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With the publication of Wilfred Bion’s text 'Learning from Experience', psychoanalysis was afforded a new schema for understanding the processes and implications involved in an infant’s contact with their caregivers. As a result, our... more
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      PsychoanalysisPsychosisSigmund FreudNeuropsychoanalysis
Keywords: Structure-property relationships, Brooker dyes, methine dyes, push-pull polyenes, nonlinear optical response, bond length alternation, bond order -bond length relationships, fluorescent proteins
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      EngineeringNonlinear OpticsPhysical sciencesSecond Harmonic Generation
Partition coefficients, Kfat, from air to human fat and to rat fat have been collected for 129 volatile organic compounds, VOCs. A linear free energy relationship, LFER, correlates the 129 values of logKfat with R2=0.958 and a standard... more
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      Organic ChemistryDISTRIBUTIONAdipose tissueStandard Deviation
Salicylate synthase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis, MbtI, initiates the biosynthesis of siderophores by converting chorismate to salicylate. Nevertheless, three more distinct activities for wild-type MbtI have been detected in vitro:... more
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      ChemistryMBTIQuantum MechanicsMolecular Mechanics
The two opponents, toxin (CcdB, LetB or LetD, protein G, LynB) and antidote (CcdA, LetA, protein H, LynA), in the plasmid addiction system ccd of the F plasmid were studied by different biophysical methods. The thermodynamic stability was... more
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      ChemistryMolecular BiologyProtein FoldingFluorescence
We consider the theoretical setting of a superfluid like 3He in a rotating container, which is set between the two layers of a type-II superconductor. We describe the superfluid vortices as a 2-dimensional Ising-like model on a triangular... more
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      Quantum PhysicsMagnetic fieldSuperconductorsFree Energy
The behavior of binary mixtures of carbon dioxide+alkanol (1-butanol, 2-butanol, 1-pentanol, or 2-pentanol) at high pressures was modeled using the Stryjek-Vera version of the Peng-Robinson equation of state. Two mixing rules were... more
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      Chemical EngineeringHigh PressureCarbon DioxideGibbs Free Energy
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      BiochemistryMonte Carlo SimulationMonte CarloProtein Stability
Mode of interactions of three flavonoids [morin (M), quercetin (Q), and rutin (R)] with chicken blood ds.DNA (ck.DNA) has been investigated spectrophotometrically at different temperatures including body temperature (310 K) and at two... more
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      Analytical ChemistryKineticsFlavonoidsDNA
Pure diblock copolymer melts exhibit a narrow range of conditions at which bicontinuous and cocontinuous phases are stable; such conditions and the morphology of such phases can be tuned by the use of additives. In this work, we have... more
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      EngineeringSelf AssemblyPolymer BlendsPhase Diagrams
It is shown experimentally that the desorption of sodium decyl sulphate from the liquid/air interface is purely diffusion controlled, while the desorption of higher surface active surfactants such as the non-ionic surfactants Triton X-100... more
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      EngineeringThermodynamicsProtein adsorptionKinetics
The phase diagram of water as obtained from computer simulations is presented for the first time for two of the most popular models of water, TIP4P and SPC=E. This Letter shows that the prediction of the phase diagram is an extremely... more
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      Phase DiagramsComputer SimulationPhysical sciencesFree Energy
First-principles phase equilibria calculations often overestimate an order-disorder transition temperature due to the neglect of local lattice distortion effects originated from the mixture of elements of different atomic sizes. The... more
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      Phase equilibriaFree Energy
Cell attachment and spreading to titanium-based alloy surfaces is a major parameter in implant technology. In this paper, substratum surface hydrophobicity, surface free energy, interfacial free energy and surface roughness were... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringTitaniumSurface RoughnessContact angle
The aggregation and interface behavior of alkyltrimethylammonium bromides (C n H 2n؉1 (CH 3 ) 3 N ؉ Br ؊ : C n TMA with n ‫؍‬ 14, 16, 18) have been investigated in concentrated orthophosphoric acid by means of surface tension... more
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      EngineeringPhysical sciencesFree EnergyCHEMICAL SCIENCES
The bagasse fly ash, an industrial solid waste of sugar industry, was used for the removal of cadmium and nickel from wastewater. As much as 90% removal of cadmium and nickel is possible in about 60 and 80 min, respectively, under the... more
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A Mg/Fe hydrotalcite-like-compound (HTlc) was prepared and its affinity toward the removal of SeO 2− 3 from an aqueous medium was studied as a function of pH, time, temperature, particle dose, and SeO 2− 3 concentration. The fraction of... more
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      EngineeringWater PurificationEntropyColloid and Interface Chemistry
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      EngineeringTechnologyPartition CoefficientFree Energy
The influence of the concentration of the purine (PU) and adenine (AD) on the corrosion of copper in 0.5 M Na 2 SO 4 solutions (pH 6.8) was studied. The investigations involved electrochemical polarization methods as well as... more
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringCivil EngineeringCorrosion Science
The inhibitor effect of tryptamine on the corrosion of mild steel in 0.5 M hydrochloric acid at 30°C was investigated using linear polarization, potentiodynamic polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) techniques. The... more
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringCivil EngineeringCorrosion Science
RNA folding is a kinetic process governed by the competition of a large number of structures stabilized by the transient formation of base pairs that may induce complex folding pathways and the formation of misfolded structures. Despite... more
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The unfolding of a protein by the application of an external force pulling two atoms of the protein can be detected by atomic force and optical tweezers technologies as have been broadly demonstrated in the past decade. Variation of the... more
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      ThermodynamicsProtein FoldingKineticsSequence Analysis
The purpose of this study was to describe the problem-solving behaviors of experts and novices engaged in solving seven chemical equilibrium problems. Thirteen novices (five highschool students, five undergraduate majors, and three... more
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      ChemistryScienceProtocol AnalysisProblem Solving
The study of the thermodynamical stability of Fe 80 Ni 20 nanoparticles in the framework of embedded-atom method and moleculardynamics simulations shows evidence of large surface contributions to the free energy for particles with... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsQuantum PhysicsPhase TransitionsFree Energy
Complex equilibria and phase transformations involving diffusion can now be calculated quickly and efficiently. Detailed examples are given for cases which involve varying degrees of non-equilibrium and therefore time-dependence. Despite... more
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      Materials EngineeringThermodynamicsPergamonPhase equilibria
In this paper we describe an approach for teaching the relation between chemical equilibrium and free energy that is, according to our experience, very efficient and enlightening. This approach has a strong visual appeal and can be used... more
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      ChemistryFree EnergyChemical equilibriumCurriculum and Pedagogy
Coriander leaves are widely used in cooking throughout the world. Thermal degradation kinetics of chlorophyll a, b, and total chlorophyll in coriander leaf puree was investigated at varying levels of pH (4.5-8.5) and processing... more
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      KineticsGibbs Free EnergyActivation EnergyFirst-Order Logic
The present paper is aimed to investigate and develop cheap adsorption methods for colour removal from wastewater using waste material de-oiled mustard as adsorbent. De-oiled mustard, a biosorbent, was successfully utilized for removing a... more
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The critical micelle concentration (cmc) of TX-100 in formamide (FA) was determined from surface tension measurements as functions of temperature and NaCl concentration. At 25°C, cmc was also determined by the fluorescence method. For the... more
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The interaction between the zwitterionic buffers (3-[N-bis(2-hydroxyethyl)amino]-2-hydroxy propane sulfonic acid, N-(2-actamido)-2aminoethane sulfonic acid, and 3-[(1,1-dimethyl-2-hydroxyethyl)amino]-2-hydroxy propane sulfonic acid) with... more
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      ThermodynamicsChemical thermodynamicsPotentiometryFree Energy
The adsorption of lead onto date palm fibers (palm fibers) and leaf base of palm (petiole) has been examined in aqueous solution by considering the influence of various parameters such as contact time, solution pH, adsorbent dosage,... more
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      ThermodynamicsKineticsModelingWater Pollution
Hydrolytic activity of penicillin V acylase (EC can be improved by using organic cosolvents in monophasic systems. However, the addition of these solvents may result in loss of stability of the enzyme. The thermal stability of... more
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      PredictionStabilityEnvironmental BiotechnologyBacteria
Gas-phase enthalpies of formation, acidities, and strain energies of the [m, n]polyprismanes (m ‡ 2; n 5 3-8; m 3 n £ 16): a CBS-Q//B3, G4MP2, and G4 theoretical study Abstract Gas-phase standard state (298.15 K, 1 atm) enthalpies of... more
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      Free EnergyStrain EnergyTHEORETICAL AND COMPUTATIONAL CHEMISTRYExperimental Measurement
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      Mathematical SciencesPhysical sciencesFree EnergyPotts Model
The miscibility of the dicyanate of bisphenol A, with three dicyanate monomers, with aryl/alkylene ether backbones is studied at different compositions of a binary blend. Solubility parameters are calculated for dicyanate monomers and... more
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      EngineeringMaterials SciencePolymer BlendsPolymer
The phase diagram of water as obtained from computer simulations is presented for the first time for two of the most popular models of water, TIP4P and SPC=E. This Letter shows that the prediction of the phase diagram is an extremely... more
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      Phase DiagramsComputer SimulationPhysical sciencesFree Energy
This paper investigates the mechanism of water splitting in photosystem II (PSII) as described by chemically sensible models of the oxygen-evolving complex (OEC) in the S0-S4 states. The reaction is the paradigm for engineering direct... more
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The mechanism of the hydrogen evolution and reduction reactions on a nickel electrode has been examined several times, mainly because of the potential application of this material in water electrolysers and fuel cells. This work presents... more
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      EngineeringChemistryHydrogenCyclic Voltammetry
A comparative study of 5-amino-1,2,4-triazole (5-ATA), 5-amino-3-mercapto-1,2,4-triazole (5-AMT), 5-amino-3-methylthio-1,2,4-triazole (5-AMeTT) and 1-amino-3-methylthio-1,2,4-triazole (1-AMeTT) as inhibitors for mild steel corrosion in... more
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      EngineeringThermodynamicsElectrochemical Impedance SpectroscopyPhysical sciences
The biosorption of Acid Red 337 and Acid Blue 324 from aqueous solution on Enteromorpha prolifera was investigated in a batch system. Optimum initial pH and temperature values for AB 324 and AR 337 dyes were found as 3.0 and 2.0, 25 and... more
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      Chemical EngineeringKineticsNonlinear RegressionActivation Energy
We demonstrate that interferometric lithography provides a fast, simple approach to the production of patterns in self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) with high resolution over square centimeter areas. As a proof of principle, two-beam... more
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      PhotochemistrySelf AssemblyMultidisciplinaryGradient
The discovery that the protease from the human immunodeficiency virus Department of Biology and the Biocalorimetry Center (HIV) belongs to the aspartic protease family has generated renewed interest in this class of proteins. In this... more
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      ThermodynamicsMolecular BiologyKineticsMolecular Recognition
This study investigates the crystallization kinetics of palm stearin (PS), a palm oil fraction, in blends with sesame seed oil. The results indicate that the crystallization behavior of PS in sesame oil is mainly associated with the... more
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      Chemical EngineeringPolymorphismKineticsCooling Rate
Pure Y2O3 and Y2O3-ZrO2 solid solutions have been prepared by melt atomization and by pyrolysis of nitrate solutions. Extended solubility is readily achieved in both techniques for the entire composition range investigated: melts with... more
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringCrystal GrowthThin Film
We present a maximum likelihood argument for the Bennett acceptance ratio method, and derive a simple formula for the variance of free energy estimates generated using this method. This derivation of the acceptance ratio method, using a... more
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      Stochastic ProcessThermodynamicsNonlinear dynamicsStatistical Physics
In the majority of citrus juices, bitterness is mainly ascribed to the presence of limonoids (triterpenes) and flavanone glycosides (flavonoids), namely limonin and naringin. In this study, the selective removal of limonin and naringin... more
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      Industrial BiotechnologyAdsorptionActivated Carbonvitamin C
A simulation based comparative study of the polarization hysteresis of the ferroelectric capacitor using various ferroelectric models is presented. A 2-dimensional finite element device-level model was implemented using SILVACO's ATLAS... more
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      Finite ElementHysteresisMott metal-insulator transitionElectric Fields
Simplified versions of CBS-QB3 model chemistry were used to calculate the free energies of 36 deprotonation reactions in the gas phase. The best such version, S9, excluded coupled cluster calculation [CCSD(T)], and empirical (⌬E emp ) and... more
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      Quantum ChemistryComplex SystemRoot-Mean Square ErrorSpin-Orbit Coupling
We simulate the phase segregation of a deeply quenched binary mixture with an initial concentration gradient. Our theoretical model follows the standard model H, where convection and di!usion are coupled via a body force, expressing the... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringChemical EngineeringKineticsCritical phenomena