro Retromania, do crítico musical Simon Reynolds, pretendemos estender o conceito homônimo elaborado pelo autor para a cultura pop em geral. O atual acesso a praticamente toda a memória da cultura de massa estaria causando... more
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      AlgorithmsPopular CultureDigital MediaPop Culture