Future Media
Recent papers in Future Media
"It is important to establish the “Proto-dynamo” as concept that represents an entirely new paradigm of economic infrastructure. The concept alludes to the “dynamo” which is a machine that uses opposing magnetic forces to efficiently... more
Last year, at this conference, I discussed how distinctions between nature and culture, and humans and animals, can arise from the technical processes of food production (see "Food as an object of cultural technical study "). Drawing on... more
Technology plays an ever increasing role in our lives, more so now than ever in human history. With advances in the fields of biology, neuroscience, robotics and engineering, we stand on the precipice of great and exciting change... more
Written whilst a Research Fellow at ResCen, Centre for Creation Processes in the Performing Arts, Middlesex University, London, Autumn 2000 This paper was written 10 years into my work on virtual presence, just after directing 2... more
There is a call in industry and research for objective evaluation of player experience in games. With recent technological advancements, it is possible to automatically log numerical information on in-game player behavior and put this... more
Keynote on the Future of Space Exploration, broadcast live to 108 cities around the world. Amsterdam, May 30, 2011.
Instructional design follows the advancement of technology but lags behind with a phase difference. Gutenberg’s mechanics in printing made the libraries integral part of school settings. Nowadays computers and mobile phones occupied the... more
Buhalis, D., 2000, Marketing the competitive destination of the future, Tourism Management, Vol.21(1), pp.97-116. [
AI plays a crucial role in the global cultural ecosystem. It recommends what we should see, listen to, read, and buy. It determines how many people will see our shared content. It helps us make aesthetic decisions when we create media. In... more
Alternative Journalism is the first book to investigate and analyse the diverse forms and genres of journalism that have arisen as challenges to mainstream news coverage. From the radical content of emancipatory media to the dizzying... more
Video games are increasingly becoming an important media today, despite the light connota-tion of its initial categorization. Today they are an industry that produces billions of dollars and employs engineers and artists alike in an art... more
When art is a form of behaviour,. software predominates over hardware in the creative sphere. Process replaces product in importance, just as system supersedes structure.
Creativity and imagination are the most important ingredients for coping with post-normal times, according to Sardar.This paper looks at the way creativity itself is being transformed in the West, from the individualistic/atomistic view... more
This article aims to reassemble a feminist genealogy of the posthuman in the arts, with a specific focus on the visual works conceived by female artists after the rise of what has been retrospectively defined as first-wave Feminism.... more
Many of today's digital document formats are strongly based on a digital emulation of printed media. While such a paper simulation might be appropriate for the visualisation of certain digital content, it is generally not the most... more
The question of how and why people adopt technologies is an area that has received great scrutiny, but less attention is given to those who willingly choose to avoid particular technologies. This article considers current models of... more
This essay considers adolescent sexting from a media ecology standpoint, suggesting that in addition to the technologizing of sexuality one must also begin to consider the sexualizing of technological systems.
A sociedade do século XXI produz, armazena e processa um número cada vez maior de dados digitais diariamente. Esses dados são oriundos de objetos, mídias sociais, sensores, smartphones e do próprio corpo humano. Essa variedade, volume e... more
Selalu menarik ketika kita memandang sesuatu dari sudut pandang filsafat, tak terkecuali dalam melihat masa depan teknologi tekomunikasi. Filsafat dalam hal ini dapat digunakan sebagai refleksi atas ilmu teknologi komunikasi, sehingga... more
The origin of video games lies in early cathode ray tube-based missile defense systems in the late 1940s. These programs were later adapted into other simple games during the 1950s. By the late 1950s and through the 1960s, more computer... more
A tie between cyber journalists and bio-journalists has already occurred. – Three threats to journalism. – News story on earthquake and tectonic shifts. – Generative journalism. – Two arguments about “robots’ incapability”. – Road map for... more
While it has always been hard to do, establishing a clear difference between mainstream media and alternative media has grown even more difficult within the past twenty years. With the emergence of such efforts as open publishing,... more
Nobel laureate Niko Tinbergen coined the term ‘supernormal stimulus’ after discovering that birds who lay small, pale blue eggs speckled with grey prefer to sit on larger, bright blue eggs with black polka-dots. He found that he could... more
This collection of essays engages the ways in which anthropological understandings of Indigenous media can be expanded and reimagined through a focus on futurity. Throughout, the contributors pose two distinct yet interconnected... more
This essay advocates for a significant reorientation and reconceptualization of communication studies in order to accommodate the opportunities and challenges introduced by increasingly intelligent machines, autonomous decision making... more
The shutdown of two of the oldest Canadian newspapers on the last Friday of January, 2016, was accompanied by mystical coincidences. Not only were the newspapers closed on the same day, but they also illustrated their last front pages in... more
"The exponential increase in computing power has allowed for interaction in imaginary places – utopian spaces – and the endless re-configuration of those places. There are then good reasons to make links between the realm of the virtual... more
Advertising is experiencing a huge disruption to every aspect of the industry. The revolution is certainly creating considerable concern among those comfortable with traditional industry structures and approaches. Yet this shift will open... more
This article considers the ethics of sexual telepresence by tracing the history of mechanical and digital sex and exploring the possibilities facilitated by current and emerging technology. My aim is to consider how people have used... more
The article develops Marshall McLuhan's approach to the interplay between media, the sensorium, and reality. McLuhan's concepts of " acoustic space " and " visual space " are unfolded with regard to the consequences that digital media... more
Without doubt, the desire to communicate is intrinsic to the human condition. As interpersonal communication is inevitably noisy, ambiguous, volatile, and often unsuccessful, the history of media can be seen as what De Vries dubs a... more
Mit Texten von: Rasheed Araeen, Lisa Anne Auerbach, Jens Badura, Dirk Baecker, Christoph Behnke, Timon Beyes, Tobia Bezzola, Alain Bieber, Jacob Birken, Nicolas Bourriaud, Bazon Brock, Christoph Brunner, Judith Butler, Carolyn... more
As medical technology continues to progress, we are able to correct deficiencies in the body through means such as cochlear implants and prosthetic limbs. This has led some scholars to argue that we are creating technologized, cyborg... more
The inception of storytelling can be found right from the existence of Homo sapiens (Humans). Humans used the method of storytelling to preserve their stories, history and cultural traditions of their ancestors primarily in an oral... more
This will be an invitation to adventurous readers who seek new creative, hopeful and speculative modes of understanding and intervening in a world of crisis. Written by Yoko Akama, Sarah Pink and Shanti... more
Predictions and forecasts around the future of digital media are usually presented as ‘innocent’ and unbiased. In contrast, "New Media and the Imagination of the Future" aims to examine predictions on digital media as cultural constructs... more
El libro ha sido considerado a lo largo de la historia como el contenedor cultural por excelencia, como el medio del conocimiento y discurso humanos. Estos fenómenos lo han convertido en un objeto estético simbólico. La revolución... more
From 2012 until today, I have given several seminars on metadesign, strategic design and collaborative design in Brazil (Unisinos), Mexico (Universidad Iberoamericana and Tecnológico de Monterrey), Italy (Università di Bologna), Guatemala... more