Funnel Beaker Culture
Recent papers in Funnel Beaker Culture
It is a well‐known and geographically widespread problem in archaeozoology that the discrimination between remains of domesticated animals and their wild ancestors is not always possible. Due to an overlap in size as well as other... more
De senere års stærkt øgede interesse for detektorbrug blandt danske amatørarkæologer har ført til en kraftig forøgelse i indleveringen af danefæ i form af metalgenstande. Ofte når historier om spændende skattefund fra middelalderen og de... more
Between August 2014 and July 2017, the Konrad Jażdżewski Foundation of Archaeological Research conducted a series of aerial surveys, which aimed to re-examine the location of the Kuyavian long barrows, known from archival sources. Over a... more
In 2015 werd in Oosterdalfsen een bijzonder grafveld opgegraven. Dit artikel bevat een overzicht van de eerste resultaten. Er kwamen 137 graven uit de trechterbekerperiode tevoorschijn in combinatie met de ligging van een aarden monument,... more
The research on cemeteries with unchambered tombs of the Funnel Beaker Culture has a long tradition in south-eastern Poland. Within the course of the twentieth century, these necropolises were recorded in the areas of Sandomierz, Lublin... more
Although Jan Kowalczyk’s work on the Funnel Beaker culture (TRB) did not particularly refer to western Lesser Poland, many of his general and detailed reflections on Neolithic archaeology can be utilized to better characterise this... more
Niniejszy, szósty tom serii "Studia i materiały do badań nad późnym neolitem Wysoczyzny Kujawskiej", prezentuje wyniki szerokoprzestrzennych ratowniczych badań wykopalisko-wych, jakie w latach 2008 i 2009 przeprowadzono na stanowisku... more
The following upload is the first 38 pages of a catalogue covering Neolithic finds from a 640 sq. km large area of central East Jutland, Denmark. The catalogue is 870 pages long, and at the end of the upload, you will find a link through... more
In recent years Neolithic enclosures have been excavated at Kignaesbakken and Torøgelgårdsvej on each side of Roskilde Fjord in Zealand, Denmark. At both sites monumental palisade constructions with several rows of palisade fences have... more
The Neolithic settlement and land use history in northwestern Germany is subject to detailed archaeological and palynological investigations that are carried out within the framework of the DFG priority program “Early Monumentality... more
Central questions in the classical debate on the neolithisation of Denmark and Scania are re-formulated and tested. A transitional stage between the Ertebølle and the Funnel Beaker Cultures is outlined. Consideration is also given to... more
In: F. Koch-Heinrichs (Hrsg.), Das Ende der Steinzeit. Die ersten Bauern in der Oberlausitz. Begleitband zur Ausstellung „Das Ende der Steinzeit. Die ersten Bauern in der Oberlausitz“ vom 08.02.2020 bis 10.01.2021, Museum der Westlausitz... more
The discussion on the mutual relations of various elements within the Funnel Beaker culture has been on for almost half a century now. It currently involves the third generation of researchers, and it is quite likely that the next... more
KulturanálevKovitýchpohárů v severočesKémpolabí (ca40.-33.stoletípř.Kr.) milanZápotocký 1. Česká skupinA kultury nálevkovitých pohárů (knp) A její teritoriální rozdělení; úkol práce 1 Kultura nálevkovitých pohárů (KNP) představuje... more
Denkmäler der Schnurkeramik (ca. 2800–2500 vor Chr.) in Vliněves gehören wie in der Menge, so in der Qualität zu den bedeutendsten Komplexen dieser Kultur in Böhmen. Noch dazu beschränken sich diese nicht nur auf die üblichen... more
The peoples of the Stroked Pottery-Lengyel-Tisza area took part in the formation of west Indo-European Funnel Beaker and east Indo-European Balkan-Carpathian metallurgical province
As one of the dominant objects of the Early and Middle Neolithic in northern-middle Europe, megalithic monuments are one important part of archaeological research asking for corporate structures and social developments. The analysis of... more
In 2015 at Dalfsen (the Netherlands) archaeologists made an amazing discovery. They found a burial ground dating from the TRB-period (3000-2750 BC) comprising 141 burial pits. The TRB is dated in the last phase of the Middle Neolithic... more
The Corded Ware Culture (c. 2900–2300 BC) is found in a large area, from Russia to the Netherlands and from Scandinavia to Switzerland. Supra-regional elements include beakers decorated with cord and/or spatula imprints, battle-axes, and... more
Based on reconstruction of the spatial context of causewayed enclosures and long barrows of the Proto-and Early Eneolithic period, we attempt to model the phenomenon of the ritual landscape in Central and North Bohemia. Discussing the... more
ÚSTAV ARCHEOLOGICKÉ PAMÁTKOVÉ PÉČE BRNO, V.V.I. PRAVĚK SUPPLEMENTUM 33 MIROSLAV ŠMíd nálevkovité poháry na Moravě S příspěvkem Martiny roblíčkové BRNO 2017 Vydání této publikace bylo financováno Jihomoravským krajem. Rediguje Andrea... more
This is a paper written for and published by the SABA International Student Conference in Bamberg 2016. It deals with the earliest emergence of wheels in Neolithic Central Europe and the Early Bronze Age in the northern Pontic areas... more
In my PhD thesis I aim to bridge the gap between the site-oriented reports and the general supra-regional discussions of the Mesolithic-Neolithic transition through a systematic description of the material remains from the sites of the... more
In Windehausen konnte ein rechteckiges Grubenhaus aus dem Spätneolithikum mit einer Grundfläche von etwa 7 Quadratmetern dokumentiert werden. Das daraus stammende keramische Fundmaterial ist unverziert, es kommen doppelkonische... more
Short description of the causewayed enclosures, large monuments built of earth and wood, from the middle of the 5th and to the late 4th millennium BC. Based on the results of excavations at the site of Sarup in Denmark, it is suggested... more
M. Dębiec, T. Saile (eds) 2020. Studia archaeologica Andreae Pelisiak vitae anno sexagesimo quinto oblata. Rzeszów 2020.
The volume presents the Master thesis of Stefan Klatt (Neolithicenclosures) and Jana Vogt (Neolithic site Brunn 17, district Mecklenburg-Strelitz).
1641 Publisher WYDAWNICTWO UNIWERSYTETU RZESZOWSKIEGO 35-959 Rzeszów, ul. prof. S. Pigonia 6, tel. 17 872 13 69, tel./faks 17 872 14 26
This dataset comprises the core spatial and temporal structure of the 'Lifestyle as an Unintentional Identity in the Neolithic' project. The data consist of spatial and chronological information on 2,154 Neolithic settlement sites from c.... more