Recent papers in Freedom
The growing incidence of withdrawal of Muslim girls from physical education prompted this study into tensions between religious freedom and educational practices. It was located in a city in the West Midlands of England. Data on... more
The central focus of this paper is the notion that the home can provide a locale in which people can work at attaining a sense of ontological security in a world that at times is experienced as threatening and uncontrollable. The paper... more
The article aims to analyse the concept of normativity in the philosophy of weak thought developed by Gianni Vattimo. Weak thought refers to the theory of a weakening of being in an era of the end of metaphysics, as well as a challenge to... more
Der Gedanke, der sich in der modernen Idee der Autonomie verdichtet, ist ein doppelter: Die Figur der Autonomie enthält zugleich eine neue Auffassung von Normativität und eine eigene Konzeption von Freiheit. Dem Gedanken der Autonomie... more
Carnival versus Thélème: The Question of ‘Freedom’ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The best vantage point for understanding ‘transgressive sacrality’ as a universal phenomenon is the... more
In the aftermath of the July 15, 2016 attempted coup, the decision of the Parliament of July 20, 2016 approving the declaration of the state of emergency, enabled the government to enact emergency decree laws. Civil society in Turkey has... more
Previous scholarly studies have discussed the use of Zen Buddhism within the person-centred approach of Carl Rogers, demonstrating the feasible influence of Buddhism over Rogers’s theories. The present research delves into the convergence... more
Dr. Hugh Brody (29th October, 2013) - The other side of Eden. The Ecology, Cosmos and Consciousness Salon, The Institute of Ecotechnics, October Gallery, Bloomsbury, London. (Host) For tens of thousands of years, over 90% of our life... more
Il tema della libertà costituisce nel pensiero ricoeuriano un elemento sorgivo della sua riflessione, che progressivamente diventa un fiume carsico: un che di sommerso che tuttavia riemerge di tanto in tanto nella sua scrittura. Alla luce... more
We tend to think of freedom as something that is best protected by carefully circumscribing the boundaries of legitimate state activity. But who came up with this understanding of freedom, and for what purposes? In a masterful and... more
An overview of Augustine of Hippo's views about freedom. I argue that Augustine the bishop was one of the first theological compatibilists, who believed that responsibility is compatible with at least certain kinds of necessity and that... more
The European Union (EU) has closely correlated different aspects of the peace process in Bosnia with progress towards European accession. The ‘power of attraction’ of EU membership would presumably induce the Bosnian authorities to accept... more
Among the deficiencies demonstrated by the world financial crisis of 2008–9, one was the limited capacity of G-8 to provide for global economic governance. The developed economies quickly realised that they should seek joint solutions and... more
Abstract. This paper proposes an ordering of ideas to create politics that distinguishes itself from conventional politics. It is called extrapolitics. To define extrapolitics, the concept of politics, transhumanism and dialectic -... more
This article argues that the post-Dayton political organisation of Bosnia represents an exemplary illustration of the difficulties associated with the empirical application of the pluralist model of “consociational democracy”. The... more
'Düşünce ve İfade Özgürlüğü' üzerine yazılmış en güzel eserlerden birisi.
Philosophy tries to answer the questions regarding the source of being. This endeavour reached the highest point with Aristotle in ancient Greece. Our claim is that Aristotle contructs his ontologic theory as the truth by using a... more
Leibniz defende que há formas de necessidade compatíveis com a moralidade e outras que o não são. Para dar razão desta afirmação analisam-se diversas classificações da necessidade apresentadas por Leibniz, procurando salientar a sua... more
Philosophically, the most interesting objection to the reliance on advance directives to guide treatment decisions for formerly competent patients is the argument from the loss of personal identity. Starting with a psychological... more
This study examined constructs drawn from social-cognitive theory and selfdetermination theory rE. L. in relation to dietary self-care and life satisfaction among 638 individuals with diabetes. A motivational model of diabetes dietary... more
The book presents an interdisciplinary exploration aimed at renewing interest in Luigi Einaudi’s search for “good government”, broadly understood as “good society”. Prompted by the Einaudian quest, the essays - exploring philosophy of... more
Dr David Roberts argues that matters normally prioritized as security issues in international politics, such as terrorism and nuclear weapons, cause very limited harm, and that preventable global infant and maternal mortality, counted in... more
The adoption of the Treaty of Lisbon and the granting to the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the same legal force as the Treaty has lent a new impulse to the consideration of fundamental human rights by the European Union (EU). The... more
The killing of Mahmoud al-Mabhou reportedly by agents of Israel‟s Mossad service in Dubai a year ago1 serves as a quick reminder that extrajudicial executions, assassinations and other targeted killing operations are taking place and are... more
(47) „Der Begriff der ‚menschlichen Freiheit’ nach Schellings Freiheitsschrift“. In: F. Hermanni, D. Koch, J. Petersohn (Hgg.): „Der Anfang und das Ende aller Philosophie ist – Freiheit“. Schelling in der Sicht neuerer Forschung,... more
El concepte de Seguretat Humana és present avui dia en la majoria d'anàlisis de les ciències socials, i es caracteritza per ser un terme amb significats molt variats i amplis. Tot i això, el concepte presenta una força que radicaria,... more
In this paper I examine Lukács’ claim that the overcoming of reification amounts to the realization of the identity philosophies of Fichte and Hegel. I suggest that Lukács does indeed contrast reification with a Hegelian conception of... more
How do we judge what is right while, at the same time, respect the freedom of others? In considering this question, I bring Simone de Beauvoir and Hannah Arendt into dialogue to better understand how the pursuit of freedom necessitates a... more
This essay attempts to clarify Leibniz’s theories of freedom and contingency by viewing them against the backdrop of his efforts to reengineer important philosophical concepts. In developing a concept of freedom, Leibniz is above all... more
Jacques Ellul argued that modernity's nearly exclusive reliance on science and technology to design society would threaten hunan freedom. Of particular concern for Ellul was the prospect of the technical milieu overwhelming culture. The... more
Por su trabajo como activista convencida del movimiento feminista, como defensora del derecho de la mujer a decidir sobre su propio cuerpo, como brillante ensayista, como interlocutora de los partidos y movimientos de izquierda mexicana,... more
This article explores the place of religion within Australian primary and secondary education. It is divided into three parts. The first examines religion within the Australian legal and constitutional structure. The second considers the... more
Radio is an old medium that seems to struggle to renew itself. With the switchover from analogue to digital and the necessity to keep up with consumer demand and expectations, radio has been regularly deemed to be obsolete. Radio as a... more
Нит даоизма се кроз живот и стваралаштво Урсуле Ле Гвин постојано провлачи од времена када је први пут, као јако млада, дошла у додир с Лао Цеом и Дао де ђингом 7 . Нема њеног дела које, мање или више експлицитно, не одражава њену дубоку... more
Este artículo discute la libertad de la literatura, a propósito de un libro de L. Padura, "El hombre que amaba a los perros".
El pasado 15 de agosto la capital hispanoguaraní, Asunción, amanecía cubierta de banderas nacionales que anunciaban, si no la llegada de nuevos tiempos para la nación paraguaya, sí la ilusión colectiva del cambio y la esperanza.
The article attempts a comprehensive review of the human security concept in order to question its utility for both research and policy-making. It notes the term’s interdisciplinary and extensively normative content that have facilitated... more