Food Prices
Recent papers in Food Prices
(September 2019 – February 2020) • 7 November 2019: Successive rises in staple food prices • 4 November 2019: Clear indication of expiry dates • 31 October 2019: Facilitating the establishment of regional slaughterhouses • 29 October... more
Drought raises the possibility of rising food prices and a negative impact on rural consumer demand. However, a point needs to be appreciated here. When we talk rural, we are not talking just agriculture . Agriculture based enterprises... more
published in: M. Montanari & J-R. Pitte, Les frontières alimentaires (Paris, 2009)
This article presents an overview of the long term trends in the trading patterns for salted herring in the area of the North Sea and the Baltic Sea and their hinterlands in the period of c. 1600-1850. The market is defined as ‘the... more
In 1793, the National Convention passed two hallmarks of Jacobin legislation: sweeping price controls called the General Maximum and a ban on women's political clubs. At the center of both issues were factional clashes among the... more
Much criticism regarding the significance, methodology and representativeness has led to doubt about the relevance of real wages as a measure of the living standard of wage earners. Alternative indicators have been proposed. This paper... more
in Abordagens à história rural continental e insular portuguesa, século XIII-XVIII, Lisboa, Centro de História de Além-Mar, 2013, pp. 45-71.
The last studies that are investigating the Arab Spring are connecting it with the worldwide food price shocks that occurred between 2007-8 and the commodity prices that kept on rising until the uprisings. First of all, we aim to gather... more
ÖZ Son zamanlarda obezite hastalığı hemen hemen her ülkede artmaktadır. Artık obezite sadece bir sağlık sorunu değildir, bununla beraber ekonomik bir sorundur. Bu sorunla devletler mücadele etme ihtiyacı duymaktadırlar. Dolayısıyla... more
This literature review provides an overview of knowledge about the recent food price crisis—its precise nature, causes, and consequences in the developing world. It then reviews the efficacies of social protection mechanisms in mitigating... more
Μεσογειακό Κολέγιο: 2ο Διεπιστημονικό Φοιτητικό Συνέδριο 2014 Η παρουσίαση αυτή στοχεύει στην παροχή μιας στρατηγικής ανάλυσης της διαχείρισης της Alfa Pastry SA, ένας από τους πιο σημαντικούς παράγοντες, που δραστηριοποιούνται στην... more
Recently, The world has witnessed a food price rise for many factors which had led to the gap between production and consumption, save and investment, and growing humanitarian needs and the relative scarcity of resources, in general,... more
DOI: 10.13140/2.1.1068.4800 This report aims at providing a strategic management analysis of Alfa Pastry S. A., one of the most important players, operating in the Greek frozen processed food industry. As it happens with most of Greek... more
Соколов И.А. Торговцы чаем, сахаром и кофе [лимитированное издание] [Текст, изображения] / Соколов Иван Алексеевич. – М., 2017. – Том I. – 498 с.: илл. - ISBN 978-5-9973-4479-5 – (Серия «Русский чай»). Sokolov I.A. Traders: tea, sugar &... more
This paper investigated the role of grocery store prices in structuring food access for low-income households in Portland, Oregon. We conducted a detailed healthful foods market basket survey and developed an index of store cost based on... more
Though India embarked on economic liberalisation in 1991, the agrarian sector was liberalised only in 2004 when more than 400 agrarian commodities were exposed to global competition. Food price volatility became a perennial problem after... more
ACCOUNTANCY DEPARTMENT iv indebtedness for their assistance and cooperation. Without them, the research will never be possible. The researcher's families, for the understanding, trust, consideration, patience, and support for financially... more
The Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008 directed the U.S. Department of Agriculture to conduct a 1-year study to assess the extent of areas with limited access to affordable and nutritious food, identify characteristics and causes... more
This multi-volume edition is devoted to people who were selling tea in the Russian Empire. It includes tea sellers’ biographical materials. Data about their family members, relatives, descendants is given as well. The edition also... more
Abstract This research aims to find out the role of Toko Tani Indonesia (TTI) or Toko Tani Indonesia in the supply chain and the establishment of rice price in Sragen District. The basic methods used in this research are descriptive and... more
The study of the history of Quebec when it was under French rule (1608-1760) has been hampered by the absence of a reliable price index. This first section of my thesis solves this problem by creating a price index drawn from prices... more
Sokolov I.A. The History of Tea: new documents and materials [Limited edition] (DEMO) Издание вводит в научный оборот документы и материалы по истории чая. Представлены рецепты XIX в. в которых чай смешивается с алкогольными напитками,... more
This paper outlines the contours of a new research agenda for the analysis of food price crises. By weaving together a detailed quantitative examination of changes in corporate profit shares with a qualitative appraisal of the... more
Extended summary of the PhD thesis (1984) by Peter Scholliers, that studies the evolution of prices and (real) wages within the political and social context of the 1920s and 1930s.
The art of war and the price of gold in Eastern Han were analyzed based on the Romance of the Three Kingdoms
ABSTRACT This volume breaks new ground in approaching the Ancient Economy by bringing together documentary sources from Mesopotamia and the Greco-Roman world. Addressing textual corpora that have traditionally been studied separately, the... more
Este es un tema que ha sido, y sigue siendo, objeto de interminables debates, tanto a nivel político como académico, a pesar de la jurisprudencia del TJUE consgrada en su sentencia “Comisión contra Hungría”, de de 11 de marzo de 2021... more
Precios al mayorista en Guatemala
The aim of this paper is to find the different features influencing the price of the Turkish Belgian product: durüm pitta. The outcomes of our four regressions showed that the group of variables that we used are weakly significant. So the... more
Sokolov I.A. The History of Tea: new documents and materials [Limited edition]. - Moscow, 2017. - 376 p. - ISBN 978-5-9973-4361-3 - (Series «Russian Tea»).
This article examines the impact of staple food price controls on the Tanzanian urban and rural population during the 1970s and 1980s. It is argued that the objective of government pricing policy was spatial egalitarianism. Evidence of... more
In this paper we present the first results of the analysis of the Entry and Exit books of the hospital “Misericordia e Dolce” of Prato, which allowed us to reconstruct for the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries the series of two basic... more
This quantitative study of commodity prices examines the early modern food market, a period and topic widely neglected by historians owing to a lack of data or palaeographic expertise that has prompted scholars to turn their attention to... more
IL SETTORE AGROALIMENTARE NELLA STORIA DELL'ECONOMIA EUROPEA a cura di Ezio Ritrovato Giovanni Gregorini ISBN 9788891789433 Copyright © FrancoAngeli N.B: Copia ad uso personale. È vietata la riproduzione (totale o parziale) dell'opera con... more
The United Nation declared 2016 as international year of pulses, given its importance in food and nutrition security and source of income and employment to small and marginal farmers in developing countries. Historically India is the... more
Fourteen pea protein hydrolysates (PPHs) were prepared using different proteases and tested for antioxidant activity in a liposomal model system under oxidative stress (100 μM FeCl 3 /2 mM ascorbate). Almost all PPHs inhibited lipid... more
Farmers' suicide in India is a cause of concern and government figures, though conservative, predict an impending epidemic. Various measures to curb this calamity are being made in a piecemeal manner. Considering it as an issue of social... more
People on low incomes across Asia, Latin America and Africa have struggled with higher prices for food and basic essentials since the global food and fuel price spikes of 2007/8. To earn more cash and squeeze more value , people across 10... more
For the published version of this paper, see: We are currently faced with a scale of industrial food production that has reached inhuman proportions;... more
From the 1990s the Italian agribusiness sector is increasingly threatened by a new and dangerous phenomenon: organized crime in the agribusiness sector. The so-called "Agromafia" imposes its control throughout the whole agricultural... more
The main purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationships between the crude oil price and food prices in Turkey for the quarterly period in 2000-2013 by using a nonlinear autoregressive distributed lags (NARDL) model. NARDL... more