Forest School
Recent papers in Forest School
Forest School offers opportunities for children and young adults to come into regular contact with nature. Although, in relevant literature, Forest School is seen as highly conducive to participants' motivation to learn, there is no... more
Earth Care, People Care and Fair Share in Education: The Children in Permaculture Manual is a ground-breaking book, which shines a permaculture lens to inspire child-friendly, sustainable education. Full of innovative information, a new... more
RIL-C adalah praktek pembalakan ramah lingkungan dengan tujuan utama memaksimalkan penyimpanan karbon hutan dan merupakan hasil modifikasi terhadap teknik RIL dimana pengurangan emisi karbon atau penyerapan emisi karbon dari atmosfer... more
This paper evaluates the impact of the forest environment on aggressive manifestations in adolescents. A remedial educative programme was performed with 68 teenagers from institutions with substitute social care with diagnoses F 30.0... more
The Leeds Beckett repository holds a wide range of publications, each of which has been checked for copyright and the relevant embargo period has been applied by the Research Services team. We operate on a standard take-down policy. If... more
Summary of the literature on why playtime at school matters and a look at the original research findings analysing the results of a survey of over 4000 schools about the length and frequency of playtimes.
The study presents what did the state, the council, the civil organizations and the individuals do in the field of child protection in Szombathely as well as the network of child protection institutions in the late 19th and the early 20th... more
Brief review of poplar, oak, ash and fir planting techniques in Italy
This paper evaluates the impact of the forest environment on aggressive manifestations in adolescents. A remedial educative programme was performed with 68 teenagers from institutions with substitute social care with diagnoses F 30.0... more
The Aboriginal people of Australia knew how to tame bushfires, but since European colonisation bushfires have become feral. This paper is an investigation into the causes that took them out of human control; the effect this is having on... more
It has long been accepted that cognitive, physical and emotional growth interact and influence each other (e.g. . Our recent research was based on several Forest School programmes in England, in which we examined what the Forest School... more
The research question has been constructed as “How are the experiences of the teachers, administrators and parents about the forest school implementations?”. Within the scope of the main research question, the following questions are... more
This work based action enquiry employs a case study method to explore if Forest School can put into practice the UK Early Years Foundation Stage Themes and Principles through supporting well being, learning and development of young... more
To buy for £26.99 go here: This book addresses issues around elective... more
This collated lecture was developed for pre-service teachers in Montreal, QC, Canada to help them design and implement curriculum that promotes nature literacy, the development of a nature identity, and environmental stewardship. It may... more
paperback) ISBN: 978-94-6091-468-3 (hardback) ISBN: 978-94-6091-469-0 (e-book) Published by: Sense Publishers,
Series of Articles Published in Nursery World on the Archimedes Forest Schools Model
Uso libre Diccionario ilustrado de los rasgos visibles en la hoja El siguiente documento corresponde a la clasificación de los términos normalmente usados en guías de campo y trabajos de investigación en cuanto a la descripción de la... more
Este libro nos habla de naturaleza y de patios de colegios, de cómo
renaturalizar la escuela.
renaturalizar la escuela.
Creativity in adults is highly valued in our society. Personal creativity contributes to inventiveness, innovation, social and cultural change as well as political development and economic progression. The creator is an innovator, a... more
In this portfolio, the researcher critically explores the role of the learning disposition ‘resilience’ in the learning and development of young children and the implications for practice and policy. This enquiry is contextualised through... more
Forest School was introduced to the United Kingdom in 1995 and since then has developed at a significant rate. A growing body of research has explored the holistic benefits to children of partaking in a Forest School programme. Creativity... more
RESUMO: As escolas da floresta são um modelo de educação infantil criado no norte da Europa e que vêm ganhando adeptos ao redor do mundo. Na Espanha, começou a ser desenvolvido em projetos autônomos desde a última década e rapidamente... more
Overview of early Forest Schools Developments from the Horizons Article in 2005
The aim of this study was to find out parents' and children's perception of outdoor learning programmes with specific reference to Archimedes Forest Schools, known as Forest Schools. A review of existing research showed that there had... more
The study on kindergarten in the woods, outdoor schooling, outdoor education reaches its fullest expression in the ARTIS Project Accessibility Roma Tre, Technological Innovation, Sustainability. Shortly before lockdown, teachers were... more
Rabindranath Tagore’s educational practices and ideas can inspire today’s education in the East as well as the West. This paper distils Tagore’s philosophical anthropology and thereby uncovers a unification within his often unstructured... more
The article presents the results of educating children in the outdoor learning experience. Teachers and parents are persuaded that the idea and the practice of the forest school gives tangible proofs as new and positive model of teaching... more
The Indian Forest Service (IFS) has been subject to unrelenting criticism from social environmentalists and wildlife conservationists on many counts. It is pilloried as a vestige of colonialism, as a top-down organ of oppression of... more
This critical review analysing current research and literature exploring the relationship of the child with the natural world. Tracing an evolutionary and historical context, the reviewer explores how this relationship has changed in... more
Forest School focuses on child development underlining nature-connection and play pedagogy. Practitioners facilitate child-led learning through a deep observation approach. However, challenges and assumptions exist in such approaches.... more
Similarity measurement is the determination of the properties of communities that helps to suggest whether the communities may be classified together or in necessity to be separated in the field of modern ecology. Similarity index... more
The current study was conducted to investigate the contribution of the forest school approach to the development of preschool children. In this connection, the study group is comprised of 7 pre-schoolers aged at 48-60 months. The sample... more
This paper focuses on children's scientific understanding and discusses teachers' identification of children's preconceptions when teaching science in the early years. The research focuses on early-years teaching in public and private... more
In 2020, the Point examines how our cultural and sociopolitical systems are implicated in climate change, and what actions the arts industry can take. In this issue, the Forest Curriculum discuss pedagogical models that allow us to better... more
in: Saufeder, Hirschfänger, Federspiel - Waidwerk in Franken bis zum Ende der Feudaljagd, Schriftenreihe des Städtischen Museums Kitzingen, Band 7, Kitzingen 2014
The introduction of hybrid varieties cocoa has led to the progressive disappearance of the complex agroforestry systems in Côte d’Ivoire. However in forests-savannah transition area, these systems seem to persist in despite the high... more
A small scale study exploring mental health benefits of outdoor education, with a focus on the use of blue spaces for social prescribing and citizen science projects based around wildlife and biodiversity as vehicles for developing a... more