Recent papers in Fukushima
このレポートでは、過去5年間に東京電力福島第 一原発事故の影響を受けた地域で実施された多数 の調査の結果に基づき、2011年3月に起きた同 事故の結果として現在生じている生態学的状況を 明らかにする。これは福島県の森林、河川、氾濫 原、河口域の放射能汚染に関して現時点で判明し ていることを記録にとどめようとする試みであ る。福島県と全国の環境に放出された放射性核種 の半減期の長さを考えれば、それが生態系に与え る影響を理解することは不可欠である。... more
HADL, Gabriele, 2013 “This is a Human Emergency – Ecology and Media after Fukushima,” in Yana Milev (ed) , D.A.: Trans-disciplinary Handbook of Design Anthropology. Zürich: Peter Lang, p.792-805.
Nükleer santral kazaları tüm gezegeni tehdit ediyor. Gelişmiş geçinen Rusya’sından, Japonyası’na, ABD’sinden Fransa’sına kadar, herhangi bir kaza sonrası santralde çalıştırılan işçiden, bölge halkına ve hem o ülkenin hem yakın... more
On March 1, 1954 a Japanese tuna trawler was at sea in the Marshall Islands. Quite unexpectedly grey ash began to fall like snow and covered the boat and crew. It was not snow; it was radioactive fallout from a nuclear test that had been... more
In the aftermath of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster of 3/11, one disputed issue has been the acceptance of precedent nuclear energy policies among the wider population, despite Japan being a country of high seismic risk and a... more
[Author's note: In April 2013, along with a half-dozen other journalists and writers from around the world, I was allowed access to photograph inside the media-restricted Fukushima exclusion zone. As a form of protest, a local official... more
Arguably a nuclear emergency triggered by an act of war, sabotage or a natural disaster can be the most complex crisis to handle. The crippling of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Japan by a combination of an earthquake and a... more
Making digital games can help people learn collaboratively. Recent advances in game education allow for experimental game development in a short time period with low cost. To examine the possibilities of game development and learning, we... more
This volume builds on the international conference of the same title held at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice in 2013 with the support of the Japan Foundation, which discussed the earthquake, tsunami and nuclear accident of 11th March... more
In recent years Japan has faced the rapid changes characterising the post-global world, vis-à-vis the economic crisis, as well as the new geopolitical equilibrium amongst the Asian countries after the economic and military rise of China.... more
OUP webpage: http://bit.ly/1PpNXq0 Amazon webpage: http://amzn.to/1LJF8rz 2017 John Whitney Hall Book Prize, Association for Asian Studies Honorable Mention, 2016 Alan Merriam Prize, Society for Ethnomusicology Despite widespread... more
The author has been making regular fieldtrips to Fukushima since April 2011, focusing on Nagadoro, a hamlet of population 250 within the agricultural village of Iitate. At the time of writing, the entire village remains evacuated due to... more
This study compares the American and Canadian television coverage of the Fukushima nuclear accident in Japan with that of the Chernobyl (Chornobyl) accident in Ukraine. These two disasters were the biggest accidents involving nuclear... more
Recent natural as well as man-made cataclysmic events have dramatically changed the status quo of contemporary Japanese society, and following the Asia-Pacific war’s never-ending ‘postwar’ period, Japan has been dramatically forced into a... more
G.K. Chesterton famously claimed that ‘art, like morality, consists in drawing the line someplace’. So too does much of radiological protection. At every turn, those responding to the 2011 Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant disaster... more
The “Occupy Wall Street” movement has acted as a spur to a host of “Occupy” operations including “Occupy Fukushima!” – a movement with a distinctly Japanese feminist twist, a strong link with the anti-nuclear/peace movement and a close... more
This paper focuses on the micro-blogging service Twitter, looking at source credibility for information shared in relation to the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant disaster in Japan. We look at the sources, credibility, and... more
The purpose of this paper is to delineate the issues and difficulties faced by a social worker in Fukushima during the early phases of the post-disaster period following the earthquake, tsunami, nuclear power plant accident, and unfounded... more
This book chapters explores the writing of three of Japan's most important and active poets--Wagō Ryōichi, Takahashi Mutsuo, and Arai Takako--and the poetry that they wrote in response to the Fukushima meltdown in 2011. "Poetry in an Era... more
Fukushima Fiction introduces readers to the powerful literary works that have emerged out of Japan's triple disaster, now known as 3/11. The book provides a broad and nuanced picture of the varied literary responses to this ongoing... more
The nuclear incident at Fukushima is an important media focusing event that drew attention from the Japanese public, government officials around the world, and private organizations. Since focusing events and frames influence policy... more
International conference on Japanese Studies, Auditorium-Ca’ Foscari University of Venice (member of the organizing committee), March 17-18, 2015.
The triple disasters of 11 March 2011 in northeastern Japan have exacerbated existing vulnerabilities and created new ones all over the Tohoku region. In Fukushima, the fear of radiation has been compounded by the perception of the... more
Hydrogen accumulation at the top of containment or reactor building may occur due to an interaction of molten corium and water followed by a severe accident of a nuclear reactor (TMI, Chernobyl, Fukushima Daiichi). The hydrogen, released... more
Dogs were frequently employed as laboratory subjects during the era of atomic bomb testing (1950–1980), particularly in studies used to generate predictive data regarding the expected effects of accidental human occupational exposure to... more
Public communication is one of the most challenging aspects of nuclear emergencies. The overall objective of this study is to analyse how and to what extent are European Member States prepared to communicate in case of nuclear or... more
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Nuclear disasters and radiation accidents fuelled anti‐nuclear activism worldwide. Yet their impacts on national energy policies vary considerably across countries. The German Government shut down half of the country’s nuclear reactors... more
Emrah Akyüz advances an environmental human rights approach to environmental protections regarding nuclear power. Using the aftermath of the Fukushima disaster as a case study, Akyüz argues for three main approaches to environmental... more
This is a presentation I made at the Asian Studies Conference in Japan (ASCJ) in June 2014. It looks critically at anti-nuclear art from the perspective of people who might view it in Fukushima. The basic argument is that these... more
Journal of Ohara Institute for Social Research 2009
Due to misdiagnosed hydrogen explosions and ethically flawed publications, nuclear power plants are not as safe as published to be for decades. Previous publications inaccurately, unethically, and inappropriately assessed reactor safety... more
This paper reflects on the credibility of nuclear risk assessment in the wake of the 2011 Fukushima meltdowns. In democratic states, policymaking around nuclear energy has long been premised on an understanding that experts can... more
Starting from a series of historical contexts concerning Japanese seafaring tradition, this paper proposes an anthropological analysis on the practices of sailing navigation, focusing on the recursive interaction of traditional... more
International conference on Japanese Studies, Auditorium-Ca’ Foscari University of Venice (member of the organizing committee), March 17-18, 2015.
Japan's post-WWII regional development strategy led to the spatial separation of production, distribution and consumption of food and energy resources. The rural, poor and aging region of Tohoku helped provide the resources that enabled... more
INTERNATIONAL Quelque 160 000 personnes ont été évacuées suite à l'accident de la centrale de Fukushima Daiichi, après le tremblement de terre et le tsunami qui frappèrent le Japon le 11 mars 2011, il y a neuf ans. Mitate Lab., un... more
This chapter examines how Japanese Environmental Law applies to business companies operating in Japan. It comprises four parts: I) ‘Main Sources and Fundamental Principles of Japanese Environmental Law’ ; II) ‘Industrial Pollution... more
One year ago, triggered by the Great Tohoku Earthquake, three operating nuclear power plants and one huge spent f uel pool f rom a f ourth, non-operating plant, released immeasurable and catastrophic amounts of radiation into the air,... more
(Turkey). His focus topics and research interests to further escalating his prospects on politics, governance, migration, policy development and human resource management, urbanization policies. Emrah is also an interview editor of the... more
Translation of ゴーストタウンから死者は出ない 3.11災害と復興における経路依存 by Oguma Eiji (小熊英二); Japanese version by author forthcoming in 2014.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has responded to the 2011 East-Japan earthquake and tsunami through the three levels of its decentralised structure. It has provided public health advice regarding a number of issues relating to... more
"The effects of radiation on abundance of common birds in Fukushima can be assessed from the effects of radiation in Chernobyl. Abundance of birds was negatively related to radiation, with a significant difference between Fukushima and... more