Formal methods
Recent papers in Formal methods
Online material for a Z course based on the book by the author. This includes slides for some chapters and the exercises. Updated in July 1998 with minor corrections and improved formatting.
We give a formal account of a calculus for modeling service-based systems, suitable to describe both service composition (orchestration) and the protocol that services run when invoked (conversation). The calculus includes primitives for... more
OO Big O 80 Joan Krone (Denison University) and W. F. Ogden (The Ohio State University) Ontology-based Description and Reasoning for Component-based Development on the Web 84 Claus Pahl (Dublin City University) Modeling Multiple Aspects... more
We report on a case study to assess the use of an advanced knowledge-based software design technique with programmers who have not participatedin the technique's development. We use the KIDS approach to algorithm design to construct two... more
This paper deals with systems verification techniques, using Bounded Model Checking (BMC). We present a new approach that combines BMC with symmetry reduction techniques. Our goal is to reduce the number of transition sequences, which can... more
Achieving a proper understanding of the problem space before providing the design in the solution space is one of the basic tenets in requirements engineering. The Problem Frames approach provides a way for people to understand and solve... more
Ensuring the correctness of a given software component has become a crucial aspect in Software Engineering and the Model Checking technique provides a fully automated way to achieve this goal. In particular, the usage of Model Checking in... more
Hardware and software systems are growing everyday in scale and functionality. This increase in complexity increases the number of subtle errors. Moreover, some of these errors may cause catastrophic loss of money, time, or even in many... more
In Mobile communications age, the IT environment and IT technology update rapidly. The requirements change is the software project must face challenge. Able to overcome the impact of requirements change, software development risks can be... more
This report gives an overview of the work performed by the Programming Research Group as part of the European collaborative ESPRIT II REDO project (no. 2487). This work covered the areas of reverse-engineering: redocumentation and... more
The Raise Specification Language (RSL) is a modeling language which supports various specification styles. To apply model checking to RSL concurrent descriptions, we translate RSL specifications into the input language CSPM of FDR. FDR is... more
The formal analysis described here detects two so far undetected real deadlock situations per thousand C source files or million lines of code in the open source Linux operating system kernel, and three undetected accesses to freed... more
We introduce a logical verification methodology for checking behavioral properties of service-oriented computing systems. Service properties are described by means of SocL, a branching-time temporal logic that we have specifically... more
In this paper we introduce a model as a foundation for het-erogeneous services, therefore unifying web services tech-nologies in SOA (Service Oriented Architecture), specif-ically, SOAP/WS * and RESTful models. This model ab-stracts away... more
"Formal methods aim to apply mathematically-based techniques to the development of computer-based systems, especially at the specification level, but also down to the implementation level. This aids early detection and avoidance of errors... more
Formal methods have traditionally been used for specification and development of software. However there are potential benefits for the testing stage as well. The panel session associated with this paper explores the usefulness or... more
The formal analysis described here detects two so far undetected real deadlock situations per thousand C source files or million lines of code in the open source Linux operating system kernel, and three undetected accesses to freed... more
The autonomic computing paradigm has been proposed to cope with size, complexity, and dynamism of contemporary software-intensive systems. The challenge for language designers is to devise appropriate abstractions and linguistic... more
Abstract. In the last three years or so we at Enterprise Platforms Group at Intel Corporation have been applying formal methods to various problems that arose during the process of defining platform architectures for Intel’s processor... more
7th International Conference on Software Engineering (SOFT 2021) will provide an excellent international forum for sharing knowledge and results in theory, methodology and applications of Software Engineering and Applications. The goal of... more
We describe methods and software tools which aid in reverse-engineering COBOL application programs back to the specification stage (and in validating them against the specification). The aim is to create object-oriented abstractions from... more
Formal methods and testing are two important approaches that assist in the development of high-quality software. While traditionally these approaches have been seen as rivals, in recent years a new consensus has developed in which they... more
The preoccupation of this study is to investigate whether women are financially excluded from formal financial services in Lagos State. Four local government areas (Ikeja, Ifako- Ijaiye, Somolu-Bariga and Agege) were selected for the... more
Property specifications are often used in requirements engineering to concisely describe a single aspect of system behavior. Although each property has a narrow focus, it can still be difficult to specify a property correctly. There are... more
If you are confused by the title above you are in the same boat as the vast majority of software producers when confronted with a display of formal methods. The easiest option when dealing with an activity whose benefi ts are doubtful... more
Computer programming is difficult and error-prone. In critical and large-scale computing systems, such as real-time systems and clouds, the errors are hazardous and expensive. An example of such errors was reported by Mars Orbiter Mishap... more
This report describes a formal approach to verification and validation of safety requirements for embedded software, by application to a simple control-logic case study. The logic is formally specified in Z. System safety properties are... more
In this paper there is an attempt to descript a logic basis and general way to design safe and dependable systems. The notion ‘diverse axiomatic bases’ had been introduced. It is shown that the safe and dependable software and hardware... more
org/seas/index Call for Papers 11 th International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications (SEAS 2022) will provide an excellent international forum for sharing knowledge and results in theory, methodology and applications of... more
Standards concerned with the development of safety-critical systems, and the software in such systems in particular, abound today as the software crisis increasingly affects the world of embedded computer-based systems. The use of formal... more
Service-oriented applications are frequently used in highly dynamic contexts: ser- vice compositions may change dynamically, in particular, because new services are discovered at runtime. Moreover, subtyping has recently been identified... more
Formal methods are being applied to the development of software of various applications at Philips Healthcare. In particular, the Analytical Software Design (ASD) method is being used as a formal technology for developing defect-free... more
In this paper a concept will be proposed about a hypergraph-based formalism for representing enterprise architecture. The paper presents a formal model using TOGAF and hypergraph theory. Hypergraphs provide a flexible mathematical... more
The answer to software reliability concerns may lie in formal methods.
1972. Weak and Strong Completeness in Sentential Logic, Logique et Analyse 59/60, 429–34. MR0337476 (49 #2245) This is another study illustrating the fruitfulness of thinking of “logics” as three-part systems composed of a language, a... more
Formal methods have yet to achieve wide industrial acceptance for several reasons. They are not well integrated into established industrial software processes, their application requires significant abstraction and mathematical skills,... more
The International Journal of Software Engineering & Applications (IJSEA) is a bi-monthly open access peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles which contribute new results in all areas of the Software Engineering & Applications. The... more
Ad hoc networks are dynamic networks of mobile nodes with wireless network interfaces forming an instant network without fixed topology. Destination-sequenced distance vector (DSDV) is a proactive routing protocol, which continuously... more
Formal methods can be used at any stage of product development process to improve the software quality and efficiency using mathematical models for analysis and verification. From last decade, researchers and practitioners are trying to... more
H.264, a state-of-the-art video compression standard, is used across a range of products from cellphones to HDTV. These products have vastly different performance, power and cost requirements, necessitating different hardware-software... more
Model-driven development (MDD) has become a key technique in systems and software engineering, including the aeronautic domain. It facilitates on systematic use of models from a very early phase of the design process and through various... more
A detailed generic model of the control design process is introduced and discussed. It is used for surveying different formal approaches in the context of PLC programming. The survey focuses on formal methods for verification and... more
Compiler compilers are in widespread use, but decompiler compilers are a more novel concept. This paper presents an approach for the decompilation of object code back to source code using a decompiler generator. An example decompilation... more
Safety-critical systems require the utmost care in their specification and design to avoid errors in their implementation, using state of the art techniques in a responsible manner. To do otherwise is at best unprofessional and at worst... more
Outlier detection is an important branch in data mining, which is the discovery of data that deviate a lot from other data patterns. Outlier identification can be classified in to formal and informal methods. This paper deals the informal... more
f) Using specific example briefly describe the following as applied in formal methods
i. Z
ii. VDM
iii. IOTA
iv. OBJ
v. Larch
i. Z
ii. VDM
iii. IOTA
iv. OBJ
v. Larch
The safety aspects of computer-based systems as increasingly important as the use of software escalates because of its convenience and flexibility. However the complexity of even modestly sized programs is such that the elimination of... more
Space syntax is a significant theory / tool, describing buildings and cities as evolutionary processes and offering valuable support to architectural and urban design. However, theory and analytical research are different from the... more