The category of the future played a central role in practical and operational terms within the construction of the Star Wars brand universe. In this world the future is configured as the interstitial terrain in which the dimension of the... more
Tekst był publikowany w: "Kwartalnik Filmowy" 2007, nr 60, s. 61-82.
La crisis en el modelo de producción cinematográfica, con su cambio de paradigma hacia el cine digital, parece implicar también una revolución estética. En la presente investigación cuantitativa se indaga sobre la interrelación entre... more
Pertaining to my research about the future cinema, especially the change of the visual dramaturgy in context of 'new' technologies like 3D, full dome, VR, HFR and so on, I will outline the importance of visual narration. Full dome by its... more
In contemporary culture questions of authorship keep recurring. The music industry has for a long time been battling the ubiquity of authorship and using techniques of sampling and re-mixing. New media has accelerated the effect and the... more
Fragmento del libro, Cine (y) digital. Aproximaciones a posibles convergencias entre el cinematógrafo y el computador, Editorial Manantial, Buenos Aires, 2008.
An introductory speculation, Ways of Being: The Spectator and the Spectacle is a consideration of the epistemological, ontological and metaphysical downfalls of film theory’s understandings of the spectator and the spectacle; with... more