Foreign Aid and Development
Recent papers in Foreign Aid and Development
In the past decade an increasing number of adolescent girls in Ethiopia have moved from villages and rural towns to Addis Ababa to improve their own lives and those of their families. While girls' migration is in a way a 'normality', with... more
Myanmar's current transition involves a concerted international effort to promote the rule of law. Legal education is integral to promoting the rule of law, and so calls for development aid that works to improve a country's legal... more
Evidence of ineffective foreign assistance is widespread in Africa. The debate on how aid can be effective and contribute to Africa’s development is, however, still ongoing without any clear way forward. This paper adopts a deductive... more
The effectiveness of foreign aid to reduce poverty in poor countries like Nepal is being increasingly questioned because in spite of its major significance in support of development expenditure, poverty appears to be worsening. A number... more
The widespread belief across the globe and across religions that the rich should help the poor through Aids makes aid beneficiaries to undermine its consequences. Rather than being the cure for the ailment of poverty, Foreign aid is... more
The emotional dimensions of witnessing human hardship and suffering through images are key to ensuing humanitarianism. Yet while images of suffering have historically evoked a range of ‘humanitarian emotions’, contemporary commentators... more
This study was undertaken to provide some clarity and guidance on community-based development in conflict-affected areas. By drawing evidence from a wide set of programs and community experiences, this research aims to inform future... more
“Africa is the richest continent in the world, in terms of natural and mineral resources. It has nearly 600 million hectares of uncultivated-arable land, about 60% of the global total. We spend a lot of time talking about this wealth, but... more
Sejak 20 tahun terakhir, status Indonesia sudah berkembang dari negara berpendapatan rendah menjadi negara berpendapatan menengah dalam kategori peringkat negara resmi yang dikeluarkan Bank Dunia. Pada tahun 2020, posisi tersebut... more
Cet article s'intéresse aux relations entre gouvernement et marché dans les politiques de développement. Il montre que l'essor des mécanismes marchands dans la mise en oeuvre de l'aide internationale est un phénomène institutionnel lié... more
There has been considerable attention within the academic communities, by both theorist and practitioners in the field of foreign aid and development studies towards the development of emerging donors for the past few decades. Many of... more
'The Contested Areas of Myanmar: Subnational Conflict, Aid, and Development' is released at a pivotal moment amid longstanding conflicts in many parts of Myanmar, political dialogue to address the concerns of numerous ethnic groups, and a... more
Tsarist Russia, the USSR and modern Russia have had unique perspectives on Africa and aid, due to geographical location, changing ideologies, non-colonial history with
Education began to be included as a component of foreign assistance in the early 1960s as it is a principal ingredient of development. A number of multilateral and bilateral agencies were established around this time to implement various... more
This research focuses on US and Brazilian international cooperation regarding food security. The study takes into account, as a starting point, the traditional division into North-South and South-South to verify how international... more
Both experts and the US Government Accountability Office (GAO) have agreed that efficiency, transparency, a diversification of implementers, and an impact-oriented approach is necessary to improve the foreign assistance of the United... more
Part one of a two-part critique of Garrett Hardin's "Tragedy of the Commons" and "Lifeboat Ethics." A revised and expanded version is forthcoming from Changing Suns Press (
This research study has analyzed the effects of foreign aid in promoting economic growth in Zambia. The study used available data in Zambia from 1986 – 2018. The study adopted the ARDL model for investigating the short and long time... more
This article compares the evolution of China’s and Japan’s foreign policies to Lusophone Africa, focusing on the period post-2000. The lack of analysis on Beijing’s and Tokyo’s respective aid policies to- wards Portuguese-speaking African... more
ABSTRACT & RÉSUMÉ & ZUSAMMENFASSUNG : The decision of African leaders on the creation of an African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) in 2018 was not merely a political decision with economic implications. It has significant and... more
This book explores the nexus between foreign aid and corruption in post-conflict settings. It particularly focuses on the experiences of some of the countries that have received foreign aid in order to initiate or accelerate their... more
Bangladesh as a developing country has infrastructural problem, lack of skilled personnel and all these are often linked to the shortage of Capital. Hence we have to take financial assistance from external sources i.e foreign government,... more
How should the aid financial burden be distributed across donor Governments? This article discusses the ‘distributive justice’ of the current aid-financing pattern, and advocates a progressive rationale in which citizens from donor... more
This paper argues that CARICOM’s main plank of relationship-building for economic development – securing market access through preferential trade agreements and quotas, increased foreign investment in vertically-integrated multinational... more
Officially known as the European Recovery Program (ERP), the Marshall Plan is generally considered to have laid the foundations of the current international aid architecture. Most analyses of the Marshall Plan focus on its unique success... more
Abstrak Jurnal ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan peran dari Bank Dunia dni USAID dalam kaitanya dengan pembangunan pendidikan di Indonesia periode 2008-2014. Di dalam jurnal ini juga disuguhkan data-data yang akurat mengenai pembangunan... more
This Country Study on Collaborative Partner-Donor Evaluation Work (CPDEW) builds on the previous Country Study on the Evaluation of the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness and the Accra Agenda that was completed in 2010. This study... more
This article adopts a poststructural approach to examine the relationship between the news media and international relations. It compares 15 years of international aid coverage from two donor nations, the United States and Britain, and... more
This concept paper /proposal highlights some of the answers and solutions to inclusive growth and sustainable development as pathway to that mostly preferred conventional development aiming at helping Nakuru County Government in... more
The Australia Awards are the largest and longest running international scholarship program in Indonesia. Scholarships to Indonesian PhD awardees are estimated to cost in excess of AUD$250,000 (£172,000) each and in 2012 the Australian aid... more
Tsarist Russia, the USSR and modern Russia have had unique perspectives on Africa and aid, due to geographical location, changing ideologies, non-colonial history with Africa, the Cold War, alternating aid status of recipient and donor,... more
Expanding on earlier research in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo, this publication includes findings on the perceptions of democracy assistance by civil society recipients in Serbia. The new research is the product of extensive... more
Adaptasi dan mitigasi perubahan iklim diperlukan untuk mengurangi dampak-dampak perubahan iklim, baik dalam aspek ekonomi, lingkungan, maupun sosial. Salah satu pendekatan dalam mengurangi emisi karbon sekaligus menanggulangi dampak... more
This survey essay reviews close to 200 papers in arguing that in order to achieve sustainable and inclusive development, foreign aid should not orient developing countries toward industrialization in the perspective of Kuznets but in the... more
A two-part critique of Garrett Hardin's "Tragedy of the Commons" and "Lifeboat Ethics." A revised and expanded version is forthcoming from Changing Suns Press (
Self-reliance was a cornerstone of Ujamaa socialism -the ideology of Tanzania from 1967 till mid-1980s. In the post-Cold-War time the socialist ideology has actually been abandoned, together with the really valuable concept of... more
Die Dokumente auf EconStor dürfen zu eigenen wissenschaftlichen Zwecken und zum Privatgebrauch gespeichert und kopiert werden. Sie dürfen die Dokumente nicht für öffentliche oder kommerzielle Zwecke vervielfältigen, öffentlich ausstellen,... more
This aim of this study is to explore the development assistance system and its multiple challenges in the global economy: an obstacle for assisted countries. Development aid is one of the instruments of international cooperation whose... more
In the political and academic debates on development aid in the post-Cold War years, there is often reference to a “new aid architecture.” This study explores what is new about this “new architecture of aid” and traces change and... more
This aim of this study is to explore the development assistance system and its multiple challenges in the global economy: an obstacle for assisted countries. Development aid is one of the instruments of international cooperation whose... more
Myanmar’s current transition involves a concerted international effort to promote the rule of law. Legal education is integral to promoting the rule of law, and so calls for development aid that works to improve a country’s legal... more
Development projects evolve with reference to particular framings of the need and imperatives of a developing country. Once development projects get legitimated in this way, the aid agencies deepen their presence to move in a direction of... more