Freedom of the Press

1,294 papers
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Freedom of the Press refers to the principle that communication and expression through various media should be free from censorship, government intervention, or restriction. It is a fundamental democratic right that enables journalists to report news and information without fear of retaliation, thereby promoting transparency, accountability, and informed public discourse.
This research uses a theoretical conceptual method based on Chantal Mouffe"s Radical Democracy which blended with Derrida"s deconstruction thesis about "democracy to come" to reach findings on the state of South Africa"s media freedom... more
This article assesses the multiple factors which are barriers to media freedom in South Africa. These include crises of financial sustainability of the media sector which have recently been compounded by the onset of the COVID-19... more
This research uses a theoretical conceptual method based on Chantal Mouffe"s Radical Democracy which blended with Derrida"s deconstruction thesis about "democracy to come" to reach findings on the state of South Africa"s media freedom... more
Hal menarik dalam rekayasa radikal Bentham atas struktur masyarakat adalah Skema Panopticon, yaitu desainnya untuk mereformasi penjara. Panopticon berarti “all-seeing” yaitu model penjara yang dirancang oleh saudaranya, Samuel Bentham.... more
Must privacy and freedom of expression conflict? To witness recent debates in Britain, you might think so. Anything other than self-regulation by the press is met by howls of anguish from journalists across the political spectrum, to the... more
Bilince zorla müdahale: Ne amaçlanıyor? - Tarihçi Marx, gazeteci Marx’tan doğmuştur!
Izgleda da je pojam slobode, pa tako i određenje koje se vezuje za medijske slobode, neosvojiva tvrđava za ljudsku misao i da se kroz te zidine razum jedva probija. Još je gore, čini se, kada je reč o praktikovanju slobode (u medijma),... more
Media komunikasi tidak dapat dipisahkan daripada mesej. Untuk memperoleh mesej yang telus dan benar, kebebasan diperlukan. Tanpa kebebasan mesej, media komunikasi tidak dapat mencapai matlamat yang dikehendaki. Untuk menjaga kepentingan... more
Traditionally, Japan has been perceived as a culture of consensus and harmony. The tendency is to preserve the status quo, while conflict and controversy are to be avoided. Such an environment would offer little room for scandal, one... more
This article examines the relationship between the state and the mass media in Malaysia through an analysis of the March 2004 general elections that led to the victory of the incumbent Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition party and its leader... more
A growing body of evidence documents a vast array of economic and social ill-effects of public perceived corruption. These findings and the scant evidence of recent success in the fight against corruption beg the question: how to abate... more
Ареопагитика на Джон Милтън, публикувана през есента на 1644 г., днес често се приема за първата всеобхватна защита на идеята за свободен, нецензуриран печат. Противно на клишето обаче, този основополагащ Милтънов опус гледа към днешната... more
Exploring the Influence of Medialization in China through the Iron Chain Woman Incident in Feng County, Xuzhou
Barış Akademisyenleri Davası, mahkeme beyanı, 2019
HERE can be little doubt that the American justice system is failing to meet the needs of the ordinary citizen. Courts are clogged and overloaded.' Delays in litigation are no longer the exception, but rather the norm. Not only for the... more
The study aimed to identify the factors influencing Jordanian journalists’ practice of investigative journalism, relying on the media survey approach, by conducting a field survey on an available sample of (240) male and female... more
Investigated is how the enactment in May 2011 of Nigeria's Freedom of Information Act has, since then, impacted Nigerian journalism. Typical documentary and spoken data were tapped, analysed and discussed. Analysis and discussion found... more
Investigated is how the enactment in May 2011 of Nigeria's Freedom of Information Act has, since then, impacted Nigerian journalism. Typical documentary and spoken data were tapped, analysed and discussed. Analysis and discussion found... more
Several texts help to contextualize these declarations and their aftermath: Peter Forsska ˚l's pamphlet on freedom of the press of 1759, Johann Friedrich Struensee's articles on freedom of expression of 1763-64, the translation into... more
Kavi Chongkittavorn is Managing Editor of the Bangkok-based English newspaper, The Nation. He served as correspondent, a foreign news editor,
Many countries around the world embrace freedom and democracy as part of their political culture. However, culture is at least in part a human response to the ecological challenges that a society faces; hence, it should not be surprising... more
İfade özgürlüğü uygar toplumun temel değerleri ve kurumları arasında en başta geleni. Aynen genel özgürlük gibi araç olarak da amaç olarak da bir değere sahip. Dolayısıyla hem deontolojik hem sonuçsalcı zeminlerde temellendirilmesi ve... more
Metajournalistic discourse is a broad field of research, and its analysis provides insight into how different journalistic concepts are defined and legitimised within the profession. However, in addition to journalistic actors, numerous... more
From London's Fleet Street to New York's Fifth Avenue, speculation and gossip have always been the fuel that powers the global media machine. Whether it's the scandalous dalliances of a Capitol Hill power broker or the latest rumours from... more
On 3rd May 2024, the global community commemorated World Press Day (WPD), which provided an opportunity to celebrate the fundamental principles of press freedom and assess the state of media freedom worldwide. Though the 2024 theme was... more
F ears that Hong Kong's liberal press system would be compromised under Chinese rule have proved unfounded: newspapers and magazines, as well as certain television and radio current affairs programmes, continue to be outspoken and often... more
4.2.5 Relationship between age of the firm and number of investigative journalists29 vi 4.2.6 Relationship between ownership status and geographic coverage of media firms 30 4.3 Role played by the Kenyan Media in the fight against... more
Freedom of the press is a bedrock of democratic governance and an essential component of civil liberties worldwide. However, it faces varying challenges across regions, shaped by political instability, economic pressures, and restrictive... more
josé Agostinho de macedo (1761-1831) foi o primeiro autor português a desenvolver uma crítica sistemática ao jornalismo e à liberdade de imprensa depois da revolução liberal de 1820. este trabalho visa contribuir para o conhecimento da... more
Depuis que la gouvernance compte, l"Indice de perception de la corruption construit par Transparency International (TI) est devenu l"indicateur le plus influent dans son domaine. Chaque année, un classement est ainsi établi, pointant du... more
Review of Media Law in New Zealand (5th ed.), by John Burrows and Ursula Cheer and The Journalist's Guide to Media Law: Dealing with Legal and Ethical Issues (2d ed.), by Mark PearsonBurrows and Cheers have provided a greatly expanded... more
The strength of a democratic society is often mirrored by the freedom of its press. In Bangladesh, newspapers serve as more than just printed pages; they are the voice of the people, reflecting the nation's joys, sorrows, rights, and... more
Cet article examine la notion de liberté numérique comme un droit fondamental à inscrire dans la Constitution belge. Dans un contexte où 92 % des ménages en Belgique sont connectés à Internet, la protection des données, la liberté... more
This study describes some relevant but neglected issues in measuring freedom of information. A questionnaire was administrated to 36 international experts. Then we conducted 18 in-depth interviews with some experts to evaluate relevant... more
The article analyses the main methodological challenges of the two most important indicators in measuring freedom of the press around the world. Freedom House (FH) and Reporters Without Borders (RWB) have become references for studies... more
This article considers the debates about press freedom raised by an important case of populist media reform in Latin America, drawing on interviews with Ecuadorian journalists, policy makers, and commentators involved in the policy... more
Renkli devrim” terimi, ABD’nin jeopolitik hırsları için hedef aldığı, belirli bir renk veya çiçeğin sembol olarak kullanımıyla karakterize edilen bir dizi karşı devrimci ayaklanma ve protestoya atıfta bulunmaktadır. Bu makale, renkli... more
There have been constant efforts by the successive government in Nigerian to regulate and control the social media. More worries have been voiced about how social media harbours misinformation, cyberbullying and fake news which are... more
The purpose of this study was to investigate the extent of digital surveillance by Arab authorities, who face risks and threats of surveillance, and how journalists seeking press freedom use tools and techniques to communicate securely,... more
and JD. from the Columbia School of Law, is a law professor at the Cleveland-Marshall College of Law. I have taught law for nearly forty years since I first joined the law school as an Associate Professor in 1976. I served as Associate... more
Preface – This is the second book of the Online Hate Speech Trilogy. The work focuses on the legal challenges of combating toxic language and retaliating against those who spread hate on the Internet. Although the need for fighting... more
This chapter delves into the complex dynamics of regulating media outlets in the post-truth era, focusing on the challenges posed by the proliferation of online hate speech. These issues are particularly pronounced in highly polarized... more
People interested in the research are advised to contact the author for the final version of the publication, or visit the DOI to the publisher's website. • The final author version and the galley proof are versions of the publication... more
Final version of the paper
The fourth amendment provides: The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause,... more
Perkembangan teknologi digital memberikan pengaruh terhadap perkembangan cara komunikasi di masyarakat karena mempunyai kemampuan dalam menciptakan media baru untuk menyebarkan informasi terhadap perubahan social, politik dan ekonomi.... more
The research wants to describe the condition of press stifling in the New Orde. Then, it tries make a philosophical reflection about the condition of arangement and practical standart of jurnalism in Indonesia post New Orde. The research... more
Crisis del periodismo y políticas de retracción de los Estados en Argentina, Brasil y Chile The crisis of journalism and State retraction policies in Argentina, Brazil and Chile