Formative evaluation

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Formative evaluation is a systematic process used to assess a program, product, or intervention during its development or implementation. It aims to provide feedback that can improve the design and effectiveness of the initiative, ensuring that it meets the needs of its intended audience.
dificuldades naturais em modificar os seus hábitos de ensino, destaca-se a necessidade de um trabalho de educação em conjunto, envolvendo também a participação de pesquisadores da área de Educação Matemática e de profissionais da área de... more
The 'Reusable Learning Objects' Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (RLO-CETL) is a five-year project (2005-2010) involving staff from three universities (London Metropolitan, Cambridge University and the University of... more
This study examines participants' responses to first year students' street performances as a non-placement work-integrated learning (WIL) activity over a two year period. The purpose of the study was to determine: (1) community... more
This study determined the extent to which a coordinated school health program (CSHP) infrastructure was in place and functioning adequately within a twoto three-year developmental period in South Carolina. The Mariner Project's... more
This article describes a quasi experimental study, following the Static Group Posttest Design. It aimed at determining the effect of formative assessment on students' achievement in science at grade level eight. Two rural schools, one of... more
Pedagogical strategies have been experimentally applied in large-enrollment biology courses in an attempt to amplify what teachers do best in effecting deep learning, thus more closely approximating a one-on-one interaction with students.... more
Pre-screen projection is a new interaction technique that allows a user to pan and zoom integrally through a scene simply by moving his or her head relative to the screen. The underlying concept is based on real-world visual perception,... more
The main objective of this study play a role in the social development of preschool children, preschool teacher in Ahvazis an 93-92 school year. In this study of 231 kindergartens through stratified random sampling, 40 kindergartens... more
Dans le cadre des activités de l’Association Nationale des Enseignants de Français du Liban (ANEFL), cette formation, donnée les 15 et 22 octobre 2022, visait à initier les participants à l’utilisation des grilles d’évaluation critériées... more
To examine the educational effectiveness of the undergraduate research experience, a content analysis was conducted on 183 randomly selected free-form evaluation letters (1-4 pages long) written during the period 1985 to 1995 by... more
Artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly permeating the education sector, and one of its most impactful applications is automated marking (automarking), which is the use of AI to assess and grade student work. In secondary education,... more
This research report summarises the results of an exploratory teaching program in a primary and secondary school in rural New South Wales, Australia, focused on improving basic mathematics skills. Pupils, aged 11 to 13 years, identified... more
Uncover hidden pickleball game secrets, unique strategies, and paddle selection tips in our exclusive 2025 comprehensive guide.
De jigsaw-methode is een manier om samenwerking en taakverdeling onder studenten te organiseren. In dit artikel beschrijven we onze ervaringen met deze werkvorm. Daarbij werden we geconfronteerd met enerzijds goede leerresultaten en... more
We give a closed-form evaluation of a number of Erdà elyi-Kober fractional integrals involving elliptic integrals of the ÿrst and second kind, in terms of the 3F2 generalized hypergeometric function. Reduction formulae for 3F2 enable us... more
Teacher performance in the classroom is the lifeblood of the educational enterprise. Teachers weave a combination of knowledge, skills, and abilities into specific performance competencies that become drivers of student learning and... more
Teacher performance in the classroom is the lifeblood of the educational enterprise. Teachers weave a combination of knowledge, skills, and abilities into specific performance competencies that become drivers of student learning and... more
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License
Parental Involvement and its Perceived Impact on Children's Achievement ii The purpose of this study was to investigate parental involvement and the parents' perceived impact in their children's achievement. The subjects of this study... more
Government agencies and members of the educational research community have petitioned for research-based curricula. The ambiguity of the phrase "research-based," however, undermines attempts to create a shared research foundation for the... more
The Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority. Has oversight of NAPLAN. Accessibility/Remoteness Index of Australia-an index that underpins many location classifications. Council of Australian Governments, an organisation... more
by Ugur Kale and 
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The Persistent Issues in History Laboratory for Virtual Field Experience (PIH-LVFE) combines a database of video cases of authentic classroom practices with multiple resources and tools to enable pre-service social studies teachers to... more
Evaluation is a vital part of every policy, programme, initiative or project framed by open movements. Sound evaluation strategies, procedures and criteria are needed to assess the impact of these movements on science, society and policy.... more
A new online distance learning system was created by an interdisciplinary team comprised of computer science, graphics, networking, security, and educational science faculty and graduate students to research, implement, and assess the... more
Tietojenkasittelytieteiden laitos, PL 35 (Agora), 40014 JYVASKYLAN YLIOPISTO [] Abstracts Finnish E-oppimisen merkitys koulutuksessa on kasvanut jatkuvasti. Sekä julkisen että yksityisen sektorin organisaatiot käyttävät sitä laajasti.... more
An integrated curriculum offering regular high school science courses as well as special interdisciplinary courses at the learning disabled, average, and advanced ability levels, and courses and internships in health professions was... more
Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA) data from one rural school system covering four groups of children for a consecutive three year period was used to study the impact of transient students entering the school system. The... more
Women often described heart attack as a "male prob-Background. Patient delay in seeking health care for lem," an important aspect of their underestimation of heart attack symptoms is a continuuing problem in the personal risk.... more
he 21st century has brought with it a tremendous evolution in how adolescents engage with text. As adolescents prepare to become productive citizens, they must be able to comprehend and construct information using print and nonprint... more
1. They understand reading and writing development and believe all children can learn to read and write. 2. They continually assess children's individual progress and relate reading instruction to children's previous... more
Après avoir été forcés par la pandémie d'adopter en urgence un enseignement à distance, les enseignants universitaires ont été amenés à réfléchir à ses multiples enjeux et à ajuster leur pratique. Cet article présente les résultats d'un... more
This review offers practical recommendations regarding research on training in evidence-based practices for mental health and substance abuse treatment. When designing training research, we recommend: (a) aligning with the larger... more
This study sought to investigate the use of running records as a formative assessment tool in reading. Data were collected through interviews with the teachers and students of two Standard 1 and one Standard 3 classes at a primary school... more
This study sought to investigate the use of running records as a formative assessment tool in reading. Data were collected through interviews with the teachers and students of two Standard 1 and one Standard 3 classes at a primary school... more
Framework developed to assess articles  Five core topics in critical analysis:  Background  Literature review/theoretical background  Methods and research design  Results, findings, and discussion  Interpretations and conclusions
There has been a wealth of investigation into the use of online multiple-choice questions as a means of summative assessment, however the research into the use of formative MCQs by the same mode of delivery still remains patchy.... more
Design-based research in education emphasizes the contexts in which learning takes place as essential to more fruitful dialogues with practice. Contextual issues of social dynamics, place, and applications have been extensively... more
Medical Research Council guidelines recognise the need to optimise complex interventions prior to full trial through greater understanding of underlying theory and formative process evaluation, yet there are few examples. A realist... more
Instruction in higher education must adapt more rapidly to: changes in workforce needs, global issues, advances in disciplines, and resource constraints. The pace of such improvement depends on the speed with which new ideas and materials... more
While people often carry mobile phones for communication purposes, they are generally underutilized as productivity tools, especially in the workplace. In this paper we present Courier, a system that leverages the storage capacity and... more
Os sujeitos da Educação de Jovens e Adultos (EJA) demandam um currículo e práticas avaliativas diferenciadas. Em consonância com esta ideia, este artigo tem como objetivo analisar as aproximações entre o processo avaliativo e o currículo... more
Web-based assessment is a general term which encompasses computer application and Internet in classroom assessment process. This paper reports the development and evaluation process of a Web-based Assessment in Teaching and Learning... more