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This readable and informative survey of key ideas about students’ thinking in science builds a bridge between theory and practice by offering clear accounts from research, and showing how they relate to actual examples of students talking... more
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      Science EducationChemistry EducationLearning SciencesFormative Assessment
... reserved. Permissions & Reprints. What is assessment for learning? Dylan Wiliam a , E-mail The Corresponding Author. a Institute of Education, University of London, United Kingdom. Available online 12 April 2011. Abstract. The... more
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      Formative AssessmentEvidenceEvaluation methodsFeedback
Recently, the concept of evaluative judgement has gained attention as a pedagogical approach to classroom formative assessment practices. Evaluative judgement is the capacity to be able to judge the work of oneself and that of others,... more
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      PsychologyPeer AssessmentFormative AssessmentSelf Regulation
We examine the equivalence of two construct-a-concept-map techniques: construct-a-map with created linking phrases (C), and construct-a-map with selected linking phrases (S). The former places few constraints on the respondent and has... more
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      Formative AssessmentConcept MapSCIENCE TEACHINGEvaluation methods
This work uses Linked Open Data for the generation of educational assessment items. We describe the streamline to create variables and populate simple choice item models using the IMS-QTI standard. The generated items were then imported... more
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      Computer ScienceE AssessmentFormative AssessmentLinked Data
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      Formative AssessmentEvidenceCriticismEffect size
formative and summative assessment. Assessment is more likely to lead to valued learning if some of the judgement employed belongs to students, and not just the academic-teachers (Boud, 1990; Nicol and McFarlane-Dick, 2006). Through two... more
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      AssessmentPeer AssessmentLearning and TeachingFormative Assessment
The paper relates literature on formative assessment to relevant literature in the field of achievement motivation and then subjects both to scrutiny by analysing video transcript data of how teachers and students interact in the context... more
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      EducationFormative AssessmentAchievement MotivationSocial Psychology of Education
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      Science EducationFormative Assessment
The literature suggests that peer assessment contributes to the development of student learning and promotes ownership of assessment processes. These claims emerge from research conducted primarily in Western contexts. This exploratory... more
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      EducationPeer AssessmentFormative AssessmentEnglish language teaching
De enero a diciembre del 2004, desde los proyectos del CEPROS se fomentó, proactivamente, a través de capacitación EN EL TRABAJO, el desarrollo de competencias para la recolección, procesamiento, análisis y exposición de información en... more
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      SociologySocial Research Methods and MethodologySocial SciencesResearch Methods and Methodology
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      Teaching and LearningEducationFormative AssessmentSystem Engineering
Stand-up Comedy has more to do with teaching than you might think. Is there more to Stand-up Comedy than just 'being funny'? what can teachers learn from interactive performance? How does the experience of Stand-up Comedy relate to:... more
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      EducationTeacher EducationFormative AssessmentActive Learning
Mastery of academic writing skills remains one of the greatest challenges for university students, especially in the first year. Amongst the reasons offered for the challenges are lack of clarity about the university’s expectations and... more
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      MarketingPsychologyInformation TechnologyHigher Education
The idea that formative assessments embedded in a curriculum could help guide teachers toward better instructional practices that lead to greater student learning has taken center stage in science assessment research. In order to embed... more
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      PsychologyFormative AssessmentProfessional DevelopmentCurriculum Development
Case-study descriptions of secondary and middle school classrooms in diverse contexts provide examples of how teachers implement connected classroom technology to facilitate formative assessment in science instruction. Connected classroom... more
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      Educational TechnologyScience EducationMathematics EducationFormative Assessment
This paper describes the curriculum design and enhancements of dental gross anatomy courses at three universities in North America. The greatest problem for gross anatomy faculty is making the regions of the body below the neck relevant... more
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      DentistryCurriculum DesignMultimediaEducational Measurement
Understanding how groups talk, think and act is essential for contemporary educational practice. The body of research within assessment of collaborative learning, dialogic learning and oracy is substantial, but the practical outcome of... more
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      AssessmentFormative AssessmentCollaborative LearningDialogic Pedagogy
DIAGNOSER is an Internet-based tool for classroom instruction. It delivers continuous formative assessment and feedback to high school physics students and their teachers about the correct and incorrect concepts and ideas the students may... more
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      PsychologyCognitive SciencePhysicsEducational Measurement
This article investigates how student teachers of English at two different teacher education institutions perceive and use a new digital tool, OneNote Class Notebook. The intervention study explores student responses to and use of a... more
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      PsychologyHigher EducationFormative AssessmentDigital Tools
Excerpt: Traditional methods of classroom assessment may silence the voices of the ones most affected by evaluative results—the students. Tests, quizzes, and participation points—if used only to gauge and sort are not meaningful ways of... more
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      Formative AssessmentEquityCritical ConsciousnessCritical Reflection
The increasing span of control of Air Traffic Control enterprise automation (e.g. Flight Schedule Monitor, Departure Flow Management), along with lean-processes and pay-for-performance business models, has placed increased emphasis on... more
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceSoftware EngineeringHuman Computer Interaction
Evidence Based Education (EBE) is emerging as an approach focusing on the problem of reliability in educational research, on its theoretical foundations, and on the relationship between research and decision-making. On the latter, less... more
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      Formative AssessmentFeedback
We describe the development, testing, and formative evaluation of nine role-play scenarios for teaching central topics in the responsible conduct of research to graduate students in science and engineering. In response to formative... more
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      EngineeringApplied EthicsResearch DesignGraduate Education
Competence assessments encourage and entice educators to draw 'can do' conclusions about pupil learning. It is common to describe pupils' progress in terms of things they are now able to do that they could not once do, and we commonly use... more
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    • Formative Assessment
Dette kapitlet handler om vurdering i klasserommet, sett fra både læreres og elevers perspektiver. Vi diskuterer hvordan lærerens observasjoner i klasserommet bidrar til vurdering for læring som kommer både læreren og elevene til gode.... more
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      LiteracyTeaching and LearningTeaching English as a Second LanguageAssessment
This paper presents design implications related to findings from research on the development of Interactive Learning Assessments (ILAs). Standardized assessments using multiple choice questions cannot measure the most critical aspects of... more
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    • Formative Assessment
A natureza de um jogo condiciona a sua forma de ensino, quer se trate de uma aprendizagem de carácter essencialmente desportivo ou em ambiente escolar. O agrupamento dos jogos a partir das suas características comuns é um exercício que... more
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      Teaching and LearningAssessmentFormative AssessmentTeacher Training
This paper summarises a study of students' and staff perceptions and experiences of assessment feedback practice across a post-1992 university. Phases 1 and 2 of the project gathered students' and academic colleagues' views... more
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      Higher EducationFeedback (Education)Formative AssessmentPractitioner Inquiry
Placements are integral to many university courses and to increasing student employability skills. Nevertheless, several complications, such as the assessment of placement experiences which often go against the principles of procedural... more
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      PsychologyEmployabilityFormative AssessmentDevelopment
The developmental psychology of mathematical thinking and the clinical interview method can make major contributions to education by transforming the process of formative assessment -the attempt to use information concerning student... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceDevelopmental PsychologyMathematics
Peer assessment (PA) provides opportunities for authentic assessment, autonomy and collaboration. Several authors advocate that students can benefit from PA and put forward the effects of PA on the students' learning outcomes. Questions... more
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      Peer AssessmentPsychometricsHigher EducationLiterary Criticism
As online and blended learning has become common place educational strategy in higher education, educators need to reconceptualise fundamental issues of teaching, learning and assessment in non traditional spaces. These issues include... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringHigher EducationFormative AssessmentOnline Learning
CONTEXT The literature has shown the importance of students developing threshold concepts and undertaking formative assessment. There are also suggestions within the literature that many students will not undertake beneficial activities... more
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      Threshold conceptsFormative AssessmentSelf-Paced Learning
This paper asserts the importance of e-assessment. It further suggests that assessment questions and tasks will change substantially as the art of e-assessment progresses. The paper then exemplifies sophisticated e-assessment tasks, and... more
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      MarketingPsychologyInformation TechnologyE Assessment
(in press). In S. Tettegah & W. (D.) Huang. Emotions, Technology, and Games. New York: Elsevier. (Will be freely available for download through open access in October, 2015). ABSTRACT. Summary This case study challenges the assumption... more
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      Positive PsychologyInstructional DesignSerious GamesFormative Assessment
Discussione della situazione del sistema formativo italiano rispetto all'idea e alle pratiche di valutazione diagnostica. Discusse alcune valenze di questo concetto, si esaminano le decisioni pubbliche relative a modelli e strumenti... more
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      Formative AssessmentEducation PolicySchool effectiveness and school improvementEarly School Leaving
Lernfortschritte systematisch zu erfassen ist eine zentrale Voraussetzung für einen am individuellen Förderbedarf orientierten Unterricht. Die bisher überwiegenden Formen der Lernfortschrittsdiagnostik mit Hilfe informeller Beobachtungen... more
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      Formative AssessmentResponse to InterventionCurriculum-based Measurement
The this paper has two foci. The first is to present an account of how we developed formative assessment practices with a group of 36 teachers. This is then complemented by a reflection on the productive and positive experience of these... more
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      Formative AssessmentEducation SystemsUnpublishedAssessment Methods
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    • Formative Assessment
At all levels of education the assessment of learning is generally regarded as an integral part of teachers' work. For early childhood teachers, i.e., those who work with children in the age-range birth to six years, there are very... more
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      EthicsEducationPersonalityEducational Research
Assessment of entry characteristics of children in kindergarten is important, in particular for children at-risk or otherwise exceptional children. Both parents and teachers can provide relevant information. To evaluate the reliability... more
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      Teaching and LearningChildren and FamiliesEarly Childhood EducationFormative Assessment
A variety of common assessment tools for Mathematics education has been procured to elicit discourse regarding the different types of educational assessments used in today's general education curriculum, namely, formal, informal,... more
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      Formative AssessmentClassroom ManagementAssessments (Educational Data Mining)
This article analyses the role of Individual Learning Plans (ILPs) in teachers' work in the Skills for Life sector. It shows how ILPs, originally a means of formative assessment, have become part of a system of performance indicators and... more
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      Teaching and LearningEducationFormative AssessmentSociology of Science
In a recent article published in EM:IP, Kingston and Nash report on the results of a meta-analysis on the efficacy of formative assessment. They conclude that the average effect of formative assessment on student achievement is about .20... more
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      Formative AssessmentAttribution TheoryCausal InferenceCorrelation
This study explores teachers' informal formative assessment practices in three middle school science classrooms. We present a model for examining these practices based on three components of formative assessment (eliciting, recognizing,... more
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      Formative AssessmentSciencePerformanceModels
Abstract. We investigated the validity of applying topic modeling to unstructured student text data from online class discussion forums to predict students’ final grades. Using only student discussion data from introductory courses in... more
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      Formative AssessmentLearning AnalyticsPersonalized Learning
The global disease outbreak of COVID-19 has resulted to different modalities of distance learning where assessing students' academic performance will not be monitored as it was when the learners are inside the classroom. This leads to the... more
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      Formative AssessmentFeedbackAffective DomainLearning Outcome
Recent research has highlighted the lack of a uniform definition of formative assessment, although its effectiveness is widely acknowledged. This paper addresses the theoretical differences and similarities amongst three approaches to... more
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      PsychologyFormative AssessmentDiagnostic Testing