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The purpose of this paper is to explore less obvious aspects of the relationship between gastronomy and opera. It is a fact that our age promotes the image and concept of the master chef or confectioner and this is facilitated even more... more
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      Cultural StudiesSociology of CultureTourism StudiesTourism Marketing
Sposoby produkcji jedzenia oraz jego związek z tożsamością mieszkańców Europy stały się u progu XXI wieku przedmiotem licznych dyskusji. Ich skutki dostrzec można w powstających rozwiązaniach prawnych – najlepszy przykład stanowi tu... more
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      Food SafetySustainable Production and ConsumptionSociology of Food and EatingFood Systems
This paper explores the options that I hypothetical American cookware company has when aiming to export their cookware to the Spanish market, and explores competition, pricing, and other exporting challenges.
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      Tourism StudiesInternational BusinessSpainFood and Gastronomy Tourism
The delinquency in hotels is well known both to the professionals of the sector as well as to the clients. The specificity of hotel accommodation as an area of “hospitality” and discretion, providing distinctive tranquility and security... more
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      BusinessGastronomyCultural TourismRevenue Management
Atualmente, a sustentabilidade tomou grandes proporções no âmbito científico, governamental e acadêmico. Está-se mais ciente e preocupado com o meio ambiente, percebeu-se que este é importante e indispensável, além de, em muitos aspectos,... more
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      GastronomyPolitical ScienceTourismFood and Gastronomy Tourism
Local values affect the destination preferences of tourists. The promotion and registration of these values is important for their protection. In addition to the registration of geographical indications, their presentation in food and... more
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      GastronomyLocal foodGeographical IndicationsFood and Gastronomy Tourism
Review of Jin Feng, Tasting paradise on earth: Jiangnan foodways (University of Washington 2019) and Guo Huiling 郭慧玲, 美味与权力: 一个华北村庄70年饮食生活变迁 [Taste and Power: 70 years of culinary transition in a north Chinese village] (China Economic... more
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      HistoryEthnographyChinese StudiesFood and Nutrition
The purpose-Romania has many resources for tourism development. The main focus of this paper is to provoke a debate about the opportunity of the culinary tourism development in Romania. Also, we intent to do an analysis regarding the... more
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      Tourism StudiesFood TourismTourismNiche Tourism
Tesi magistrale in Semiotica. Questa tesi intende indagare da una prospettiva semiotica l’enoturismo, il turismo del vino, descrivendo come vengono costruiti i discorsi e i percorsi sui luoghi vitivinicoli. La comunicazione di valori alla... more
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      SemioticsTourism MarketingFrontier StudiesSlovenian History
Gastronomy and culinary arts is one of the fields whose all of the stakeholders much need the communication and the lack of ethics is greatly experienced. While creating ethic codes of this field, considering problems and expectations of... more
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      EngineeringEthicsGastronomyFood and Gastronomy Tourism
The growth of the food tourism segment in the last two decades has opened enormous scope for the marketing & promotion of ‘indigenous food products’ which otherwise remain limited to a particular region. These unique culinary products... more
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      Tourism StudiesTourism MarketingGastronomyTourism
published in: M. Montanari & J-R. Pitte, Les frontières alimentaires (Paris, 2009)
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      HistoryEconomic HistoryFood ScienceFood Safety
The aim of this study was to contribute to the literature on food tourism by proposing the concept of place and events linked to food, and to analyze the opportunity of gastronomic tourism for local development around Romania (Sibiu... more
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      GeographyTourism StudiesTourismItaly
Araştırmada, vegan/vejetaryen müşterilerin gözünden, restoran çalışanlarının bilgi ve bilinç düzeyinin bireylerin bir sonraki restoran tercihlerini ne ölçüde etkilediğini belirlemek amaçlanmıştır. Araştırma alanı olarak Çanakkale... more
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      GastronomyVeganismFood and Gastronomy TourismGastronomi ve Mutfak Sanatları
This contribution to the annual Report on Gastronomy Tourism in Italy, edited by Roberta Garibaldi, develops a new approach to sustainable gastronomy, based on a social practice approach.
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      GastronomyCultural TourismSustainable TourismGastronomia
In this article, the position that there is a good case for sustainable food tourism despite the negative impact on the climate caused by tourism and travelling practices is argued. This requires, however, that we develop well-designed... more
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      Tourism StudiesDesignSustainable agricultureCultural Tourism
ellers with insight into the culture of the place they are visiting. Restaurants have been recognized as potentially important partners in efforts to promote local food systems. This study is -
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    • Food and Gastronomy Tourism
Residing with the exponential growth of gastronomy tourism research, a number of review articles have examined the relationship of gastronomy and tourism from distinct thematic and disciplinary perspectives. What remains absent is a... more
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      SociologySustainable DevelopmentSustainable TourismFood and Gastronomy Tourism
La relación entre gastronomía y turismo ha crecido a medida que se ha consolidado el turismo post-fordista y la segmentación del sector. Sin embargo, la relación entre turismo y alimentación tiene una recorrido más largo. A partir de... more
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      Tourism StudiesPeasant StudiesAnthropology of FoodAgriculture and Food Studies
ÖZET Sirke, tarihi çok eskiye dayanan bir gıda olarak bilinmektedir. Hemen hemen her evde kullanılan bu ürünün hangi yemeklerde kullanıldığına ilişkin bilgilere ise en çok yemek tarifi kitaplarında rastlanmaktadır. Ancak bu kadar çok... more
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      GastronomyFood and Gastronomy TourismVinegar
Aims: This study aims to analyse the consumption behaviour of millennial tourists in gastronomic tours starting from the stages before, during, and after gastronomic tours, especially in the use of information technology. Place and... more
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      Tourist BehaviourCulinary TourismFood and Gastronomy TourismGastronomy Culture
Salimos de la ciudad en un vehículo particular, a eso de las 8:30 am y después de atravesar el “Túnel de Oriente” avistamos el pueblo de Guarne, muy frío por cierto. Ubicado a 45 minutos de la ciudad de Medellín y sobre la carretera... more
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      GastronomyFood and Gastronomy Tourism
Food - its cultivation, preparation and communal consumption - has long been considered a form of cultural heritage. A dynamic, living product, food creates social bonds as it simultaneously marks off and maintains cultural difference. In... more
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      AnthropologyTourism StudiesFoodways (Anthropology)Cultural Heritage
Food and wine are an integral part of any tour experience, however a tourist seldom give them due importance while deciding on a particular destination. Most domestic tourist in India would factor elements like Tourist attraction,... more
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      Wine TourismFood and Gastronomy Tourism
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      History of GastronomyFood and Gastronomy TourismGastronomic TourismAesthetics of Food
This book provides a systematic and comprehensive guide to the current state of knowledge on tourism and water. It is the first book to thoroughly examine the interrelationships of tourism and water use based on global, regional and... more
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      Tourism StudiesWaterTourism GeographyFood and Beverage Management
It is an important reading on the subject
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    • Food and Gastronomy Tourism
Purpose of the Study: This study aims to identify food consumption behaviour at pre, during, and post-pandemic (possibility). Methodology: This study uses a quantitative-based descriptive study approach to explain changes in consumer... more
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      Consumer BehaviorHistory Of Food ConsumptionFood and Gastronomy TourismFood consumption pattern
In 1986, ten years after they emigrated from Kiev, Michael and Ludmila Smolyansky introduced kefir to America. Today their children, Julie and Edward, lead Lifeway Foods Inc., the Smolyansky family company and the top-selling kefir brand... more
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      Health SciencesFood ScienceFood HistoryFood and Nutrition
Gastronomy comes from the combination of food with art, pleasure, taste, and science. In addition to food itself, the experience of the culture that food belongs to also directs people to rural areas, regions, and countries that makes... more
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      Tourism StudiesTourism MarketingGastronomyCultural Tourism
German cuisine is a highly underestimated economic, sociocultural and culinary value for the country and its citizens. To put these values back in focus properly and to pro-mote culinary heritage, biodiversity, traditional handcraft,... more
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      Community ResilienceFood PolicyFood and NutritionGerman Literature and Culture
What do deep fried mars bars, cod, and Bulgarian yogurt have in common? Each have become symbolic foods with specific connotations, located to a very specific place and country. This book explores the role of food in society as a means... more
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      NationalismFood HistoryNational IdentityCulinary History
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      Tourism StudiesAnthropology of TourismTourism MarketingTourism Management
El siguiente trabajo es una investigación de la diplomacia gastronómica: una herramienta estratégica que usan algunos países para mejorar su imagen y sus relaciones internacionales, poniendo en valor la gastronómia nacional, uniendo a los... more
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      GastronomyPublic DiplomacyFood TourismWine Tourism
Resumen: El turismo gastronómico es una tipología turística cuya práctica se extiende a lo largo de todo el año, y que se da en contextos geográ fi-cos de cualquier índole. A su vez, las rutas turísticas, tanto naturales como culturales,... more
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      Local Food ProductionWine TourismCataloniaFood and Gastronomy Tourism
A obra intitulada “Gastronomy, Tourism and the Media - Aspects of Tourism”, publicada em língua inglesa, em 2017, e ainda sem tradução para o português, apresenta a ligação entre o uso da mídia e do marketing para entender melhor a... more
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      Tourism StudiesMedia StudiesGastronomyTourism
A journey in space and time guided by our senses…from an independent researcher and taste consumer... The impressive variety of local products, the delicious wines and spirits combined with different culinary creations, are all offering... more
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      Local HistoryWine TourismFood and Gastronomy Tourism
Products grown only in one locality or presented in that locality-specific manner constitute the essential components of gastronomic identity. In this research it is aimed to make the assessment for the determination of Ottoman Strawberry... more
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    • Food and Gastronomy Tourism
Trabajo Fin de Máster en Dirección y Gestión de Industrias Culturales y Creativas de la U. Europea Miguel de Cervantes (España), en la que se pretende analizar y aproximarse a la dinámica económica creativa del patrimonio culinario de la... more
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      GastronomyPatrimonio CulturalFood and Gastronomy TourismArequipa
Bu araştırmanın amacı, gastronomik bir unsur olarak kokteyl içeceklere yönelik tüketici alışkanlıklarının neler olduğunu ortaya koymaktır. Bu doğrultuda tüketicilerin; kokteyller hakkında bilgi sahipliği ve kokteyl hazırlama durumu,... more
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      GastronomyConsumption StudiesConsumer BehaviorFood and Beverage Management
El presente estudio busca dar a conocer el patrimonio industrial que ha sido puesto en valor turístico en la provincia de Imbabura – Ecuador. Este patrimonio está constituido por el Tren de la Libertad, la Fábrica Textil Imbabura y el... more
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      Cultural HeritageSocial NetworkingCultural TourismHeritage Management
In recent years, a growing emphasis has been placed on tourism experiences and attractions related to food. In many cases eating out while on holiday includes the ‘consumption’ of a local heritage, comparable to what is experienced... more
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      Tourism StudiesGastronomyConsumptionCultural Tourism
Sökmen, C. ve Sökmen, S. (2021). Akdeniz Bölgesi. Kültürel Miras Anadolu’nun Yöresel Mutfakları (Ed: E. K. Sezgin). Ankara: Nobel, ss. 1-36. Akdeniz sözcüğü etimolojik olarak incelendiğinde, Latince medius(orta) kelimesiyle terra... more
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    • Food and Gastronomy Tourism
Street vendors are part of life in a city. Street vending serves as a livelihood basis and major source of income for many people who do not fit into the formal economic sector, specially in developing countries. But it also contributes... more
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      Cultural GeographyFood MarketingFood and Gastronomy Tourism
The paper discusses recent innovation and diversification paths in agro-food, specifically the linkage between food, territory and branding, the emerging phenomenon of Food Cities and increasing interest in healthier and more sustainable... more
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      MarketingRegional GeographyFood ScienceGastronomy
"Given the scarcity of research on tourist food preference, this study is a first attempt to generate in-depth understanding of Chinese tourists’ food preferences in a culturally different environment by employing on-site participant... more
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      Food and TourismFood TourismFood and Gastronomy TourismTourism Food Consumption Behaviour
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      GastronomyCultural HeritageHeritage TourismRural Development
Résumé : De nombreux outils et méthodologies d’enseignement culinaires existent, basés sur des référentiels cadres et des livres multiples qui consignent ce que la société française souhaite transmettre de son patrimoine gastronomique.... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryGastronomyHospitality Studies