Free Love

24 papers
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Free Love is a social and philosophical movement advocating for the freedom to engage in romantic and sexual relationships without the constraints of marriage, legal obligations, or societal norms. It emphasizes individual autonomy, emotional connection, and the rejection of traditional moral standards regarding love and sexuality.
Lenin and Freud are emblematic figures of the first half of the 20th century. Both lived in Europe at the same time, scandalized the bourgeoisie, criticized the dominant ideology and were considered a threat to religion, morality and... more
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate respectability and the construction of ‘free love’ in Swedish feminist debater and playwright Frida Stéenhoff’s (1865‒1945) drama Lejonets unge (1896). In 1897 the first production of the drama... more
Martin Bubers Auffassung von freiwilliger Gemeinschaft wird auf dem Hintergrund seines Anarchismus entfaltet: Das, was er sich unter Sozialismus vorstellte, entspricht nicht dem Bild von Sozialismus, das heute gängigerweise sowohl von... more
My doctoral submission, Sounding Expanded Affinities, examines how strides toward gender equality might be made, but it postulates that this is too difficult while marriage remains at the core of our patriarchal value system. This... more
; die Mitarbeit erfolgt grund sätz lich ohne Honorar. Das Copyright liegt bei den AutorInnen, der Nachdruck ist nur mit besonderer Erlaubnis der Her aus ge berin und unter Quellenangabe gestattet. Für unverlangt eingesandte Manuskripte... more
My doctoral submission, Sounding Expanded Affinities, examines how strides toward gender equality might be made, but it postulates that this is too difficult while marriage remains at the core of our patriarchal value system. This... more
It should be clear why “Walt Whitman’s Quaker paradox”i matters. Although the details are endlessly nuanced, the fundamental reality was simple: there was a near-consensus among “respectable” antebellum Americans that men’s sexual... more
This thesis uses the life of 19th-century American reformer Mary Gove Nichols to explore antebellum feminism through the lens of health and marriage reform. Using primary sources including the subjects own personal publications, this... more
Review of Pleasure Activism: The Politics of Feeling Good by adrienne maree brown, published in 2021 in Anarchist Studies 29(2): 123–125. Available online:
The Spanish Flu was only one short episode in a long line of illnesses for Edvard Munch (1863-1944), but it gives us an example of an artist who incorporated a pandemic into his art, and, once we relate his paintings about the 1918... more
Zusammenfassung. Ziel dieses Artikels ist es, die Gegenwart unseres globalen Zeitalters zu beschreiben und dabei die Problemfelder und Aufgabenstellungen in den Bereichen Natur, Wirtschaft, Politik und Kultur aufzuzeigen. Um eine... more
Über lange Passagen ist es eine Rezension von Rutger Bregman, Im Grunde gut. Dazu gibt es Querverweise zur Schönstatt-Pädagogik.
This paper deals with some practices and conceptions relating to love and marriage in a now-extinct pre-Islamic culture of the Hindukush, as described in an extremely precious, yet very little-known, Persian ethnographical source (ca.... more
This is the first and only comprehensive review of Walt Whitman's Quakerism, encompassing: (1) an overview of 19th-century Quakerism; (2) the forgotten aspects of antebellum life which enabled Quakers to be such leading players; (3) new... more

Politische Theorie und Ideengeschichte
am Institut für Politikwissenschaften FSU Jena
Anarchistisches Denken und Experimentieren kreist um wichtige und komplizierte Fragen: Wie können sich Menschen Macht aneignen und anwenden, ohne sie zu neuer Herrschaft zu verfestigen? Wie konkrete Utopien verwirklichen, um Brücken von... more
La reproducción de este libro, a través de medios ópticos, electrónicos, químicos, fotográficos o de fotocopias está permitida y alentada por los editores. Queda hecho el depósito que marca la ley 11.723 Impreso en Argentina / Printed in... more
The following 1829 extracts from the Orthodox journal The Friend further prove my contention that the sexual implications of Elias Hicks’s teaching on the Inner Light were one of the most significant motivations for the Hicksite Schism —... more
Es un compilado de textos del siglo XVIII y XIX sobre amor libre. La noción de amor libre apunta no a la mera posibilidad de tener múltiples relaciones sexuales sino a la de amar a varias personas al mismo tiempo. Reintroduce la noción de... more
The Russian Socialist revolution has been an area of interest for many decades now. This period not only witnessed a reordering of political and social organisation, along with the overthrow of the Tsar, coming of the Bolsheviks to power... more
My research has radically expanded upon Frederick Tolles's 1938 finding that Transcendentalism essentially represented a secular Quakerism in four ways, by: (1) revealing Hicksite Perfectionism as an incendiary movement of sexual... more
La reproducción de este libro, a través de medios ópticos, electrónicos, químicos, fotográficos o de fotocopias está permitida y alentada por los editores. Queda hecho el depósito que marca la ley 11.723 Impreso en Argentina / Printed in... more
La reproducción de este libro, a través de medios ópticos, electrónicos, químicos, fotográficos o de fotocopias está permitida y alentada por los editores. Queda hecho el depósito que marca la ley 11.723 Impreso en Argentina / Printed in... more
Der Beitrag behandelt den Diskurs über "freie Liebe" im deutsch- und französischsprachigen Anarchismus der ersten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts im Kontext von Befreiung, Patriarchat und Homophobie.
Lecture about the anarchist discourse about free love in the french and german anarchism at the beginning of the 20th century.
El gran defecto de la emancipación en la actualidad estriba en su inflexibilidad artificial y en su respetabilidad estrecha, que produce en el alma de la mujer un vacío que no deja beber de la fuente de la vida. En una ocasión señale que... more
A s an oxymoron, feminist rhetorical theory and criticism offers unique opportunities to study how sociocultural constructions of "woman" in uence discourse, opinion, policy, and subjectivity. 1 Patriarchy reinforces a condition of lack... more
Since the 1980s, historians have known about a series of letters between the famous anarchist Emma Goldman and her lover Ben Reitman. The letters show deep contradictions in her radical philosophy of free love. Goldman, who wrote... more
El gran defecto de la emancipación en la actualidad estriba en su inflexibilidad artificial y en su respetabilidad estrecha, que produce en el alma de la mujer un vacío que no deja beber de la fuente de la vida. En una ocasión señale que... more
La reproducción de este libro, a través de medios ópticos, electrónicos, químicos, fotográficos o de fotocopias está permitida y alentada por los editores. Queda hecho el depósito que marca la ley 11.723 Impreso en Argentina / Printed in... more
La reproducción de este libro, a través de medios ópticos, electrónicos, químicos, fotográficos o de fotocopias está permitida y alentada por los editores. Queda hecho el depósito que marca la ley 11.723 Impreso en Argentina / Printed in... more
Communication researchers from a range of methodological backgrounds are studying the relationship between communication and sexual health. The present study contributes to this line of research, offering a rhetorical history of the... more