French Cinema
Recent papers in French Cinema
Hunter Vaughan interweaves phenomenology and semiotics to analyze cinema's ability to challenge conventional modes of thought. Merging Maurice Merleau-Ponty's phenomenology of perception with Gilles Deleuze's image-philosophy, Vaughan... more
Cineaste, Volume XLII, Issue 3 (2017), 38-42.
Focusing on two films by Jean-Luc Godard that feature the work of the Palestinian poet Mahmoud Darwish, this essay analyzes the rhetorical effects of Godard’s choice to subtitle, translate, or speak over Arabic speech and highlights... more
This is a sample of the Robert Bresson bibliography I prepared for Oxford University Press.
My article in Marathi on the seminal French film Rules of the Game (1939) by Jean Renoir
Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink Verlag 2019. Through filmic modelling of the adolescents’ perspective and experience, along with the topological confgurations of the plot, this study tries to understand the crucial role that... more
Au début du XXIe siècle, en France, il est des images filmées dont l'État interdit l'accès à une catégorie du public, les mineurs, parce que leurs effets sont jugés dangereux : ce sont des images d'actes sexuels, des images d'actes... more
And to Melville, the fate of the gangster-movie hero is inseparable from his style or his morality: it's part of the form he occupies, just as his Cadillac and his chivalrous manners are. A man has no choice; if he's in a gangster... more
The real and beyond in Alain Resnais and Federico Fellini: from origins to the years of the dream Thèse dirigée par Didier COUREAU, UGA préparée au sein du Laboratoire UMR 5316 Litt&Arts (Arts & Pratiques du Texte, de l'Image, de l'Ecran... more
Contemporary movie consumers’ practices in France are characterized by the « de-professionalization » of cinematographic expertise and the recognition of the previously ignored « cinephilia » of common moviegoers. The institutional model... more
A review of Godard on Godard, ed. Jean Narboni and Tom Milne, and Focus on Godard, ed. Royal S. Brown.
Les novellisations des magazines spécialisés forment le continent oublié de l’histoire culturelle du cinéma, malgré la précocité avec laquelle ce type de presse à grand tirage s’est tourné vers les adaptations romancées de films,... more
This article compares two cinematic representations of barge life: the uplifting Poetic Realism of Jean Vigo's L'Atalante (1934) and the Existential dreariness of David Mackenzie's Young Adam (2003), adapted from the Scottish Beat novel... more
Resumo Este artigo propõe uma reflexão sobre A Dança dos Paroxismos (1929), de Jorge Brum do Canto (1910-1994), motivada por diversas pistas de interpretação lançadas nos intertítulos iniciais, designadamente a apresentação da obra como... more
Acteur atypique, car l'un des plus laids de sa génération, Michel Simon n'en est pas moins devenu l'un des plus grands. Or, il acquiert ce statut en ayant rarement le " beau rôle " dans ses films. Il interprète essentiellement des... more
based on salient points of queer theory, including mimetic desire, homosexual panic, the apparitional lesbian, the triangularity of desire and the figure of two-in-one. These theories are adapted and expanded to explain the bisexual and... more
Jean-Luc Godard a emprunté à la philosophie avant d'être à son tour objet d'études et de colloques. Il s'agit ici de considérer la cinématographie de Jean-Luc Godard comme discours philosophique propre et de comprendre son mode... more
Dans les rues embrumées du Havre industriel, Jean, déserteur de la Coloniale, erre en compagnie de son mal-être. Sa rencontre avec la belle Nelly, dans une cabane isolée aux allures de décor fantomatique, précipite son destin tragique.... more
Te study maps a unique theme of film history — the corpus of arthouse films produced by the pharmaceutical company Sandoz. Te Sandoz laboratories, founded in 1886, were the first to synthetize LSD and engaged in its research and production... more
An essay contrasting two primary female characters and their ultimate embodiment of the femme fatale role, Garance and Séverine, from two classic French films: Les Enfants du Paradis (1945) and La Bete Humaine (1938) respectively.
Antes de começar qualquer debate sobre o processo de significação que realmente produz sentido para nós, aqui no sul da América em um país chamado hoje "emergente", é interessante levarmos em conta que a noção de avanço não parece querer... more
Alice Guy fue pionera en la dirección y producción cinematográfica en los albores de la industria del cine y se convirtió en la fundadora del cine narrativo. Se rodeó de artistas, políticos y escritores, fue partidaria del voto femenino y... more
Traduzione dal saggio di Olivier Bohler et Céline Gailleurd
Analyse de séquence : Cléo de 5 à 7 (Agnès Varda 1962)
Gangsters, aviators, hard-boiled detectives, gunslingers, jazz and images of the American metropolis were all an inextricable part of the cultural landscape of interwar France. While the French 1930s have long been understood as... more
Essa é a primeira tradução em língua portuguesa de um conto de fadas escrito por Louis de Mailly (1657?-1724), mais conhecido pela alcunha de Chevalier de Mailly. Contemporâneo de Marie-Catherine d’Aulnoy (1650?-1705) e Charles Perrault... more
An article in Marathi about the French New Wave - how it came about and what its novelty was. Previously published in Roopwani, a journal about cinema by the Prabhat Film Society, Mumbai.
Desde su aparición en 1971, 'El mundo visto' de Stanley Cavell ha marcado una pauta en los estudios sobre cine al elevarlo a la altura de la filosofía y ha supuesto un desafío para la propia filosofía de Cavell, enfrentada al escándalo... more
film and architecture
cinema and architecture
film architecture
cinema architecture
architecture and film
architecture and cinema
cinema and architecture
film architecture
cinema architecture
architecture and film
architecture and cinema
In Beau Travail, Denis’s use of elements of theatrical dance—harsh lighting that imitates fluorescent spotlights, Djibouti’s angular landscape reminiscent of a flat stage, mostly forgoing spoken dialogue in favor of wordless movement... more
This article studies the persona which enabled Marion Cotillard to become a Hollywood star at the end of the 2000s. Insofar as her part in La Vie en rose (Olivier Dahan, 2007) was key to her success in the US, the author's analysis... more
A priori, la locution « adaptation documentaire » n'est attestée dans aucun ouvrage de référence sur les rapports entre littérature et cinéma, et ni les théoriciens de l'adaptation ni ceux du documentaire ne semblent s'être demandé si... more