Recent papers in Fracking
RESUMEN La fractura hidráulica o fracking es una técnica que permite la extracción de gas y petróleo del subsuelo en yacimientos no convencionales. Sin embargo, esta extracción genera impactos negativos en los ecosistemas. Por esta razón,... more
Hydraulic fracturing ('fracking') has enabled the recovery of previously inaccessible resources and rendered new areas of the underground 'productive'. While a number of studies in the US and UK have examined public attitudes toward... more
Hydraulic fracturing is an energy extraction process that is increasingly attracting controversy. This article seeks to outline how the media report hydraulic fracturing (or " fracking "), and to explore its place within the reporting of... more
Merely “surreal” might describe the interview given by Aqua America’s CEO, Nick DeBenedictis, to Crissa Shoemaker DeBree did the fact that he is lying not portend such devastating consequences for so many people. The security of the... more
The logistic function is used to forecast energy consumed worldwide and oil production in the U.S. The logistic substitution model is used to describe the energy mix since 1965 presenting a picture significantly different from the one... more
Río Negro avanza aceleradamente en la transformación de su economía en un enclave petrolero: de la mano del fracking los hidrocarburos han ganado importancia en el devenir provincial. Se supone que la radicación de inversiones y la... more
The possibility of extracting shale gas using hydraulic fracturing on a large scale has invoked a public and political debate about the creation of an appropriate regulatory regime for such activities at the European level. The issues of... more
Fraturamento hidráulico, ou mais conhecido como fracking, refere-se a uma técnica de extração de gás natural realizada principalmente em reservatórios considerados não convencionais. Os recursos associados a esses reservatórios são... more
The ever-increasing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions into the atmosphere due to human activities are causing a major environmental impact and need to be controlled promptly using innovative technologies. CO2 storage in sub-surface... more
En los primeros años de la década del ’90 se inició un proceso simultáneo de privatización y federalización de los hidrocarburos, la empresa estatal YPF fue convertida en una sociedad anónima y sus acciones –en principio en poder de la... more
El mundo enfrenta una crisis ambiental de magnitud en la que el patrón energético dominante, centrado en un 72 % en combustibles fósiles (carbón, petróleo y gas), tiene una responsabilidad central por la emisión de gases de efecto... more
This thesis is the first to focus on grassroots political opposition to fracking development in a city-region. It examines the political space opened by activists in Greater Manchester between 15th November 2013 and 12th April 2014,... more
The energy revolution in Germany will pose a challenge due to the ongoing use of natural gas and oil energy resources. In 2014 natural gas covered around 20% of primary energy consumption. Self-sufficiency is falling steadily and was 7%... more
En la lógica de expansión del Estado neoliberal, las geografías nacionales adquieren un rol protagónico en la articulación de conflictos relacionados con la explotación de los recursos naturales y la desposesión comunitaria orquestada por... more
This study documents and analyses the social impacts of fracking and natural gas developments across five locations in England. The primary data were derived from anthropological fieldwork, including interviews and observations, conducted... more
This is the Draft Table of Contents for my forthcoming book (Lexington--hopefully December 2016): Eco-Nihilism: The Philosophical Geopolitics of the Climate Change Apocalypse. I post it here to give my readers--for whom I'm tremendously... more
That talk is never disinterested complicates the relationship between the environment and the claims people make about it. Talk about place, and one's self in it, is particularly complex when the environment poses risk or is otherwise... more
An overview of the work of film director, Gus Van Sant.
RESUMEN: Un tema controversial que ha ganado terreno con la reciente reforma energética es el fracking, una técnica empleada para la explotación de gas natural o gas shale almacenado en reservorios no convencionales; así como el posible... more
La reforma energética constituyó en México una enmienda constitucional tan relevante que fue necesario expedir y modificar un conjunto de leyes relacionadas con la minería, los hidrocarburos, el agua, la generación de energía eléctrica y... more
A thorough understanding of social and psychological factors as well as public understanding of risk is central to taking informed decisions about shale gas exploration and extraction in Lancashire and the UK. On the basis of existing... more
Este libro identifica algunas de las problemáticas sociales presentes en Colombia y pone en evidencia la configuración de la infografía como un instrumento importante para la apropiación del conocimiento y la construcción de la realidad.... more
Update: If you'd like to watch an accurate, funny, and brief take on Eco-Nihilism, please go to #wisecrack on Youtube: Did South Park Turn Anti-Capitalist, where the central argument from Eco-Nihilism is quoted at several junctures:... more
Las Fracturas Hidráulicas se han estado usando desde los años ´40 como una técnica para incrementar la producción de hidrocarburos del reservorio. Esta técnica envuelve el bombeo de fluidos a caudales y presiones suficientemente altas... more
This paper studies the regulation on obtaining unconventional hydrocarbons through fracking in Mexico. To this aim, the energy constitutional reform approved in 2013 and the legal framework derived from it are analyzed. It is explained... more
Modern society has brought with it many comforts and conveniences, yet when it comes to the United States’ health and nutrition, the advancements haven’t always been positive for your overall health. Doing things better, cheaper and... more
El artículo discute la reforma constitucional energética en México aprobada en 2013 y reglamentada en 2014, con el fin de analizar tres argumentos centrales: la apología de la extracción, la acumulación de derechos de agua y el despojo... more
Unconventional oil and gas extraction is fueling a wave of resource development often touted as a new era in US energy independence. However, assessing the true costs of extraction is made difficult by the vastness of the industry and... more
Identification of risk, the potential for occurrence of an event and impact of that event, is the first step in improving a process by ranking risk elements and controlling potential harm from occurrence of a detrimental event. Hydraulic... more
Carbon capture and storage can simply be defined as capturing of waste CO2 from industrial sources at various stages (ex. pre-, post- combustion etc.), transporting it to a storage site (through pipelines etc.) and then depositing it... more
El fracking es una técnica de extracción de hidrocarburos del subsuelo, cuyo uso se ha expandido de forma notable en los últimos años en Estados Unidos y que podría extenderse a Europa, que tiene una incidencia territorial clara y unos... more
Hydraulic fracturing is a process applied for the exploitation of certain hydrocarbon and geothermal resources, to increase the fluid conductivity to a production well. The process entails environmental risks that are managed under... more
El éxito que suscitó la extracción de gas de lutitas a gran escala en Estados Unidos de América (EUA) al final de la década de 1980 derivó en la llamada revolución del gas, una ola de exploraciones que consolidó la industria gasífera... more
This paper points out critical reflections on water rights and the extraction of hydrocarbons in Mexico, particularly after the reforms of 1995 and 2014. The essay analyzes the construction of the normative framework that, under the... more
The growing movement toward corporate social responsibility (CSR) urges corporations to promote the well-being of people and the planet rather than the sole pursuit of profit. In Extracting Accountability, Jessica Smith investigates how... more
This paper analyzes the obtaining of hydrocarbons through fracking in Mexico. To this end, the energy policy that supports exploration and extraction in unconventional deposits is discussed. The constitutional energy reform approved in... more
The thesis aims to analyze hydraulic centralization and energy security as articulating elements in the context of water policy in Mexico. The research proposes the critical reflection of these concepts from the perspective of water... more
La técnica de fracturación hidráulica es un método para extraer petróleo de yacimientos no convencionales y que actualmente está siendo objeto de estudio en Colombia para su implementación. Se estiman que hay entre 3000 y 9000 millones de... more
Este artículo presenta una radiografía de la situación jurídica en el tema de la Responsabilidad Civil de las empresas Operadoras Mineras o titulares mineros y la Agencia Nacional de Minería en Colombia.