Future of higher education
Recent papers in Future of higher education
Abstract: The argument I will develop in this essay is that the foreign students are a latent human resource who can assist with overcoming English monolingualism in the Australian population. Foreign students, properly rewarded, can be a... more
In this Science-Fiction Prototyping article, I present an imaginative forward look at how artificial intelligence and virtual environments might change the nature of future education. The discussion is intended to be a somewhat... more
Este libro quiere ser un homenaje al profesor Miguel Ángel Zabalza Beraza (1949), un pedagogo y psicólogo, que acaba de terminar su ciclo de profesor en la Universidad de Santiago. Es un experto en Didáctica y ha sido una persona que ha... more
This is the fourth thematic report for the Inquiry into the Future of Lifelong Learning. It discusses the new science of well-being and reviews evidence of links with lifelong learning, before going on to explore the implications for... more
Within a world-system characterized by processes and dynamics whose interconnections and interdependencies increase exponentially each day, we are passing through an extremely delicate and complex phase of global mutation. What we are... more
""This report has the following structure. First, in chapter 1 and 2, the background and demarcation of the study is discussed. Subsequently, chapter 3 provides an overview of quality systems in the different countries. Then, chapter 4... more
A reference work for specialists in student counselling and for those who employ counsellors in mental health services. It provides an analysis of research in this area and provides useful information on the extent and severity of student... more
Universities play an important role in shaping the future of the world society in terms of sustainable development by generating new knowledge as well as contributing to the development of appropriate competencies and raising... more
Questa ricerca nasce dall'impegno di Cesvot per l'ag gior namento e la formazione dei volontari e delle loro associazioni. Il Centro Servizio Volontariato Toscana ha voluto cogliere e concretizzare, soprattutto in un momento come... more
This report is the second part of a series by the Future of Higher Education Research Centre at Budapest Business School. It addresses the changes and drivers related to the challenge of flexible learning in HE. It starts with a short... more
The 11th Edition of the Conference, on 1-2 July 2021, brings together teachers, researchers, practitioners and project managers from all over the world to share findings, expertise and experience about innovative teaching and learning... more
Recent higher education (HE) trends, including broader accessibility, privatization, increased demands for accountability, and technological implementation, have largely neglected consideration of human diversity, including the individual... more
What are the goals of education, and how should they be interpreted in our time? The challenges posed by the emergence of technologies like Artificial Intelligence demand a renewed reflection on the nature and scope of the educational... more
In the first 15 years of the twenty-first century, the evolution of higher education in Europe was both predictable and special. The period of massification and globalisation, fuelled by the prevailing narratives that the knowledge... more
Missouri Baptist University is at a unique moment in her history. Founded by Missouri Baptists during a post-World War II evangelical resurgence in Christian higher education, MBU is committed to engaging culture and society with the... more
The Future of Higher Education Research Centre at Budapest Business School started a Horizon Scanning Report Series which aims to find answers to the question ‘What trends can be identified affecting the future of higher education (HE)... more
The use of digital media technology in teaching and learning is increasingly getting diverse both in terms of the available technology solutions and the pedagogical approaches for various teaching & learning contexts. On one hand, this... more
Recently there has been tremendous interest in “makerspace” and its potential in libraries: from middle school and public libraries to academic and special libraries, the topic seems very much top of mind. A number of libraries across... more
This chapter deliberates about how we can re-think education in the face of growing displacement of workers due to technology. The possibility of a future in which automation causes joblessness challenges the existing standard operating... more
La globalización y su impacto en la Educación Superior (ES), entendido como internacionalización, presentan varias incógnitas de carácter histórico, político y social. Por un lado, esbozamos cómo puede esta internacionalización... more
تحاول المحاضرة استشراف ملامح مستقبل التعليم العالي في العالم العربي في سياق تحولا فارقة ولدتها المتغيرات الخاصة بالتدفق المعلوماتي والمعرفي الغير مسبوق، تداعيات جائحة كورونا وتنشيط التعليم الرقمي والتعليم عن بعد، قيمد الحرم الجامعي بين... more
This research was collected and presented by DePaul students Rebecca Guthrie, Michael Guzy and Michael Mulligan in a speech at a Pi Sigma Alpha Conference hosted by DePaul University on January 21, 2017.
Universities have traditionally been key players in producing and validating new scientific knowledge, but other actors have also become major research performers. Meanwhile, the notion of research has been extended considerably, and the... more
The objective of this paper is to discuss challenges of implementing a Project Based Learning (PBL) approach at three selected schools in one of the northern states in Malaysia. For this purpose, semi-structured interviewing and... more
Talk given to Annual Conference of the BPS Division of Occupational Psychology, January 2012
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Hurled into hypercomplexity, we are facing a complex process of anthropological transformation, of a shift in paradigms, models and codes, other than an irreversible synthesis of new value systems and criteria for judgment. Our... more
Leoron Institute, Dubai, conducts a personal interview with Dr Morne Mostert. In addition to personal details, views are expressed on the future of executive education. the current flux is recognised as 'not yet the new normal'.
2009: Hugmyndagrunnur fyrir Hugmyndahús háskólanna (The Universities House of Ideas) / Hugmyndar að sjálfbærnimiðstöð á vegum Öldu, félags um sjálfbærni og lýðræði (Guðni Karl Harðarson var verkefnisstjóri f.h. Öldu).
Universities are long-established organisations, and although they have reinvented themselves several times, major reforms are needed again, underpinned by systematic prospective analyses. A novel method is needed to take into account the... more
The landscape of post-secondary education is changing with the emergence of new credentials that are engaging millions of learners. So-called “alternative credentials” – such as micro-credentials, digital badges and industry-recognised... more
Throughout 2018/2019, The Futures Lab, Inc. (TFL) was commissioned to undertake a comprehensive foresight study on the potential futures for universities in Norway. For the most part, the project followed the full, TFL comprehensive... more
COVID 19 and Education of Bangladesh
A paper by Blumberg and Pontiggia is a relevant addition to this story. Under a benchmarking perspective, the paper lists objective elements that might be collected to attest learner -centeredness of a course, educational program or... more
This report presents a road map to 2015 on the future of work-and-learning in the Autonomous Province of Trent, Italy, a.k.a. Trentino. It begins with a brief review of the course literature, followed by a section on past and current... more