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Receiving of remote sensed data's signals in urban space information reception centers is usually difficult, because of complex electromagnetic situation in cities and insufficient EMC. Traditional methods for digital... more
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      ElectromagnetismRemote SensingElectromagnetic CompatibilityOptical Communication
An iris recognition system is proposed in this paper. This system implements (a) the combination of proposed black hole search method and integro-differential operators for iris localization,(b) one-dimensional fractal analysis for... more
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      MathematicsComputer ScienceFeature ExtractionFractal Analysis
Fractal analysis in cancer cell investigation provided meaningful insights into the relationship between morphology and phenotype. Some reports demonstrated that changes in cell shape precede and trigger dramatic modifications in both... more
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      Principal Component AnalysisMagnetic Resonance SpectroscopyFractalsGene expression
Conditions during the formation of breccias in the Curnamona Province (eastern South Australia) have been investigated through a detailed fractal, microstructural, structural and fluid inclusion study of the breccias, syn-tectonic quartz... more
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      GeologyStructural GeologyMicrostructureSouth Australia
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      Statistical AnalysisMultidisciplinarySurface RoughnessSurface topography
Fractal analysis of the morphology of ice crystal particles in frozen food was attempted for frozen soybean curd (tofu). From a microscopic image analysis of the ice crystal particles, it was found that the perimeter of the ice crystal... more
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      EngineeringImage AnalysisMorphologyCrystallization
Fractal measurements using the Cantor's dust method in a linear one-dimensional analysis mode were made on the fracture patterns revealed on two-dimensional, planar surfaces in four granites. This method allows one to conclude that: (1)... more
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      Earth SciencesMethodologyFractureFractals
We propose new methods adapted from Nonlinear Dynamics, based on pattern entropy and fractal analysis of EEG-signal, to assess the influence of magnetic field (used e.g. in physiotherapy) on the human brain.
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      PhysiotherapyNonlinear dynamicsFractalsMagnetic field
In pathological brain, a variety of morphological forms exist that reflect differences in functional requirements. To better understand microglia function in neurological disease, it is important to identify and quantify microglia... more
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      Applied MathematicsMathematical PhysicsSchizophreniaMorphology
Epitaxially-grown Al x Ga 1−x As-GaAs heterostructures allow electron confinement to a thin sheet known as a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG). Using negatively biased surface-gates to electrostatically deplete selected regions of the... more
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      Chaotic DynamicsFractal AnalysisQuantum InterferenceClassical Limit
Recently a large number of studies has been published in the area of Fractal Analysis. In this paper we review briefly the IFS (Iterated Function System) theory, and we show how this theoretical tool leads to new applications in Pattern... more
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      Cognitive SciencePattern RecognitionFeature SelectionPattern Matching
Many archaeological patterns are fractal. Fractal analysis, therefore, has much to contribute to archaeology. This article offers an introduction to fractal analysis for archaeologists. We explain what fractals are, describe the essential... more
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      MathematicsFractal GeometryArchaeologySettlement Patterns
Horton's hierarchical and fractal analysis of channel circumference reveals that tidal-channel systems in the Dutch Wadden Sea have similar branching patterns. Channel systems have the same characteristics as three- to four-times... more
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      Fractal GeometryGeologyBarrier IslandFractal Analysis
Abstract—The aim of this study was to investigate the value of fractal dimension in separating normal and cancerous images, and to examine the relationship between fractal dimension and traditional texture analysis features. Forty-four... more
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      EngineeringMathematicsComputer ScienceCancer
Mecânica da Fratura Fractal prevê em suas equações a influencia da rugosidade das trincas sobre o campo de tensão ao seu redor e sobre todo o fenômeno da fratura. Portanto, para compreender melhor essa influência e as diferenças entre as... more
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      FractalsFractal AnalysisFractal Dimension
В статье рассмотрены основные положения теорий динамики рынков, в частности, гипотезы эффективного рынка, гипотезы когерентного рынка, гипотезы фрактального рынка и гипотезы синергетического рынка. Проанализированы инструменты... more
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      FinanceFinancial EconomicsFinancial mathematicsFractals
Several destructive earthquakes have occurred in the Kachchh region of Gujarat during the past two centuries, among them Allah Bund earthquake (M7.8) in 1819, Anjar earthquake (M6) in 1956 and the recent Bhuj earthquake (M7.6) in 2001.... more
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      GeophysicsFractal AnalysisFractal Dimension
In this manuscript, we review fractal calculus and random processes. Random variables and processes on totally disconnected fractal sets are defined. Random walks on fractal middle-ξ Cantor sets are suggested and corresponding variances... more
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    • Fractal Analysis
The theory of space-charge-limited currents for trap-free insulator, insulator with single trap level and exponential trap distribution in energy is presented using fractal analysis. It is shown that independent of the electrode... more
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      EngineeringMathematical SciencesFractal AnalysisFractal Dimension
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      Electron MicroscopyFractalsMultidisciplinaryFractal Analysis
The rheological properties and fractal dimensions of flaxseed gum gels were analyzed in various ionic strength values ranging between 0 and 1000 mM. The rheological properties of flaxseed gum were significantly influenced by the ionic... more
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      Organic ChemistryRheologyModel SelectionFractal Analysis
In this paper a fractal analysis study of VoIP traffic is presented. The characteristics of measured VoIP traffic on both call and packet level have been investigated. The results support the popular Poisson process for VoIP call arrival... more
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      FractalsFractal AnalysisDetectorsPoisson Process
Streszczenie Wprowadzenie: w procesie reinkluzji ząb wyrzynający się lub wyrznięty ponownie zagłębia się w kości stwarzając różne problemy kliniczne. Etiopatogeneza tej anomalii nie została dotychczas wyjaśniona. Rozpoznanie reinkluzji... more
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      Fractal AnalysisCzas
Запропоновано методику передпрогнозного фрактального аналізу часових рядів, яка базується на послідовному R/S-аналізі. На основі цієї методики можна визначати рівень персистентності, розраховувати середню величину неперіодичного циклу... more
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      Time series analysisFractal AnalysisTime Series Forecasting
In the last three decades it has become quite common to evaluate local muscle fatigue by means of surface electromyographic (sEMG) signal processing. A large number of studies have been performed yielding signal-based quantitative... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringBiomedical EngineeringSignal ProcessingSkeletal muscle biology
In this paper, point pattern analysis, fractal analysis and Fry analysis were employed to study the spatial pattern of known occurrences of mineral deposits of the type sought, whereas distance distribution method was applied to study the... more
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      GeologyGeochemistryStructural ControlConceptual Model
In the southwestern part of the Ashanti Belt, the results of fractal and Fry analyses of the spatial pattern of 51 known mines/prospects of (mostly lode) gold deposits and the results of analysis of their spatial associations with faults... more
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      GeologyGeochemistryStructural ControlFractal Analysis
The approach taken in this paper, namely synthesising a wealth of previous information with new data and a genetic model, in combination with integrated numerical analyses, led to new insights into the geological controls on the... more
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      GeneticsGeologyGeochemistryStructural Geology
This paper deals with fractal aesthetics and proposes a new fractal analysis method for the perceptual study of architecture. The authors believe in the universality of formulas and aim to complement the architectural description in terms... more
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      Fractal GeometryComplexityFractal AnalysisArchitectural Analysis
Fractal geometry is being used in diverse research areas and it is proving to be an increasingly useful tool. Since there is a growing interest in the applications of fractal geometry in many branches of science and art, questions about... more
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      EngineeringFractal GeometryMathematical SciencesPower Law
The impact that progress in information technology has on the entire activity of humans has proportions and a complexity that are difficult to describe or summarize. On one hand, the objects built by humans become – more and more each day... more
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      PathologyVeterinary MedicineCancerDigital Image Processing
Fractal Analysis on the Great Divergence phenomenon pin-pointed by historians & economists.
An Open Perspective on the blockchain and its consequences on the Great Divergence Mechanics, is added at the end
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      HistoryEuropean HistorySociologyEconomics
Regarding the foundations of matter as energy fields in a fractal gearing structure can redefine the foundations of quantum physics in a unique new way, while remaining consistent with modern probabilisitic theories. Further, working... more
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      Fractal GeometryQuantum PhysicsQuantum GravityFoundations of Quantum Mechanics
La presente investigación sigue la línea de los estudios tecnológicos de la fabricación cerámica. No se pretende desarrollar un análisis de cadenas operatorias, pero se parte de la idea que una secuencia específica de acciones y gestos... more
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      Pottery (Archaeology)Mesoamerican ArchaeologyCeramic Analysis (Archaeology)Mesoamerica
Over the last years, fractal and multifractal geometries were applied extensively in many medical signal (1D, 2D or 3D) analysis applications like pattern recognition, texture analysis and segmentation. Application of this geometry relies... more
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      EngineeringAlgorithmsArtificial IntelligencePattern Recognition
Mapping of mineral prospectivity and assessment of undiscovered mineral deposits both aim to delineate prospective ground for mineral exploration, but the latter is usually carried out exclusive of the former. We propose that the spatial... more
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      GeologyGeochemistryMineral explorationFractal Analysis
Palette images are widely used on the World Wide Web (WWW) and in game-cartridge applications. Many images used on the WWW are stored and transmitted after they are compressed losslessly with the standard graphics interchange format... more
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      AlgorithmsVisualizationPhysical OceanographyImage compression
Recognition of significant geochemical signatures and separation of geochemical anomalies from background are critical issues in interpretation of stream sediment data to define exploration targets. In this paper, we used staged factor... more
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      Factor analysisFractal AnalysisSpatial Analysis for Mineral ProspectivityGeographic Information Systems (GIS)
Natural tight reservoirs are networks with high connectivity but low porosity, in which fractal behaviors have been widely observed and proven to affect the transport property significantly. The objective of this study is to establish a... more
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      Fractal AnalysisTight Gas Reserviors3D porosity and mineralogy characterization in tight gas sandstonesfractal topography
The aim of this study is to map orogenic gold prospecting areas in the region of Saqez, NW of Iran. In order to achieve this task geological, geochemical and airborne geophysical data are analyzed and integrated using index overlay and... more
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      Fuzzy LogicFractal AnalysisGeophysical ExplorationGeochemical exploration
Nearly all nontrivial real-world systems are nonlinear dynamical systems. Chaos describes certain nonlinear dynamical systems that have a very sensitive dependence on initial conditions. Chaotic systems are always deterministic and may be... more
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      Control Systems EngineeringMathematicsFractal GeometryComputer Science
We use some fractal analysis methods to study river flow fluctuations. The result of the Multifractal Detrended Fluctuation Analysis (MF-DFA) shows that there are two crossover timescales at s1× ∼ 12 and s2× ∼ 130 months in the... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsQuantum PhysicsTime SeriesSeasonality
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      Fractal AnalysisFractals and Geometry of Nature
MFDFA (the most rigorous technique to assess multifractality) was performed on four Hindustani music samples played on same ‘raga’ sung by the same performer. Each music sample was divided into six parts and ‘multifractal spectral width’... more
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      Nonlinear dynamicsCognitive NeuroscienceFractal Analysis
An experimental study on CH 4 -CO 2 -air flames at various pressures is conducted by using both laminar and turbulent Bunsen flame configurations. The aim of this research is to contribute to the characterization of fuel lean... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringChemical EngineeringCarbon DioxideImage Analysis
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      ArchaeologyLithic TechnologyFractalsDebitage Analysis
Differences in the microstructure of low fat yoghurt manufactured with microparticulated whey proteins used as fat replacer were investigated. Images were obtained by confocal laser scanning microscopy and studied using a technique for... more
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      Food EngineeringWaveletsFractal AnalysisPrincipal Components Analysis
The aim of this study is determination and separation of alteration zones using Concentration-Area (C-A) fractal model based on remote sensing data which has been extracted from Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection... more
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      Remote sensing and GISFractal AnalysisMineral Prospecting/Mineral Exploration/Field Geology/Ore mineralogy/Petrography/Ore Deposits Modeling
Relationships between habitat structure and spatial variations in vegetation composition were determined in catenas of central Argentina salt marsh landscapes. Vegetation was classified following a multi-technique strategy. An analysis of... more
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      Plant EcologyPlant BiologyEcologyMultivariate Analysis