Functional Morphology
Recent papers in Functional Morphology
Howler monkeys (genus Alouatta) display a distinctive cranial architecture characterized by airorhynchy (or retroflexion of the facial skeleton on the cranial base), a small braincase, and a posteriorly oriented foramen magnum. This... more
Abstract Sauropod dinosaurs were the largest terrestrial herbivores and pushed at the limits of vertebrate biomechanics and physiology. Sauropods exhibit high craniodental diversity in ecosystems where numerous species coexisted, leading... more
The feeding mechanism of gars (Ginglymodi : Lepisosteidae) is characterized by cranial elevation and lower jaw rotation but minimal cranial kinesis. Gar jaws have numerous, sharply pointed, elongate teeth for capture of evasive prey.... more
Flower visiting beetles possess numerous structural adaptations of their mouthparts to adhere and ingest pollen grains. Using a Cryo-SEM approach the examination of the mouthparts in rapidly frozen Cetonia aurata (Scarabaeidae) indicates... more
The anatomy of the New Zealand tuatara has been examined extensively by anatomists and palaeontologists because it represents the only living member of the Rhynchocephalia, a group of reptiles that were successful during the time of the... more
This article reviews the fundamental principles of the finite element method and the three basic steps (model creation, solution, and validation and interpretation) involved in using it to examine structural mechanics. Validation is a... more
The chuckwalla, Sauromalus obesus, avoids predation by wedging itself in a rock crevice and inflating its lungs beyond their normal inspiratory volume. Buccal and pulmonary pressures were recorded in S. obesus during defensive inflation... more
Written for non-specialists, this detailed survey of dinosaur origins, diversity, and extinction is designed as a series of successive essays covering important and timely topics in dinosaur paleobiology, such as "warm-bloodedness," birds... more
English: The current study focuses on the grammatical category of person inherent to personal pronouns in Russian and Bulgarian. Even though some Bulgarian parts of speech (mostly verbs, for example) have significant differences in... more
Representatives of Dermaptera probably have the most unusual hind wing venation and folding pattern among insects. Both correlate with unusual wing folding mechanics, in which folding is achieved from within the wing and unfolding is done... more
The book contains the original description of Standard Russian phonetics, phonology and formal morphology by Ľ. Ďurovič, slightly extended and updated to contemporary codification. To appear at Karolinum, Prague.
Extinction risk varies across species and is influenced by key ecological parameters, such as diet specialization. For predictive conservation science to be effective, we need to understand extinction risk factors that may have implicated... more
The more than 4,000 living species of mammal have infiltrated almost every habitat in the world. From alpine mountaintops to plains grasslands, from aerial heights to the depths of the ocean, from slender forest branches to narrow... more
. The biology and functional morphology of Arca noae (Bivalvia: Arcidae) from the Adriatic Sea, Croatia, with a discussion on the evolution of the bivalve mantle margin. -Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 89 : 19-28 In the Croatian Adriatic,... more
Detailed descriptions of tongue morphology of members of Squamata that refer to functional implications other than food processing are rare. Herein we focus on the morphology of the dorsal epithelium and internal structure of the tongue... more
11 th International Conference on Natural Language Processing (NLP 2022) is a programmed approach to analyze text that is based on both a set of theories and a set of technologies. This forum aims to bring together researchers who have... more
This book is a text directed to those individuals interested in the function and evolution of mammalian teeth, with a special emphasis on factors involved in food selection particularly among the varying primates species. The purpose of... more
Having a multifaceted complex structure, language is a combination of a pile of mental states or thoughts which are transferred by means of shared rules or principles created on the grounds of phonology, morphology, and semantics.... more
En este trabajo presento una aproximación a los procesos de formación de palabras nominales en mehinaku, una lengua indígena de la familia lingüística arawak, hablada en el Parque Indígena del Xingu, estado de Mato Grosso, Brasil.
Bu makale kısaca Türkçe'de görevi olan, ancak fonetik yapıya sahip olmayan boş morfemleri (/-Ø/) ve onların cümle içindeki görev ve özelliklerini ele almaktadır. Makalenin kaleme alış nedeni, şimdiye kadar bu konuda ayrı bir çalışma... more
Despite previous investigations, the function of the forked morphology of asaphid trilobite hypostomes is enigmatic. The focus of this study is the large and robust forked hypostome of the largest known genus of trilobite, Isotelus, and... more
The illaenid trilobite Vysocania is widely represented in the Upper Ordovician of the Czech Republic, Portugal and Spain, and is one of the most characteristic taxa in the high-latitude peri-Gondwana palaeobiogeographical region to which... more
Exceptionally preserved fossils from the Palaeozoic era provide crucial insights into arthropod evolution, with recent discoveries bringing phylogeny and character homology into sharp focus. Integral to such studies are anomalocaridids, a... more
The systematic affinities of several Palaeozoic skeletal taxa were only resolved when their soft-tissue morphology was revealed by the discovery of exceptionally preserved specimens. The conodonts provide a classic example, their... more
External morphology (eidonomy) of marine creatures, developed by the evolution process over the course of millions of years, plays a crucial role in their locomotion and swimming performance. In this paper, hydrodynamic impacts of the... more
FORMS BUILD WITH CONSECUTIVE DOUBLE PRIVATIVE MARKERS IN TURKISH: EXAMPLES FROM THE TURKISH NATIONAL CORPUS (TNC) ABSTRACT Privative marker for verbs in Turkish is the suffix /-mA/. One of the basic rules in Turkish morphology is... more
The article discusses some of the terms that are in the basis of A. V. Bondarko’s functional grammar theory. Additionally, a presentation is made of the properties of categorical meanings in the language system and of non-categorical... more
The notorious jaws of the white shark Carcharodon carcharias are widely feared, yet poorly understood. Neither its bite force, nor how such force might be delivered using relatively elastic cartilaginous jaws, have been quantified or... more
In this paper, inspired by the external morphology of a manta ray (Mobula alfredi), four chimerical wing planforms are designed to assess its gliding performance. The planforms possess an arbitrary combination of extra hydrodynamic... more
Bornean orangutan mandibular morphology has been functionally linked to the exploitation of hard and tough foods, based on evidence that Pongo pygmaeus wurmbii spends a greater percentage of time feeding on bark, seeds and vegetation... more
In this paper, Lagrangian coherent structure (LCS) concept is applied to wake flows generated in the up/down-stream of a swimming nematode C. elegans in an intermediate Re number range, i.e., 250-1200. It materializes Lagrangian hidden... more