Foot and Ankle Surgery
Recent papers in Foot and Ankle Surgery
Comp lex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) can be a complication of injury or surgery or have an obscu re etiology. Special precautions are indicated (i.e., preemptive analgesia) when surgery is required with a patient who has been diagnosed... more
Although functional and clinical outcomes after total ankle arthroplasty have been promising, a steep learning curve has been recognized. In addition, the performance of concomitant hindfoot realignment procedures is controversial. The... more
The lower extremity is a frequent site for malignant melanomas. However, skeletal metastases involving the foot and ankle are a rarity. Nearly all documented cases of secondary pedal bone metastasis have originated from a primary... more
Los huesecillos accesorios del pie son variaciones anatómicas normales de infrecuente importancia clínica. Se sitúan en los sitios de los centros de osificación secundarios del tarso y metatarso. Desde su primera descripción en la... more
Tourniquet use in foot and ankle surgery is common practice; however, the technique varies among foot and ankle surgeons and there are no standard guidelines. To analyze trends in foot and ankle tourniquet use, the authors conducted an e·... more
The purpose of this study was to determine if the relative length of the first metatarsal and the proximal phalanx of the hallux, in respect to the total foot length, were associated with the incidence of hallux rigidus. For this... more
Patients presenting late for treatment of clubfoot deformity are still common in many parts of the world. These feet are often rigid and severely deformed. Surgical correction is the prevailing option to attain a plantigrade foot, and the... more
Tears of the peroneal tendons are not uncommon but remain an underappreciated source of chronic lateral ankle pain. The purpose of this study was to identify the typical patient profile and nature of the injury, to analyze the course of... more
Quantitative strength analysis of first metatarsophalangeal joint arthrodesis was performed using two fixation techniques: a small 6-hole plate with an interfragmentary screw or two crossed lag screws. Twelve matched-pair fresh-frozen... more
Introduction For the quantification of intra-articular fracture of the calcaneus, different types of angles have been mentioned in the literature. Of these, the Bohler's angle (BA) and the critical angle of Gissane (CAG) are used in... more
This is the interim analysis of a prospective, randomized, controlled study comparing diabetic foot ulcer healing in patients being treated with either noncontact normothermic wound therapy (Warm-UP; Augustine Medical Inc. Eden Prairie,... more
European registers for total ankle replacement Registers for hip and knee replacements have been used for nearly 30 years, starting in Sweden 1975 with the knee arthroplasty register. Many other countries have followed this trend, and the... more
We present the case of a 16-year-old female ballet dancer who sustained an acute disruption of the Lisfranc joint while dancing. We discuss the diagnostic pitfalls of this unusual injury, its surgical management and outcome.
A R T I C L E I N F O Keywords: Tendonitis injection hyaluronic acid pain swelling outcomes adverse effects A B S T R A C T Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of a single, peri-tendinous injection of... more
Background: The purpose of this study is to report the short-term complication rates and mid-term subtalar fusion rates following operative management of calcaneal fractures. Methods: This is a retrospective study of Californians... more
A long-term retrospective review of a long oblique distal osteotomy of the fifth metatarsal for correction of a tailor's bunion deformity is presented. The technique, results, and follow-up of this procedure are described. The long... more
An understanding of torsion in the human Achilles tendon would assist in more efficient percutaneous tendon lengthening procedures. Tendoachilles torsion was measured on 16 human cadaver specimens. Significant torsion was found in all... more
Foot ulcerations and their sequelae remain a major source of morbidity for patients with diabetes mellitus. Often leading to infection, osteomyelitis, or gangrene, these lesions have consistently been ascertained as significant risk... more
Self-administered questionnaires have become an important aspect for clinical outcome assessment of foot and ankle-related problems. The Foot and Ankle Ability Measure (FAAM) subjective form is a region-specific questionnaire that is... more
We present histopathologic and imaging features, treatment alternatives, and follow-up of a patient with a secondary chondrosarcoma of talus. A 27-year-old man with a chondrosarcoma arising from a preexisting benign tumor was treated by... more
Measurement of ground contact forces can be used to assess the loads to which the human body is subjected in normal activities, like walking, or in more demanding situations such as in sports. With regard to clinical problems it is useful... more
Charcot arthropathy, also known as neuroarthropathy, is most commonly associated with diabetes mellitus, despite a variety of other etiologies. A limited number of case reports have been published on neuroarthropathies caused by other... more
The prevalence of diabetes mellitus is growing at epidemic proportions in the United States and worldwide. Most alarming is the steady increase in type 2 diabetes, especially among young and obese people. An estimated 7% of the US... more
The prevalence of diabetes mellitus is growing at epidemic proportions in the United States and worldwide. Most alarming is the steady increase in type 2 diabetes, especially among young and obese people. An estimated 7% of the US... more
The prevalence of diabetes mellitus is growing at epidemic proportions in the United States and worldwide. Most alarming is the steady increase in type 2 diabetes, especially among young and obese people. An estimated 7% of the US... more
Our purpose was to construct and validate a new score taking into consideration the flaws of existing scores. Methods: A new score named Visual-Analogue-Scale Foot and Ankle (VAS FA) with the following features was constructed:... more
Extensive tissue resection often mandates unique approaches to complete a functional reconstruction. While there are numerous options for selecting a donor site for a skin or soft tissue flap, available options for securing a local flap... more
A retrospective evaluation of 64 randomly selected patients with 100 nonfixated Austin bunionectomy procedures was performed. A radiographic and a clinical evaluation were performed, including an analysis of preoperative and postoperative... more
Non-union of distal fractures of the fibula type Weber B is rare. Undisplaced and minimally displaced isolated lateral malleolar fractures (Weber B) usually unite without operative intervention. We present three cases of lateral malleolus... more
The authors provide a detailed review of the available literature regarding first ray sagittal plane direction and range of motion with special emphasis on whether or not hypermobility of the first ray can truly be supported as a... more
Keywords: arthritis bunion callus epidemiology hammertoe survey tibialis posterior tendon veteran a b s t r a c t Many factors have been suggested to cause flatfoot deformity. The purpose of this study was to identify risk factors for... more
Dactylolysis spontanea is an idiopathic condition affecting the fifth toe, and sometimes other toes, that is frequently bilateral, with lesions in different stages. Between 1977 and 1999, a total 6000 radiographic studies of the feet were... more
Although replant of the extruded talus would be preferable at the time of initial management, some patients present with a talus that had not been recovered. A series of 3 cases of the extruded talus that were reconstructed with large... more
Abstract: Plantar foot ulcerations in the diabetic population are a significant source of morbidity, mortality, and cost to the healthcare system globally1. The lifetime risk of a patient with diabetic neuropathy developing a foot ulcer... more