Free Cash Flow

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Free Cash Flow (FCF) is a financial metric that represents the cash generated by a company's operations after accounting for capital expenditures. It indicates the amount of cash available for distribution to investors, including shareholders and debt holders, and is a key indicator of a company's financial health and operational efficiency.
The aim of this research is to provide empirical evidence on the impact of good corporate governance, free cash flow, and leverage ratio on earnings management. Good corporate governance is measured by audit committee’s size, the... more
The purpose of the research is to provide empirical evidence about the effect of board of commissioner, board independence and audit quality on relationship between free cash flow and earnings management. This research used 290 data from... more
The purpose of this study is to examine the factors that influence earnings management in Indonesia. Those factors are profitability, leverage, firm size, audit committee, independent commissioner proportion, institutional ownership,... more
We examine the value market assigns to components of the cash flow to equity including potential dividends. We study non financial publicly traded firms from five Latin American countries. The model includes four variables: market value... more
El metodo conocido como flujo de caja descontado fue introducido por los premios Novel Modigliani y Miller en 1961. La dificultad de este metodo de valoracion nace de las limitaciones para realizar unas previsiones razonables de los... more
Sharing dividend of the shareholders depends on each company policies. This kind of dividend is also affected by profitability, liquidity, firm size, leverage, and managerial ownership. While, this research aimed to find out the effect of... more
Based on the Agency literature, on the one hand, cash dividends paid to shareholders reduce free cash flows and reduce the risk of investment in non-optimal investing projects, and on the other hand, increase constant control on managers... more
Este trabalho demonstra que o aumento na distribuição de proventos em dinheiro pelas companhias brasileiras deveu-se a um crescimento na propensão a remunerar os acionistas e não às mudanças de características das empresas. Diferentemente... more
We show that project evaluation should be based on free cash flows at nominal prices. We present a case where the results from the constant price method are biased upwards and there is a risk to accept bad projects. It is a widespread... more
Earnings management is defined as a managerial discretionary practice of timing strategic and operating decisions (e.g., accelerating sales, postponing research and development) or choosing accrual estimates (excessive reserves) to manage... more
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah Free Cash Flow dan Investment Opportunity Set terhadap Dividend Payout Ratio pada Perusahaan Manufaktur yang Terdaftar di BEI Tahun 2017-2020. Metode penelitian dalam skripsi ini adalah... more
Downloadable! ABSTRACT This research paper focused on the corporate restructuring of Nippon Telegraph Telecommunication (NTT Group) under the pure holding company structure in 1999 and its implications. In order to understand the holding... more
As an information system, accounting can assist users by providing them with relevant and reliable information for making reasonable decisions. The information including financial statements can meet the needs of financial users. One of... more
The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of asset structure, free cash flow (FCF), and investment opportunity set on debt policy in the LQ-45 company listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange between 2011 and 2015.The data used... more
This study aims to analyze empirically that free cash flow, return on assets and earnings per share affect earnings management and to empirically analyze that Managerial Ownership can moderate return on assets to earnings management in... more
ABSTRACTThis study aims to examine the effect of information asymmetry on earnings management through real activities manipulation. Real activities manipulation was abserved through cash flow from operations. Companies included in LQ-45... more
Prodi S1 Akuntansi, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Universitas Telkom [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] Abstrak Nilai perusahaan dijadikan fokus utama dalam pengambilan... more
This study examines the impact of tangibility, free cash flow, growth, and profitability on debt policy. Samples are manufacturing firms listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange during 2017-2019. Purposive sampling is employed to acquire... more
The purpose of this study aims to discover the effect of free cash flow, debt to equity ratio working capital turnover, and earning per share on stock price with stock beta as moderating variables. This research was conducted on... more
We survey institutional investors about their role in capital structure decisions and views on capital structure theories. Over 82% of investors believe they influence corporate capital structure decisions, especially for smaller,... more
Debt policy is a decision made by a company to obtain funds from outside parties to meet the operational needs of the company. Recent economic development encourages companies to continue to expand their business in order to survive and... more
The purpose of this research is to investigate the relationship between firm growth opportunities and Changes ratio in retained earnings of companies. This study is a literature study and analysis scientific, and is based on the analysis... more
We examine the key drivers behind management decisions on share repurchase from various theoretical perspectives, including the free cash flow theory and the signaling theory/hypothesis. Specifically, we investigate the relationship... more
Supports on the free cash flow and agency cost theory from dividend announcements studies have been heavily discussed in the Western literature, but they have not been given much attention in the Asian countries, particularly in Malaysia.... more
1-Bu makale Gazi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü'nde 12.06.2020 tarihinde birinci yazar tarafından ikinci yazarın danışmanlığında hazırlanıp savunulan "Serbest Nakit Akışının Şirket Etkinliği Üzerindeki Etkisi ve BİST 100'de Bir... more
Dividend policy is one of the most important areas in finance literature. This is known as ‘dividend puzzle’ in finance literature. One explanation is that dividends help address agency problems between managers and outside investors. The... more
IDX is one of the places for stock trading transactions of various companies in Indonesia. This study aims to analyze the factors that affect the company’s stock price in Indonesian capital market especially in Property Real and Estate.... more
The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of asset structure, free cash flow (FCF), and investment opportunity set on debt policy in the LQ-45 company listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange between 2011 and 2015.The data used... more
Pembayaran bunga 1 Rp. 5 juta 10% 5 1x / tahun 2 Rp.6 juta 8% 4 2x / tahun 3 Rp. 8 juta 6% 2 3 x/ tahun Hitunglah Nilai saat ini dan Nilai yang akan datang dari data di atas.
This study investigates the effect of board diversity in terms of gender and ethnicity on dividend payout policy when a firm has free cash flow agency problem. It also tests whether the probability of diverse boards would minimize free... more
This paper investigates the impact of debt financing on dividend payments when they face the agency costs of free cash flow. It focuses on a sample of 120 firms listed on the Saudi Stock Exchange during the period of 2011-2021. The... more
Free cash flow agency problem occurs when there is different interest between insider (manager and controlling shareholder) and outsider (minority shareholder and creditor) in correlated with firm free cash flow. Free cash flow agency... more
Pada era globalisasi saat ini, perusahaan perlu memiliki tujuan yang jelas untuk mencapai laba maksimal dan meningkatkan kinerja. Tujuan ini seringkali terkait dengan kepentingan
Kebijakan dividen merupakan keputusan dari manajemen perusahaan untuk menentukan berapa banyak laba yang harus dibagikan kepada para pemegang saham/investor dan berapa banyak yang harus ditanam kembali menjadi laba ditahan (Bansaleng et... more
Artikel ini membahas pengaruh beberapa faktor terhadap kebijakan dividen perusahaan sektor keuangan di Indonesia. Dalam konteks bisnis global, perusahaan dituntut meningkatkan laba dan kinerja untuk menarik investor, terutama melalui... more
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kesulitan keuangan ,kepemilikan institusional dan kepemilikan manajerial terhadap konservatisme akuntansi. Metode pengambilan sampel menggunakan purvosive sampling dengan jumlah sampel 36... more