Recent papers in Futurism
This book investigates some relations between the movement of italian futurism and contemporary trends.
Deutung und Bewertung des Rilkeschen Lebenswerkes, insbesondere seiner »Duineser Elegien«, sind nach wie vor durch eine erstaunliche Unsicherheit gekennzeichnet. Dies erklärt sich wohl vor allem aus der weitgehenden Vernachlässigung... more
Przysługujący widmom wywrotowy, niemalże rewolucyjny potencjał został odsunięty oraz zagubiony poprzez pozbycie się tej kontrowersyjnej kategorii z terytorium metafizyki i zbyt pośpieszne odesłanie jej do przestrzeni badań nad literaturą,... more
The storytelling of Futurists in Venice Biennale, topic of the first exhibition organized for the 52 Art Biennial after the renovation of Palazzo Giustinian. La storia del Futurismo alla Biennale di Venezia non è mai stata scritta.... more
Nel saggio si precisa, attraverso l’esame di dati filologici finora inediti o poco considerati, l’evoluzione dell’opera di Balla tra la fine del 1912 e del 1913. Si tratta del periodo più cruciale per l’evoluzione del Futurismo... more
Neo-Modernismos-o artista-engenheiro no século XXI-Helena Barbas A 20 de Fevereiro de 1909, Marinetti 1 lançava o seu «Manifesto do Futurismo» publicado no jornal Le Fígaro em Paris, onde refere no ponto 4: 4. Afirmamos que a... more
In 2013, I proposed using drones to extinguish future forest fires. Admittedly, both the idea and the technology were crude, and proposing an idea like this is not the same as implementing a solution. During the first few minutes, between... more
In his 2006 novel Against the Day, set around the turn of the twentieth century, Thomas Pynchon renegotiates his relationship with modernism. His juxtaposition of postmodernism and modernism conforms to Timothy Vermeulen and Robin van den... more
Theurgy of the Word: On the Early Avant-garde Manifesto and Notions of Magic in Russian Futurism and Symbolism The publication of Filippo Tommaso Marinetti’s founding manifesto of Italian Futurism in 1909 marked the beginning of an... more
short suggestions from the College of Mental Health Counselling www.empathyforu.com
Lecture at the University of Colorado at Boulder: Architect’s roles and profiles will need to change in order to meet the changing nature of our society, the technologies driving it and the expectations of our clients. Professor Peter... more
Bir sanat tarihi arastirmasi olan ve sanat egitimine katki saglamayi amaclayan bu makalede, Futurizm sanat akimina ve bu akimin olusumunda fotografin onemine yonelik bir degerlendirme yapilmistir. Futurizm, 1909 yilinda Marinetti... more
In every good science fiction story there's a new, or limitless, source of energy. How would our economy adapt to that? What would the world look like?
Following the death of 17-year-old Leelah Alcorn, a transgender teen who committed suicide after forced “conversion therapy,” President Barack Obama called for a nationwide ban on psychotherapy aimed at changing sexual orientation or... more
Una de las características fundamentales del futurismo fue la recuperación de los componentes acústicos de la palabra. A finales del XIX, artistas como Morgensten y Scheerbart realizaron poemas fonéticos que pretendían reivindicar la... more
Biblioteca Labronica “F. D. Guerrazzi” - Villa Fabbricotti 13 aprile – 9 giugno 2019
Mostra e catalogo a cura di Veronica Carpita
In catalogo un testo di Matteo D'Ambrosio
Biblioteca Labronica “F. D. Guerrazzi” - Villa Fabbricotti 13 aprile – 9 giugno 2019
Mostra e catalogo a cura di Veronica Carpita
In catalogo un testo di Matteo D'Ambrosio
Library 2.015 World Virtual Conference presentation on how to stay up to date with emerging technologies and skills to apply to become a technology futurist.
Saggio pubblicato in “RSI- Rivista di Studi Italiani”, (Peer- reviewed), Anno XXVII, N. 1 Giugno 2009 Perugia, "Futurismo come attualità e divenire" a cura di Ignazio Apolloni e Nino Arrigo. ISSN 1916-5412 Rivista di Studi Italiani... more
Dans sa révolution poétique, le germe de la poésie performative contemporaine Marinetti aurait emprunté le mot « futurisme » au poète Gabriel Alomar qui en 1904 à Barcelone a donné une conférence sous le titre de FI Futurisme. Couverture... more
In recent decades, the consideration of Māori law in Aotearoa New Zealand state law has taken on a new momentum. Law schools are improving their teaching of tikanga and Māori law in compulsory and specialist law papers. The judiciary more... more
Futurism was one of the so-called historical avant-garde movements. It was founded in 1909 by the Italian poet Filippo Tommaso Marinetti (1876-1944) and ended, in practice, with his death in 1944. Futurism aimed to accomplish an... more
This paper is devoted to the radical cubo-futuristic prose poem “Lyudi v peyza- zhe” (“People in the landscape”), written by Benedikt Livshits in 1911. Some time ago M.L. Gasparov proposed an immanent analysis of this text: in my work I... more
La Cuarta Revolución Industrial promete grandes cambios sociales. Tal cual indica Klaus Schwab, esta revolución tecnológica alterará por completo los productos que elaboramos, cómo los elaboramos, cómo interactuamos y, sobre todo, quiénes... more
Qual è stato l'atteggiamento della stampa del tempo fascista nei riguardi della danza teatrale? Quali i discorsi, le istanze e l'immaginario che, sull'argomento, emergono dalle colonne di quotidiani e periodici? Il volume affronta simili... more
Creative writing, creative projects, and projects involving creativity incorporate high personal investment from students. The work generated from this input can be used as a “springboard” to deepen general learning. When conducted in... more
Seminário Internacional "O Dilema de Boccioni: em busca de sua obra escultórica"/International Conference "Boccioni’s Dilemma: In Search of his Sculptural Oeuvre". September 27 and 28, 2018 Auditório Museu de Arte Contemporânea da USP,... more
This article is focused on Velimir Xlebnikov’s post-revolutionary poem Tyrant Without a T, which was written in Iran, and stemmed from the Futurist’s engagement with Iranian culture. The author focuses on the relationship between... more
Becoming commercially available in the mid 1960s, video quickly became integral to the intense experimentalism of New York City's music and art scenes. The medium was able to record image and sound at the same time, which allowed... more
COVID-19 is a global pandemic (Jaihah) that brings hardships (Haraj). This has affected all aspects of our life. The United Nations Development Programme reported that uncertainties due to this global pandemic are manifold. Under a... more
An exploration of the rhizomatic character of Indigenous Futurism. I attend here to an examination of two forms of aesthetic technique in the visual medium: "imbrication," refashioned from the historian Coll Thrust, and "adornment,"... more
Con la presunzione e l’ignoranza dell’osservatore che cerca figure note ed intellegibili, ho cercato il ciclista, ho cercato una bicicletta... poi mi sono chiesto se era quello il modo giusto di osservare il quadro o se, piuttosto, non mi... more
Is sex work (specifically, prostitution) vulnerable to technological unemployment? Several authors have argued that it is. They claim that the advent of sophisticated sexual robots will lead to the displacement of human prostitutes, just... more
Click the file to see the Table of Contents and Preface.
In occasione dell’uscita del libro "Con D’Annunzio a Fiume", di Mario Carli, edito da Giubilei Regnani all’interno della collana “Città di Vita” diretta da Alessandro Gnocchi e Giordano Bruno Guerri, Andrea D'Ottavi intervista il curatore... more
This is the inaugural publication from the New Media Consortium's Horizon Project. It resulted from the work of an advisory board of educational technologists, visionaries and others who worked to look ahead at emerging technologies for... more
Art and war have gone hand in hand since the concept of war. From photographers to painters, writers, and scribes, documentation of war has been prevalent throughout time. Whether it be prefacing or recapping, literature has played an... more