French Atlantic World
Recent papers in French Atlantic World
""De la guerre de Sept ans aux émancipations nationales de l’Amérique ibérique, les sociétés européennes et coloniales de l’espace atlantique connaissent une série de ruptures politiques majeures qui redessinent la carte politique des... more
This paper will describe how the books that the Franciscan Cosmographer and noted traveler André Thevet (1516–1590) is known to have owned influenced the writing of his 1557 book "The Singularities of France Antarctique." In Brazil,... more
In light of recent scholarship on eighteenth-century French and indigenous martial cultures, this paper uses the journal de campagne of the Marquis de Montcalm to examine cross-cultural conceptions of martial prowess and honour in the... more
Henri Brunet was a migrant merchant who operated seasonally in French Newfoundland; based out of La Rochelle in the early 1670s and subsequently out of Boston, Brunet journeyed seasonally to Newfoundland to sell food and supplies to... more
This essay explores the genealogy of historian and anthropologist Michel-Rolph Trouillot’s writings as related to broader trends in historical scholarship. The author suggests that it was through Silencing the Past’s acceptance and... more
L’installation européenne sur ce que l’on appelle alors la «Côte sauvage», tout au long du XVIIe siècle, a posé les fondements d’un environnement social, culturel, économique, qui marquera durablement la Guyane, jusqu’à aujourd’hui. Ce... more
The Congress of Vienna in Atlantic perspective. The Paris Conference on the contention of the Banda Oriental The article deals with the Paris Conference on the Banda Oriental (1816-1819), the summit which solved the question of the... more
Garrigus, John D. “Catalyst or Catastrophe? Saint-Domingue’s Free Men of Color and the Savannah Expedition, 1779-1782.” Review/Revista Interamericana 22 (1992): 109–25.
L’installation européenne sur ce que l’on appelle alors la « Côte sauvage », tout au long du XVIIe siècle, a posé les fondements d’un environnement social, culturel, économique, qui marquera durablement la Guyane, jusqu’à aujourd’hui. Ce... more
Although historians have long recognized the importance of long-range scientific expeditions in both the practice and culture of eighteenth- and nineteenth-century science, it is less well understood how this form of scientific organization... more
Bekenntnisse von Objekten? Religiöse Praktiken von Menschen und Objekten im ländlichen Raum der Frühen Neuzeit (1500-1700) 11.04. Dr. Benedikt Brunner (Leibniz-Institut für Europäische Geschichte) Den Tod ins Leben ziehen. Protestantische... more
"Science and Empire in the Atlantic World is the first book in the growing field of Atlantic Studies to examine the production of scientific knowledge in the Atlantic world from a comparative and international perspective. Rather than... more
French Connections examines how the movement of people, ideas, and social practices contributed to the complex processes and negotiations involved in being and becoming French in North America and the Atlantic World between the years 1600... more
The chapter examines the evolution of images and interpretations that accompanied a certain artifact from the New World, described by European authors of the 16th century: a wooden club / sword from the Tupinamba culture (Atlantic coast... more
This paper examines the events commemorating the 400th anniversary of the founding of Québec City in 2008 and, in particular, the ways in which the Québec 400 was celebrated in Western France. The author argues that the events provide an... more
Looking outside canonical late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century modernist images of the French Atlantic coast, this essay examines usually discrete fields of landscape painting, botanical visual culture and nascent intertidal... more
(in English and Italian below; in italiano e inglese di sotto) PDF: Homepage: Français : Cet article tente de... more
After 231 years of a chaotic marriage—which the French persist in believing is founded on love whereas it was always based only on reason—France and the United States continue to proclaim their divergent values, which some call a... more
Marc-Antoine Caillot and the Company of the Indies in Louisiana: Trade in the French Atlantic World examines the origins and development of France’s first global trading company and its operations in the French Atlantic during the first... more
In the aftermath of the fall of the French monarchy numerous French aristocrats left France to find refuge in other countries like the German principalities, Britain or the United States. At the same time the Haitian revolution caused... more
"В статье анализируются способы и приёмы, которыми пользовались французские авторы XVI в. для описания собственных путешествий в Бразилию. Придание подобным свидетельствам литературной формы приводило к необходимости делать выбор в пользу... more
The article examines the instrumental use of sensory deprivation in order to establish and maintain a domination within a limited area, such as the first French colony in Brazil, so called “Antarctic France”. The testimonies of this... more
Full video of the talk here:
Call for Papers Globalized Peripheries New Approaches to the Atlantic World 1680–1850 Date: July 5th–7th, 2018 Place: European University Viadrina (Frankfurt an der Oder, Germany) Possible topics include but are not limited to: • The... more
The rise of the Atlantic framework for understanding histories of colonies, continents and nations implicated in imperial histories offers a convenient theoretical domain for exploring questions relating interconnected imperial... more
Cet article a pour objectif d'étudier l'évolution de la place des langues créoles dans le cinéma antillo-guyanais des débuts de ce cinéma à 2012 (date de rédaction de l'article).
This dissertation draws first and foremost from the private correspondence of the Montreal-born Marie-Élisabeth Rocbert de La Morandière (1696-1755), better known as Madame Bégon. Between 1748 and 1753, Madame Bégon addressed a series of... more
In Cahier Afrique n°28, sous la direction d'Odile Goerg et de Françoise Raison-Jourde.
During the first half of the eighteenth century, law, paperwork and legalities were unifying vehicles in the development of a French empire. The empire was a structure dealing with civilians (sailors, planters, merchants, craftsmen)... more
Honours Seminar (HIST 595) taught at McGill University, department of history, 2006-2007
L’article analyse un aspect singulier de la relation des premiers ambassadeurs russes en France en 1615–1616 : une mention d’un certain « ambassadeur des Indes Occidentales » à la cour de Louis XIII et de Marie de Médicis. L’étude croisée... more
ore 14:00-Caffè di benvenuto ingresso di via Elisa Baciocchi 4 ore 14:30-Sessione plenaria aula magna via Elisa Baciocchi 4 Apertura dei lavori Marina Formica, Presidente SISSD, e Guido Abbattista Saluti istituzionali Elisabetta Vezzosi,... more
Where are your monuments, your battles, martyrs? Where is your tribal memory? Sirs, in that grey vault. The sea. The sea has locked them up. The sea is History.-Derek Walcott, "The Sea is History" (1979) Supposez, si vous le pouvez,... more
Moscow 2015