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FOOD AND CULTURE is the market-leading text for the cultural foods courses, providing current information on the health, culture, food, and nutrition habits of the most common ethnic and racial groups living in the United States. It is... more
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      Food ScienceFood and NutritionFood & Culture
Ye py en i de ne yim ler su na n bir bir ind en fa rk lı eğ itim ma ter ya lle ri
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    • Food & Culture
Food and drink in communism gained increasing interest in the last decades both in science and in post-communist societies. While the body of research on the topic grows, it is still scattered and not always in dialogue. This conference... more
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      Cultural HistoryEastern European StudiesCommunismFood & Culture
This report is the result of a two year research project commissioned by the Ministry of Economic Affairs in the Netherlands and carried out at the Institute for Environmental Studies. The goal of the project was to consider how ethnic... more
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      Anthropology of FoodFood & CultureSustainable Food Systems, Permaculture, Food AnthropologyMeat and meat consumption
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      AgricultureAgriculture and Food StudiesFood & CultureTuscany
Sul sito “” è possibile trovare un’intervista che ho rilasciato riguardo i temi affrontati nel volume “Il Cibo e il Sacro. Tradizioni e Simbologie”, che ho curato insieme alle colleghe Elena Santilli e Alessandra Turchetti. Ho... more
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      History of ReligionAnthropology of FoodHistory of ReligionsFood Culture and Literature
Апстракт: Истраживањем пракси и дискурса, који окружују производњу, потрошњу, припрему, послуживање и конзумацију хране настојаћемо да разоткријемо односе моћи и начине на које се концептуализовао род у руралној Шумадији у 19. и почетком... more
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      Claude Lévi-StraussFood StudiesFood & CultureTraditional Food
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      Agricultural BiodiversityFood & CultureToscanaTuscany
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) is quickly becoming a cultural hub, and experiencing changes in patterns of culture and social behaviour. As a result, KSA is seeking to develop and expand its non-oil economy, transitioning into a... more
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      Media and Cultural StudiesHybriditySaudi ArabiaCultural Identity
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      Anthropology of FoodFood Culture and LiteratureFood StudiesFood & Culture
The post-partition reconfiguration of the walled city of Jaipur that had originally been dominated by Hindu and Jain merchants is explored. Sindhi refugee retailers and traders were given space during the 1950s and 1970s by creating new... more
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      Heritage StudiesFood & CultureBazaarPartition of India
ABSTRACT The existing discussion on the consumption and the reception of Japanese and Korean popular culture globally has been concentrated on the popular media and its derivatives. The academic investigation on different cultural... more
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      Cultural StudiesMedia StudiesSocial SciencesPopular Culture
Objective: To characterize the multiple dimensions and benefits of the Mediterranean diet as a sustainable diet, in order to revitalize this intangible food heritage at the country level; and to develop a multidimensional framework – the... more
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      Food & CultureMediterranean dietResilience × Sustainable Diets × Food Systems × Environment × Food SecurityVulnerability
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    • Food & Culture
As more scholars enter the field of Japanese food history, we are all becoming aware of how much more there is to learn. Our progress rests on the availability of primary sources which are plentiful for some topics but nonexistent for... more
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      Japanese StudiesFoodways (Anthropology)Anthropology of FoodJapanese History
A sum an T ü rk m e n İKİNCİ BÖLÜM: KÜLTÜR VE SANAT 279 Fatih Dönemi İlim Hayatı ve İlm iye Teşkilatı 281 M ehm et İpşirli Fatih in M ürşidi Akşemseddin 299 M ustafa K a ra Fatih Sultan Mehmet (Avnî) D iva n ı Ü zerine 325 M uham m et N u... more
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      Ottoman HistoryOttoman StudiesFood Culture and LiteratureFood & Culture
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      SemioticsExperience DesignConsumer CultureRestaurant
The shift towards a more sustainable diet necessitates less reliance on foods of animal origin. This study presents data from a representative survey of Dutch consumers on their practices related to meat, meat substitution and meat... more
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      VegetarianismFood & CultureMeat Substitution
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      AnthropologyAnthropology of FoodFood & Culture
Arka kapak minyatürü: Şölen (1720'de bir festivalde ulemaya verilen ziyafet, Surname-i Vehbi'den) Kapak Fotoğrafı: Siyah Dane Pilavı TÜRK MUTFAĞINA TARİHSEL VE LEZZETLİ BİR YOLCULUK Orta Asya'da coğrafi şartların dayattığı imkânsızlık ve... more
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      Food & CultureFood CultureTurkish cuisineHistory of Cooking and Food Culture
The goal of the essay is to illustrate, without claiming to be exhaustive, how historiography treated some issues related to the interactions between food and religious culture, highlighting topics of special interest and trying to... more
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      HistoriographyFood HistoryReligious HistoryReligion and Food
This volume is the first to combine textual analysis of food media texts with interviews with media production staff, reality TV contestants, celebrity chefs, and food producers and retailers across the artisan-conventional spectrum.... more
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      Food MediaFood & CultureFood IndustryMedia Industry Studies
È un dato che molte persone che praticano yoga seguano un regime alimentare vegetariano più o meno radicale. Molti, pur senza aver mai in precedenza pensato a una scelta simile, si ritrovano quasi involontariamente a mutare abitudini in... more
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      NutritionYogaYoga PhilosophyFood and Nutrition
ÖZ Bu çalışma yemek hazırlıklarının ve mutfakların konu edildiği resim sanatı örnekleri aracılığıyla, gastronomi alanındaki yazını zenginleştirmeyi amaçlamaktadır. İnsanın yemekle olan sıkı ilişkisinin en açık biçimde görüldüğü yerlerden... more
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      GastronomyFood HistoryFood Culture and LiteratureHistory of Food
Elemento imprescindibile della vita quotidiana, il cibo ha acquisito negli ultimi decenni una visibilità sempre maggiore nell’ambito della scena pubblica e mediatica. Ciò ha favorito lo sviluppo e il radicamento dei cosiddetti food... more
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      SemioticsCommunicationFood and NutritionFood Studies
This project aims to explore, holistically, the perspective of food in the culture and lifestyle of the people of village Pindori Mahantan. It aims to examine the way by which food is incorporated in the relevant socio-cultural lives of... more
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      AnthropologySocial and Cultural AnthropologyAnthropology of FoodFood Culture and Literature
In many ways the foods we eat define us, forming an important part of our identity. Most of the foods we eat have taken a long and complex journey across continents to find their way to our tables. This project tries to outline the role... more
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      AnthropologyFoodways (Anthropology)Social and Cultural AnthropologyAnthropology of Food
Even though Indianness as we commonly understand it today may well be the uneasy child of modernity and nationalism, the texture, touch, and taste of what it means to call one’s home India is a legacy marinated richly with symbiotic... more
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      Human RightsSouth Asian StudiesFood Culture and LiteratureMemoir and Autobiography
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      SemioticsConsumer Experience ManagementConsumer CultureConsumer experience
The paper considers food and eating customs within the culture of the Yorùbá, both resident in West Africa and scattered abroad. It looks specifically at the shared values and customs and how these define what is eaten and how it is... more
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      Sociology of Food and EatingFood SystemsLocal foodFood History
¿Vino natural?, pero ¿qué es lo que no es natural en el vino?, ¿es que existe un vino artificial? El vino es el resultado exclusivo del proceso de fermentación alcohólica de la uva o del mosto de uva; sin embargo, esta no se realiza por... more
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      Foodways (Anthropology)Anthropology of FoodFood, Gender, CultureWine Economics
In "A ‘Splendid Idiosyncrasy’: Prehistory at Cambridge 1915-50" Pamela Jane Smith charts the development of prehistoric archaeology from an amateur ‘haphazard’ pastime to a fully ledged academic discipline. Smith argues persuasively that... more
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      HistoryCultural HistorySociologyArchaeology
Northern Cameroon has a traditional food culture that varies slightly from one people to the other. This food culture has many aspects among which we have cooking and eating techniques, cooking and eating tools. Urban phenomenon and... more
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    • Food & Culture
Did Greeks and non-Greeks banquet together in the first half of the first millennium BCE, and if so, how does this mode of cultural contact explain the evidence of cultural exchange between Greece and the Near East? Following suggestions... more
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      Diplomatic HistoryInternational RelationsHomerInternational Relations Theory
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      Cultural HistoryEarly Modern HistoryAnthropology of FoodFood History
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      Ottoman StudiesCulinary HistoryFood & CultureFood History, Food Culture
Against the backdrop of globalization, the development of vernacular post-modernism, and green politics, a new green tourism trend, which entails the observation of the process of food productions, has burgeoned all over the world. In... more
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      AnthropologyFood & Culture
2008 yılında 3. ayağı Safranbolu'da gerçekleştirilen ve UNESCO Türkiye Milli Komisyonu'nun desteklediği Geleneksel Lezzetler Şenliği'nin 2007 Kasımında başlayıp 2008 yılı Mart ayına kadar hazırlık çalışmaları sırasında yürütme kurulu... more
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      Food & CultureFood CultureFood and CultureFood History, Food Culture
"What does a gentleman who has worked throughout his life for the Sherry wine establishment shares with the son of a bricklayer who has worked for more than a decade for a large industrial wine cellar and has spent his salary buying small... more
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      Anthropology of FoodWine EconomicsWine TourismViticulture
Purhépecha nation is one of the sixty-eight native cultures that live in Mexico, it is settled mainly on the west side of the country, in the state of Michoacán, and it is organized in four cultural regions identified by the singularities... more
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      TourismFood & CulturePatrimonialization
This dissertation study follows a transnational company into its penetration into a market in a new country. The study examines how an existing production and distribution network could be transformed and how an ordinary consumer is... more
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      Cultural StudiesFood Security and InsecurityFood HistoryHistory Of Food Consumption
Elaborato in preparazione all'esame di psicologia delle scelte alimentari. Il testo presenta le varie scelte alimentari legate all'aspetto religioso. In particolare cerca di analizzare le motivazioni delle scelte alimentari legate al... more
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      Religion and FoodFood & CultureAnthropology of ReligionAntropology of Food
In this course we seek to co-explore the cultural byways of food, and situate food at center of many core aspects of being human. Thus we will consider food in light of practicing things such as gender, class, labour, nation, state, and... more
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      Sociology of Food and EatingAnthropology of FoodIdeologyFood, Gender, Culture
The present volume explores a variety of takes from linguistic and cultural points of view addressing food and food practices in cross-cultural contact, more specifically looking at changes brought about by diasporic circumstances. All... more
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      Discourse AnalysisIdentity (Culture)CultureCritical Discourse Analysis
This paper was submitted as the final paper for a Sociology and Food module at National University of Singapore. This essay explores how food is inextricably linked to social networks and status through the representation of food in the... more
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      Cultural StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesCultural SociologySociology of Food and Eating
Questo articolo è nato da una ricerca di campo sul tema della “cultura materiale dei territori” finanziata da Manifatture Sigaro Toscano nel 2012 . Nelle intenzioni del committente l’articolo doveva restituire un quadro generale della... more
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      Social and Cultural AnthropologyFood & CultureWine Studies
Travelogues are valuable information sources about the period they were written. Ibn Battuta of Tangiers, Morocco, is a famous traveler of the 14th century. In his travelogue, Ibn Battuta exhibits a rich variety of information on the... more
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      GastronomyTravelogueTURİZMHistory of Gastronomy
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      Food HistoryHistory Of Food ConsumptionFood & CultureEuropean Ethnology
In unserer heutigen Gesellschaft reden wir mehr über Ernährung und Mahlzeiten als uns bewusst ist. Wir reden um den heißen Brei, beißen in den sauren Apfel, bekommen Extrawürste, geben Butter bei die Fische und haben uns zum Fressen... more
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      Human Eating BehavioursLinguisticsFood Culture and LiteratureCulinary Culture
This essay connects personal, social, and cultural frames of resistant performances and performativities. Specifically, it focuses on the politics of food resistance and of autonomy and individual/collective change. Through Foucault, the... more
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    • Food & Culture