In this article, we give an explicit solution to the nonstandard H" problem which includes the Optimal Robust Disturbance Attenuation Problem (ORDAP) and the Two-Disc Problem. Our solution depends on an interplay between function theory,... more
Terminological equivalence is one of the central issues in translation. To secure equivalence in translations for special purpose languages, the translator has to structure the terms of a given text by reference to a conceptual system and... more
It is a truth universally acknowledged that a legal translator must be in want of a good bilingual law dictionary. The legal universe and legal usage is highly culture-bound, making communication across jurisdictional boundaries... more
This paper focuses on the role dictionaries play in a translation situation. This role is analysed in terms of the tenets of the Function Theory of Lexicography, which proposes that users do not have needs in general but punctual needs in... more
This paper focuses on the role dictionaries play in a translation situation. This role is analysed in terms of the tenets of the Function Theory of Lexicography, which proposes that users do not have needs in general but punctual needs in... more
There is a well-known theorem that represents an interval as a finite or countable sum of pairwise disjoint intervals. The sum of the lengths of these
A dictionary is written and designed for a specific addresse (user group). Primary considerations in this respect are users' profiles and the special needs of the user group (Bergenholz and Nielsen 2006). User needs are inevitably linked... more
Advanced information tools using modern technologies that filter information to address individual needs are not necessarily easy to develop or easy to use. This paper emphasises the importance of both usability evaluation and information... more
Traditional dictionaries offer curated data to users. Users should therefore be able to find the correct data to solve their information need. However, users don't necessarily know the exact scope of lexicographic information. Dictionary... more
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to identify criteria according to which e-dictionaries can be evaluated. Information technology can be used to enhance e-dictionaries, but if not done carefully, information tools that completely... more
This article follows current research on English for Specific Business Purposes, which focuses on the analysis of contextualized business genres and on identifying the strategies that can be associated with effective business... more
In some situations, you need information in order to solve a problem that has occurred. In information science, user needs are often described through very specific examples rather than through a classification of situation types in which... more
We use two different frameworks to calculate the electrostatic potential created by a uniformly charged disk in its plane. We first implement a standard direct integration approach and carry out the calculations to the extent possible... more
This article describes the theoretical foundation of the accounting dictionaries as well as its practical results. Furthermore, the implementation of the project shows how the constant interaction of lexicographical theory with practical... more
This chapter situates the concept of ESP within the Spanish university context, which is characterised by diversity. This means that ESP instructors must re-adapt the absolute and variable characteristics of ESP to the Spanish teaching... more
This contribution deals with a new digital English-Spanish-English lexicographical project that started as an assignment from the Danish high-tech company Ordbogen A/S which signed a contract with the University of Valladolid (Spain) for... more
Integrated dictionary portals such as the Diccionarios Valladolid-UVa are reference tools prepared by the same team and equipped with Dictionary Writing Systems that consists of editors, databases, Web interfaces, management tools, and a... more
The concept of dictionary vision is frequently used when we speak about lexicography. Since the late 1980s, we have been witnesses to the consolidation of lexicography as an academic discipline, which, fi rstly, has helped in compiling... more
This paper discusses a project for the creation of a theoretical model for integrated e-dictionaries, illustrated by means of an e-information tool for the presentation and treatment of fixed expressions using Afrikaans as example... more
This article describes the “Dictionary of Economics” in terms of the Function Theory of Lexicography. It defends the thesis that such information tools must be designed for assisting specific users to solve the specific needs they have in... more
Resumen: Emphasis on the functional approach to lexicography, for example the so-called Function Theory of Lexicography proposed by Bergenholtz and Tarp (2002, 2003 & 2004; see Tarp 2008 for a review), has promoted the vision that... more
In this paper we introduce the new class of generalized Volterra functions. We prove some integral representations for them via Fox-Wright H-functions and Meijer G-functions. From positivity conditions on the weight in these... more
This article is the written version of the Enrique Alcaraz Annual Memorial Lecture, given by the author at the University of Alicante on March 26, 2014. After a brief overview of the past and present of lexicography, it presents some of... more
With aims of protecting trade mark proprietors against commercial practices of third parties that could hinder the use of the trade mark in informing and attracting customers, negatively influence its selling power, or exploit its... more
Are search engines liable for trademark infringement for offering trademarks as 'keywords' to others than the trademark owner? Is the act of displaying or arranging the display of an advertisement for identical or similar goods to that of... more
This paper focuses on the role dictionaries play in a translation situation. This role is analysed in terms of the tenets of the Function Theory of Lexicography, which proposes that users do not have needs in general but punctual needs in... more
This article describes the theoretical foundation of the accounting dictionaries as well as its practical results. Furthermore, the implementation of the project shows how the constant interaction of lexicographical theory with practical... more
With the advent of learner's dictionaries, lexicographers started to pay much more attention to the inclusion of grammatical data in dictionaries (Cowie 1999). However, they tended to overestimate the user's general linguistic... more
In the past, many researchers like Szasz, Rajgopal, Parameswaran, Ramanujan, Das, Sulaiman, have established results on products of two summability methods. In the present article, we have established a result on generalized indexed... more
The contribution proceeds from the assumption that linguistic equivalence is already determined, and therefore only deals with questions of the lexicographical description of equivalent open class expressions in completely condensed... more
Michael Mann (Red.). Digitale Lexikographie. Ein- und mehrsprachige elek-tronische Worterbucher mit Deutsch: aktuelle Entwicklungen und Analysen . Germanistische Linguistik 223–224. 2014, VI + 280 pp. ISBN 978-3-487-15191-5.... more
This article describes the theoretical foundation of the accounting dictionaries as well as its practical results. Furthermore, the implementation of the project shows how the constant interaction of lexicographical theory with practical... more
In the current debate about the status of lexicography there are at least three quite different opinions: (i) Lexicography does not have or need any kind of own theory but can use all relevant linguistic theories. (ii) Lexicography needs... more
When faced with mathematical methods, undergraduate students have difficulty in grasping the reality of various approaches and special functions. It is only when they take a more specialized course such as classical electromagnetism that... more
This paper focuses on the role dictionaries play in a translation situation. This role is analysed in terms of the tenets of the Function Theory of Lexicography, which proposes that users do not have needs in general but punctual needs in... more
This article describes the theoretical foundation of the accounting dictionaries as well as its practical results. Furthermore, the implementation of the project shows how the constant interaction of lexicographical theory with practical... more
Building on the assumption that translation is both a cognitive and a linguistic process, the present article aims to investigate the contribution that a cognitive approach can make to translation research, especially in the field of... more
This article argues that the honest practices proviso should be more empirically based. Judges should focus on the efforts made by the competitor to avoid detriment to the trademark and on whether consumers perceive the potentially... more
Id. at 554 (arguing that Chicago School approach to law and economics vaunts "the autonomy of the firm and maximizing total welfare rather than consumer protection and wealth distribution").
Recent developments in the commercial marketplace have rendered the classification of trademarks as mere tools for remedying information asymmetry and assuring quality inaccurate. The value of trademarks as communicative tools has... more
This paper reports the preliminary findings of an investigation into the impact on a sample group of 100 respondents of using the book collection in two public libraries in Cape Town. It is particularly concerned with the benefits of... more
In 2011 a new bilingual Dutch Afrikaans dictionary, popularly known by the acronym ANNA, was published. The dictionary stands out mainly because of its unique macrostructure it has one amalgamated lemma list. Ease of access has become an... more
The present article considers whether the confusion analysis in trademark law is at risk of being used strategically as a self-servicing mechanism by the industry to obtain trademark rights to descriptive, cultural and non-traditional... more
There is little doubt that lexicography has experienced important progress during the years, especially when one compare the lexicographical works from the various centuries. However, history should not be viewed as an ever-growing... more
Este artículo trata de los diccionarios especializados de traducción. Basado en los principios de la teoría funcional, analiza las diversas fases y subfases del proceso traductivo desde una perspectiva lexicográfica mostrando que un... more
This article is an updated and modified version of a Spanish article published in MonTi 6 (cf. Tarp 2014a). It deals with specialised translation dictionaries. Based on the principles of the function theory, it analyses the different... more