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Istoricul Societăţii Anonime „Argeş” pentru exploatarea de păduri şi industria lemnului mai înainte E. Lessel în „Acta Bacoviensia”, Anuarul Arhivelor Naţionale Bacău, IX, Editura Magic Print, Oneşti, 2014, p.  417-426.
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      ForestryForest IndustryForest HistoryForest exploitation
This is an anthology on the current use in Denmark of historical maps within a large number of subject areas and topics. Each of the articles focus on one such area. The book is published electronically within the series of Geoforum... more
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      Historical GeographyArchaeologyHistorical DemographyGenealogy
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      History of New ZealandForest History
America’s Fires – a brief, straightforwardly organised, tersely argued book with a national focus – is perhaps Pyne’s most accessible demonstration of why fire histories matter, how to think about them, and how to go about writing them.... more
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      Environmental HistoryFire EcologyFire HistoryWildfires
L'articolo, pubblicato sul n. 211 Giugno 2015 della rivista Sherwood, è il terzo di uno studio sui tagli per usi bellici effettuati nella Foresta di Camaldoli (AR, Italia) nel periodo 1915-inizio 1919.Si basa sull'analisi di 42 fotografie... more
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      ForestryForest HistoryForestry technology
The La Verna's forest after the storm of March 5, 2015: problems and hypotheses to rebuilding. (Sherwood, n.212 Luglio-Agosto 2015, pp.5-8) The article describes the damage caused to La Verna's forest from the windstorm of March 5, 2015... more
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      ForestryForest History . Rambouillet, c'est la chasse, c'est même un "païs de chasse" comme le dit le Journal de Louis XVI. Depuis le Moyen Âge, la chasse semble avoir transformé Rambouillet, au moins... more
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      Environmental HistoryForest HistoryHistoire EnvironnementaleForêt
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      Intellectual HistoryEnvironmental HistoryModern German HistoryForest History
The iron and steel industry was the emblem of the industrial revolution in the 19th and early 20th century United States, playing an important role in shaping the nation’s transportation infrastructure, the industrial specialization of... more
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      ArchaeobotanyEnvironmental StudiesEnvironmental HistoryCoal
Forest science, technical practice, wood policy and colonial context in Equatorial Guinea (1929-1968) (Abstract) From the mid 1920's, wood production in the forest of Equatorial Guinea undergoes an intense transformation. It ceases to... more
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      GeographyAfrican StudiesPoscolonial studiesForest History
The logging era in Wisconsin, spanning roughly from 1830– 1945, formed a unique economic and social episode in Wisconsin history. Nineteenth and early twentieth century logging produced a heavy environmental footprint that still affects... more
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      Historical ArchaeologyLandscape ArchaeologyIndustrial ArchaeologyMidwest (U.S. history)
I 2007 var det 15 år siden Statskog SF ble etablert, men det var større milepæler som ble rundet dette året. For det var 50 år siden Direktoratet for statens skoger (DSS) ble skilt ut fra Landbruksdepartementet som et frittstående... more
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      Forest ManagementForest HistoryForestry and Natural Resources ManagementForestry History
This paper examines how contemporary literary fiction responds to the climate crisis and the attendant call for a seemingly universalist "species view" of human beings. What does it mean to think of the human as a species, how can we find... more
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      Fiction WritingAmerican LiteratureAmerican StudiesComparative Literature
This contribution, partially based on an extensive collection of archives recently catalogued and made available to the public, recounts the creation of the Forest Museum of the Botanical Garden of Brussels and the Tervuren geographical... more
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      Environmental HistoryLandscape HistoryGarden HistoryForest History
Toby Creek is a tributary of the Clarion River in Clarion County, Pennsylvania. For nineteen years until 1882, the firm of Corbett and Wilson logged a 913 acre tract along Toby Creek using a series of three splash dams to transport logs... more
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      BotanyLandscape EcologyConservation BiologyLandscape History
TF Bourdillon, a coffee planter turned forester was appointed as Assistant Conservator of Forest in Thiruvitamkur princely state in 1880s. Subsequently, he became Conservator and held his office for nearly a decade half until 1908. This... more
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      Environmental HistoryPost-Colonial TheoryForest HistoryEcological History
This report has been prepared for the Queensland Environmental Protection Agency. The report provides a contextual overview post-contact history of the Southern Brigalow Belt biogeographic region (SBB - see Map 1) with particular... more
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      ForestryCultural Heritage ManagementCultural Resource Management (Archaeology)Forest History
Edward Oswald Shebbeare was the transport officer on the 1924 Everest expedition. He was subsequently transport officer for the Germans on Kanchenjunga in 1929 and 1931 and deputy leader of the 1933 Everest expedition. A founder... more
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      Human-Animal RelationsEnvironmental HistoryForest Ecology And ManagementWildlife Conservation
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      ForestryGerman HistoryEnvironmental StudiesEnvironmental History
The Ciuc-basin is known as one of the coldest regions of the country, where the forests are mainly formed of pines and this vision is regularly projected to the Medieval Times. Archaeological data does not confirm this presumption, on... more
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      Medieval HistoryLandscape ArchaeologyMedieval StudiesDendrochronology
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      Venetian History18th CenturyDalmatian historyVenice and the Veneto
Référence : ROCHEL X. 2004. Gestion forestière et paysages dans les Vosges d'après les registres de martelages du XVIIIe siècle-essai de biogéographie historique. Thèse N.R. Géographie, Université Nancy 2, 477 p. + CD.
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      ForestryForest History
The Usage of 18th  c. Dutch-type Settlement in the Context  of Afforestation Reconstruction for Early Modern Times  on the Example of Nowy Tomyśl Vicinities

(with English summary)
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      Historical GeographyHistorical ArchaeologyEarly Modern HistoryEnvironmental History
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      ForestryHigh Middle AgesLate Middle AgesMonastic Studies
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    • Forest History
Vers 1900, la Pologne connaît une multiplication d’actes délictueux commis en bandes, comme les vols à main armée, les extorsions de fonds ou les crimes crapuleux. L’article examine une affaire de ce type, un cas de piraterie fluviale... more
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      International TradePolish HistoryEnvironmental HistoryWater History
[IT] L’articolo, edito in quattro lingue, ripercorrere la pluricentenaria storia dell’intervento dell’uomo nella foresta di Monte Senario, luogo di origine dei frati Servi di Maria, evidenziando come sia possibile realizzare uno sviluppo... more
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      Forest HistoryHistoria ForestalReligious Order: Servi Di MariaHistory of the Order of Servants of Mary (Servites)
This chapter deals with the rise of environmental history as a research field and later a discipline in Finland. Timo Myllyntaus & Mikko Saikku, “Environmental History, A New Dis-cipline with Long Traditions,” Encountering the Past in... more
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      Intellectual HistoryNordic HistoryEnvironmental HistoryFinnish History
This study was designed to examine the relationship between land management practices of Indian communities prior to contact with Europeans and the nature or character of subsequent catastrophic forest fires in the Oregon Coast Range. The... more
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      Fire HistoryReforestationForest HistoryWildfire
[IT] Il saggio di storia forestale qui proposto ripercorre le principali tappe del rapporto tra i frati Servi di Maria e i boschi che circondano il luogo d’origine dell’Ordine, partendo dalla ricostruzione della formazione del territorio... more
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      SpiritualityForest HistoryStoria economicaMugello
«Of everybody, of nobody». Common lands in Veneto during the Restoration In large part of Europe, the turn of the nineteenth century was a key period in the process of rationalization of the property rights and the consolidation of what... more
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      CommonsEnvironmental HistoryForest HistoryItalian History
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      Landscape ArchaeologyCultural LandscapesRemote sensing and GIS applications in Landscape ResearchRemote sensing and GIS
Δάση στον ελληνικό χώρο (15ος-18ος αιώνας) 69 Β ά σ ω Σ ε ι ρ η ν ί δ ο υ Δάση στον ελληνικό χώρο (15ος-18ος αιώνας)
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    • Forest History
Little attention has been paid to writing a more inclusive forest history of the Philippines, one that combines a biocentric and anthropocentric focus. Deep forestry is an attempt to do just that. It shows how the forest was shaped by... more
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      ForestryForest History
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      Early Modern HistoryMaritime HistoryEarly Modern Europe18th Century Spain
This HDR (Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches) report focuses on the issue of so-called natural landscapes, considered as landscapes co-constructed by Mankind over the last centuries. Written records, old maps and plans, and other... more
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      Historical GeographyForest Ecology And ManagementGeohistoryForest History
Atti della giornata di studio conclusiva del progetto archeologico-ambientale realizzato nel 2002-2006, sotto il coordinamento di Simone Borchi, consistente nello scavo definitivo della stipe votiva etrusca situata sul Monte Falterona, in... more
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      ForestryEnvironmental HistoryPaleobotanyPaleoecology
Au début du XVe siècle, les forêts domaniales devinrent un enjeu majeur dans les affaires du royaume de France. Gérées par l’administration des Eaux et Forêts, elles furent sur ordre du roi l’objet d’une surveillance particulière. L’étude... more
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      Medieval HistoryEnvironmental HistoryForest HistoryNatural Resources Management
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      Medieval HistoryHistoriographyEnvironmental HistoryEarly Middle Ages (History)
Journées d’études, Paris-Créteil, 7-8 avril 2022 Organisation : Stéphane LAMOUILLE (IRAA UAR 3155, CNRS-UPPA) Clémence PAGNOUX (Efa, Athènes & AASPE UMR 7209, MNHN) Pierre PÉFAU (membre associé TRACES UMR 5608, CNRS-UT2J) Vanessa... more
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This paper addresses the issue of how the Ottomans perceived and interacted with the natural environment, pursuing an increasing scale from the private garden to parks and then on to rural and forest areas. Throughout their history, the... more
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      ForestryOttoman HistoryAlbanian StudiesRural History
The present paper analyzes the relationship of the Ottoman wars to the loss of forests in the Carpathian Basin. An important thesis of twentieth-century scholarship was that the Ottomans were to be blamed for the crash of the so-called... more
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      Ottoman HistoryEarly Modern HistoryEnvironmental HistoryLandscape History
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      PalaeoecologyCharcoal analysis (Archaeology)Forest HistoryAnthracology
The article deals with the issue of land and forest common rights (servitutes praediorum) of the inhabitants of Leżajsk. The functioning and the difficult process of abolishing the rights of the municipality’s to collect wood from manor’s... more
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      Austrian EconomicsRural HistoryAgricultural HistoryHistory of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
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      EntomologyForestryForest History
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      Environmental HistoryIndian HistoryForest HistoryConservation Movement
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      CommonsEnvironmental HistoryHistory of CapitalismOttoman Empire
This work explores the issue of deforestation in Venetian Dalmatia from the 16th century to the end of the 18th century. It begins by asking whether the Venetians really did destroy all the forest in Dalmatia and to what degree they... more
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      Early Modern HistoryEnvironmental HistoryVenetian HistoryDalmatian history
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    • Forest History
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      Critical TheoryCultural HistoryLandscape EcologySociology