This is a PDF file of an article that has undergone enhancements after acceptance, such as the addition of a cover page and metadata, and formatting for readability, but it is not yet the definitive version of record. This version will... more
As Terras Pretas de Índio da Amazônia: sua caracterização e uso deste conhecimento na criação de novas áreas. Manaus: Embrapa Amazônia Ocidental. UN, 1992. The convention of biological diversity. New York: United Nations.
Las especies introducidas generalmente son vistas como elementos disruptivos de una naturaleza prístina idealizada. Sin embargo, a través del estudio de las percepciones y prácticas locales en torno a frutales de origen eurasiático en... more
From the ethnoecological approach we propose to analyze local knowledge in action through the Multiple Use Strategy MUS). The main objective is finding commonalities across three rural communities (Jujuy, Misiones and Santiago del... more
El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar, desde la perspectiva etnobotanica y en el marco de estudios interdisciplinarios, el lugar que ocupa la horticultura en comunidades de la etnia Mbya-Guarani, en la provincia de Misiones,... more
Background and Aims Preservation of cultivar purity creates a particular challenge for plants that are self-incompatible, require insects for cross-pollination, and have easily germinating seeds and vigorously spreading rhizomes. As the... more
Fungi are one of the most important soil microorganisms due to their abundance and the importance of the ecosystem processes they carry out, like decomposition, nutrient cycling, and the establishment of biological interactions such as... more
This paper provides a historical perspective on the development of forest genetic resources (FGR) in Zimbabwe. We narrate the introduction and improvement of FGR for deployment in industrial plantations based on exotic pine and eucalypt... more
COVID-19 has dramatically affected every landscape on Earth, and the Indian Himalayan Region (IHR) forest biodiversity is also affected by the local inhabitants and immigrants during the pandemic scenario, as they are still dependent upon... more
Climate change posed a significant challenge in the West African Sahel, a region identified as one of the most vulnerable to climate change globally. Despite this vulnerability, the role of Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) in addressing... more
uring the development of this project we want to obtain an operational standardization of solar dryer that is located in the Hacienda La Cosmopolitan. During field work we found that the standardization process is required, especially... more
El presente trabajo es la primara aproximación acerca del papel de las plantas con órganos de almacenamiento subterráneos comestibles (POAS) en la Patagonia, desde una perspectiva temporal y espacial, al integrar datos etnohistóricos y... more
Fungi are one of the most important soil microorganisms due to their abundance and the importance of the ecosystem processes they carry out, like decomposition, nutrient cycling, and the establishment of biological interactions such as... more
• Forest restoration projects can derive great benefit from integrating climate modeling, functional trait analysis and genetic considerations in the selection of appropriate tree species and sources of forest reproductive material, for... more
: Calorific values of plants are important indices for evaluating and reflecting material cycle and energy conversion in forest ecosystems. Based on the data of Masson Pine (Pinus massoniana) in southern China, the calorific values (CVs)... more
A simple and efficient cryopreservation protocol for coconut zygotic embryos has been developed. Embryos were inoculated in Petri dishes on medium containing 3.2 M glucose, which were placed in hermetically closed containers containing 80... more
† Background and Aims Preservation of cultivar purity creates a particular challenge for plants that are self-incompatible, require insects for cross-pollination, and have easily germinating seeds and vigorously spreading rhizomes. As the... more
Las especies introducidas generalmente son vistas como elementos disruptivos de una naturaleza prístina idealizada. Sin embargo, a través del estudio de las percepciones y prácticas locales en torno a frutales de origen eurasiático en... more
Les essais chêne-liège FAIR 202 offre à la communauté scientifique un matériel vivant UNIQUE dénominateur commun pour basé recherche TRANSNATIONAL, MULTI/ INTERDISCIPLINAIR et AVANCÉ sur des sujets comme la sélection, amélioration... more
La provincia de Santa Cruz cuenta con una superficie de 243.943 km², es la segunda con mayor extensión territorial del país, luego de la provincia de Buenos Aires. De acuerdo a su extensión presenta un bajo grado de ocupación-8,8 % de la... more
Products and services provided by trees in forests and farmland support the needs and promote the wellbeing of hundreds of millions of people in the tropics. Value depends on managing both the diversity of tree species present in... more
ÖZET: Karışık meşcereler ülkemiz ormancılığı için önemli meşcere yapılarıdır. Ülkemizde karışık meşcereler çoğunlukla verimli ormanlardır ve verimli ormanların üçte birini oluşturmaktadırlar. Kızılçam (Pinus brutia Ten.) ile Anadolu... more
En la Pampa argentina son escasos los casos documentados de productores agroecológicos. En el campo "Monte Callado", pampa austral, un productor familiar desarrolla desde 2001 una experiencia agroecológica inspirada en la agricultura... more
Twenty five candidate plus clumps of Dendrocalamus strictus were collected from 7 locations of Tamil Nadu and assembled in the mother nursery at Forest College and Research Institute, Mettupalayam. Studies were undertaken during 1997-1999... more
Etik Beyan | Ethics Statement Bu çalışmanın hazırlanma sürecinde etik ilkelere uyulmuştur | Ethical principles were followed during the preparation of this study Etik Kurul Belgesi | Ethics Committee Approval Makale, Etik Kurul Belgesi... more
Thirty four candidate plus clumps of Bambusa bambos were selected from 17 locations of Tamil Nadu and assembled in the mother nursery at Forest College and Research Institute, Mettupalayam. Studies were undertaken in the mother nursery at... more
Magyarországon az akác (Robinia pseudoacacia) az egyik legfontosabb állományalkotó egzóta fafaj. Jelentôsége sok más országban is növekszik. Új szelekciós program eredményeként nyolc akácklónt állítottunk elô klónkísérletek és... more
SZAKMAI BESZÁMOLÓ Citokininek hatásvizsgálata alma in vitro hajtásregenerációjában Kutatási programunknak két fő célkitűzése volt: 1. Különböző citokininek hajtásregenerációban játszott szerepének szerv-illetve szövetszintű vizsgálata hat... more
Efecto del manitol y el nitrato de plata en la conservación in vitro de la malanga (Xanthosoma spp.)
Efecto del manitol y el nitrato de plata en la conservación in vitro 167 ARTÍCULO CORTO Efecto del manitol y el nitrato de plata en la conservación in vitro de la malanga (Xanthosoma spp.) Mannitol and silver nitrate effect of taro... more
Frankfurt Zoological Society (FZS) under grant number 2010/254-772 awarded me with a generous research grant which enabled me to travel to my study area and implement my dissertation research successfully. I also received conference... more
Program Germplasm registered into Multilateral System of the Treaty Crop Conservation Rank No. of Taxa No. of origin country No of Accessions Bean (Phaseolus) Seeds 1 46 110 37.560
Dedico este texto a los gauchos indómitos, 1 entre los que se encuentran según mi propio panteón, Juan Carlos Garavaglia, y a mi tía Anita Bugallo que en mi infancia me mostró en su pago de Los Toldos, lo maravilloso de la vida buscando... more
During our country-wide fish faunistic surveys several pike individuals were collected, which can be charecterised by stripped (non-dotted) body pattern, and their scale number on the lateral line is lower than it is indicated at the E.... more
evergreen broad-leaved tree. The species is long lived (200–250 years), commonly growing to a height of 15–20 m but it can reach 25 m under ideal conditions. Stem diameter at breast height can reach more than 200 cm. The bark is up to 20... more
The topic of great interest for the national public education in Morocco and the international community because it addresses an issue from a forest which is considered the largest cork oak forest plains in the world but unfortunately who... more
Çalışmanın amacı, Türkiye’nin ilk orman amenajman planının düzenlendiği Hendek Mustafa Şeref Bey Ormanı için 1917-2015 döneminde yapılan sekiz orman amenajman planının teknik ve yapısal değişimlerinin karşılaştırmalı olarak ortaya... more
São descritos alguns aspectos evolutivos e conceituais da domesticação de plantas e sua relação com a agricultura e com a agrossilvicultura, alguns fatores que estabelecem e vinculam a fitodomesticação com os sistemas agroflorestais e... more
Bu çalışma, yarı dairesel mikrohavza su hasadı tekniği ile toprağın su tutma kapasitesini iyileştirici bazı uygulamaların zeytin fidan gelişimine etkisini incelemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Deneme tesadüf blokları deneme deseninde kurulmuş... more
Although the main goal of traditional farming is to produce food, it can play an important role in conservation of genetic resources. This paper reports a study, which explored the diversity of date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) cultivars... more
uring the development of this project we want to obtain an operational standardization of solar dryer that is located in the Hacienda La Cosmopolitan. During field work we found that the standardization process is required, especially... more
; Esteban Abbona (2015) Semillas y saberes de los agricultores familiares. ¿Cuál es el rol de las ferias de intercambio en su reproducción y conservación?.
Jelen tanulmány a Pilis délnyugati lábánál levő homoki gyertyános-tölgyeseinek (Corydali pumilae-Carpinetum) és cseres-tölgyesek (Fraxino orno-Quercetum cerridis) társulási viszonyait mutatja be 10-10 cönológiai felvétel alapján. A... more
Karışık meşcereler ülkemiz ormancılığı için önemli meşcere yapılarıdır. Ülkemizde karışık meşcereler çoğunlukla verimli ormanlardır ve verimli ormanlarının üçte birini oluşturmaktadırlar. Bununla birlikte, bu meşcerelerde ormancılar... more
Biografía de los autores Claudio Bertonatti: Museólogo, naturalista y docente. Doctor honoris causa de la Universidad Maimónides e investigador de su Centro de Ciencias Naturales, Ambientales y Antropológicas. Hizo dos posgrados: uno en... more