Objectives. Among patients who arrive at an emergency department (ED) with pain, over half remain in moderate or severe pain at ED discharge. Our objectives were to identify ED physicians' prescribing patterns when discharging patients... more
Background Low bone mineral density (BMD) is a public health issue in Saudi Arabia. This study measured the prevalence and factors associated with low BMD in Saudi women in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Methods A cross sectional study using two... more
Background: Reconstruction of defects around the ankle region has always been challenging for plastic surgeons. Distally based lateral and medial leg adipofascial flaps are among the flaps of choice for coverage of this difficult region.... more
Background: Reconstruction of defects around the ankle region has always been challenging for plastic surgeons. Distally based lateral and medial leg adipofascial flaps are among the flaps of choice for coverage of this difficult region.... more
The purpose of this study was to clarify the differences in the causes of osteochondral lesions (OCL) of the ankle based on the presence of distal fibular fractures and lateral instability of the ankle. Type of Study: Case series.... more
Background Cartilage defects are created on intraarticular osteochondral fragments at the entrance holes of fixation devices when these fragments are fixed to the original sites. Conventional fixation devices hinder repair of these... more
Background. Pegs made from cortical bone are used to fi x osteochondral fractures and osteochondral dissecans. This technique has many advantages, but it requires long-term immobilization. This study examined the effect of surface... more
Objective-To evaluate a dorsoproximal extra-articular approach for insertion of 8.25-mm, solid-titanium, intramedullary (IM) interlocking nails into ostectomized foal third metacarpal (MC3) and third metatarsal (MT3) bones; to compare the... more
After trauma, obese patients have an increased risk of developing acute kidney injury (AKI). We have demonstrated that obese Zucker (OZ) rats, but not lean Zucker (LZ) rats, develop AKI 24 h after orthopedic trauma. ROS have been... more
Objectives: This study aims to assess the efficacy of the Masquelet technique in addressing post-traumatic long bone defects. Through a two-stage process involving temporary spacer implantation and subsequent staged bone grafting, the... more
Purpose: To compare computed tomography (CT) in the sagittal plane and plain film radiography in the diagnosis of scaphoid fracture and displacement. Methods: Three groups of scaphoids (no fracture, undisplaced fractures, fractures with... more
N umerous publications on ultrasound (US) imaging in actual and analogue spacefl ight environments report reliance on remote guidance (RG) of minimally trained caregivers or research operators with no professional expertise in US. 1 , 2 ,... more
Background: HIV infection has been associated with an increased risk of fragility fracture. We explored whether or not this increased risk persisted in HIV infected and uninfected men when controlling for traditional fragility fracture... more
Background Patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) have been reported to be at higher risk of fracture than other people. We sought to test this hypothesis in a large database of hospital admissions in England. Methods We analysed a... more
Background: Heterotopic ossification around the elbow can result in pain, loss of motion, and impaired function. We hypothesized that a single dose of radiation therapy could be administered safely and acutely after elbow trauma, could... more
The anterior iliac crest is the harvest site preferred by many surgeons because of the quantity and quality of bone obtainable and the simplicity of harvesting techniques. Avulsion fracture of the iliac crest following bone grafting is an... more
The anterior iliac crest is the harvest site preferred by many surgeons because of the quantity and quality of bone obtainable and the simplicity of harvesting techniques. Avulsion fracture of the iliac crest following bone grafting is an... more
The null hypothesis that exercise has no effect on fracture rates in old age cannot be rejected on the basis of any published, randomized, prospective data. The view that exercise reduces the number of fractures is based on prospective... more
The aim of this study was to evaluate a general school-based one-year exercise intervention program in a population-based cohort of girl at Tanner stage I. Fifty-three girls aged 7 to 9 years were included. The school curriculum based... more
The null hypothesis that exercise has no effect on fracture rates in old age cannot be rejected on the basis of any published, randomized, prospective data. The view that exercise reduces the number of fractures is based on prospective... more
Objective: Evaluate changes in bone mineral density (BMD) during pregnancy and lactation and evaluate BMD and fracture risk in nulli-and multiparous women.
The adrenal-derived hormones dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and its sulfate (DHEAS) are the most abundant circulating hormones and their levels decline substantially with age. DHEAS is considered an inactive precursor, which is converted... more
One risk factor for osteoporosis which has attracted increasing attention in recent years is exposure to cadmium. The aim of this study was to examine the associations between low-level cadmium exposure, from diet and smoking, and BMD and... more
Cortical porosity increases with age and affects bone strength, but its association with fracture in older men is unknown. The aim of this study was to investigate whether cortical porosity is associated with prevalent fractures in older... more
Most previous genetic epidemiology studies within the field of osteoporosis have focused on the genetics of the complex trait areal bone mineral density (aBMD), not being able to differentiate genetic determinants of cortical volumetric... more
at prospective and retrospective observational studies with fracture as the end-point and RCTs with BMD or a frequency of a fall as the surrogate end-point for fractures. Nutrition. The role of calcium in attaining an adequate peak bone... more
Quantitative ultrasound of the heel captures heel bone properties that independently predict fracture risk and, with bone mineral density (BMD) assessed by X-ray (DXA), may be convenient alternatives for evaluating osteoporosis and... more
Low calcaneal bone mineral density and the risk of distal forearm fracture in women and men: A population-based case-control study.
Objective: Evaluate changes in bone mineral density (BMD) during pregnancy and lactation and evaluate BMD and fracture risk in nulli-and multiparous women.
Osteoporosis has be reported to be a complication of active antiretroviral therapy of HIV infection. We studied 148 HIV-infected men stratified according to their treatment. Our data show that these patients have an average 9% decreased... more
Bone fractures in birds are usually diagnosed with the aid of traditional radiography. However, this technique remains limited because of the difficulties associating this examination with real-time procedures. The aim of this study was... more
The current focus on reducing the risk of osteoporosis and skeletal fractures in later life has placed an emphasis on the role of calcium in building strong bones during childhood and adolescence. Recent National Institutes of Health... more
Integrins mediate cell adhesion to extracellular matrix components. Integrin ␣11 is a collagen receptor expressed on many mesenchymal cells, but mice deficient in ␣1 integrin (␣1-KO) have no gross structural defects. Here, the... more
Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) is an inherited disease with an incidence of about 1:3000 worldwide. Approximately half of all patients with NF1 present osseous manifestations, which can vary from mild to severely debilitating changes such... more
Integrins mediate cell adhesion to extracellular matrix components. Integrin ␣11 is a collagen receptor expressed on many mesenchymal cells, but mice deficient in ␣1 integrin (␣1-KO) have no gross structural defects. Here, the... more
Purpose In the surgical treatment for lower-leg intraarticular fractures, the fragments have to be positioned and aligned to reconstruct the fractured bone as precisely as possible, to allow the joint to function correctly again. Standard... more
Purpose : In epileptic patients fractures are six times more frequent than in the general population. Known predisposing factors are anticonvulsant drugs, malnutrition, lack of physical activity and sunlight exposure. Methods : In this... more
Introduction: Computed tomography (CT) scans are often used in the evaluation of patients with blunt trauma. This study identifies the clinical features associated with further diagnostic information obtained on a CT chest scan compared... more
The aim of this study was to describe social participation expressed as accomplished ordinary activities, health-related quality of life (HRQoL) and life satisfaction (LS), among elderly men and women with osteoporosis-related fractures... more
Background Bisphosphonates such as pamidro- nate disodium inhibit osteoclast-induced bone resorption associated with cancer that has metastasized to bone. Women with stage IV breast cancer who were receiving cytotoxic chemotherapy and had... more
Vplyv akromegálie na kosť a riziko fraktúr nebol doteraz dostatočne preskúmaný. Akromegália stimuluje kostný obrat, čo vedie k vzostupu osteoresorpčných aj osteoformačných markerov. Pacienti s akromegáliou majú normálnu alebo dokonca... more
Study Design: Case study. Objectives: To discuss the differential diagnosis, the nonsurgical and postoperative management of common accessory bones of the foot. Background: Accessory bones of the foot that are formed during abnormal... more
In 1989, a prospective randomized multicenter study was initiated in order to determine the safety and efficacy of oral clodronate in myeloma patients. The primary objective of this long-term trial is to evaluate whether supportive... more
Women residing in Olmsted County (n ϭ 9,258) who underwent hysterectomy in 1965-2002, compared to an equal number of age-and sex-matched community controls. Intervention(s): Observational study of the effect of hysterectomy for various... more
Thinking of the future and walking back to normal: an exploratory study of patients’ experiences during recovery from lower limb fracture¶ Admission to hospital following a traumatic lower limb fracture is undoubtedly a stressful life... more