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Abstract: Nourishment stands apart from other physiological events: whilst we normally exercise discretion in relation to bodily functions, food consumption takes place in public. We dine, snack and nibble in front of others, and the... more
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      MarketingCultural StudiesPhilosophyAesthetics
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      MarketingEmpathy (Psychology)Cultural SemioticsVisual Semiotics
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      AestheticsPopular CulturePhilosophy of FilmAesthetics and Ethics
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      SociologyAnimal EthicsFood PolicyAnthropology of Food
In questo breve articolo prendo spunto dalla odierna "gastromania" per pormi qualche domanda sulla relazione fra cibo ed etica. Riflettendo sul soggettivismo della cultura morale moderna, sostengo alla fine che il nesso fra alimentazione... more
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      Food and NutritionFood Ethics and AestheticsCibo E Sostenibilità AmbientaleFood and Philosophy
This theme issue has the founding ambition of landscaping Data Ethics as a new branch of ethics that studies and evaluates moral problems related to data (including generation, recording, curation, processing, dissemination, sharing, and... more
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      Business EthicsEngineeringComputer ScienceAlgorithms
Enticing food photography which stimulates its viewers’ cravings is one of the most popular contents in contemporary digital media. A rather disparaging label ‘food porn’ that is often attached to it suggests that it does not merit any... more
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      PleasureImaginationFood PhotographyFood Ethics and Aesthetics
The Journal of Anime and Manga Studies, vol. 2, 2021, pp. 218-242. This paper studies how Ishida Sui's Tokyo Ghoul creates its typical sense of "tragedy," by stressing the injustice inherent in every act of eating, and by generalizing... more
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      Sociology of Food and EatingEating DisordersGilles DeleuzeÉmmanuel Lévinas
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      BusinessBusiness EthicsComputer ScienceInformation Technology
Early ethics assessment of technological innovations promises to produce greater sensitivity to the potential for unfair impacts and problems of consent and distrust, yet faces a key challenge: ethical issues are hard to consider in... more
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      Technology AssessmentNanotechnologyTechnology EthicsFood Ethics and Aesthetics
Food is an engine and source of metaphorical meanings that permeates our life. Apples can incorporate references of sin or toxin or simple land life, and tomatoes, blood and love. Fast food symbolically represents for many items of the... more
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    • Food Ethics and Aesthetics
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      EthicsEnvironmental PhilosophyApplied EthicsMoral Psychology
I argue that a primary aim of philosophical reflections upon food and food practices should be to affirm their significance to and meaning for human life. The production, consumption, and appreciation of food enjoy a broader significance... more
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      Anthropology of FoodFood and NutritionFood ethicsFood Ethics and Aesthetics
Food justice is commonly understood as the norm that everyone should have access to safe, healthy and culturally-appropriate foods no matter one’s national origin, economic statuses, social identities, cultural membership, or disability.... more
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      Native American StudiesEnvironmental PhilosophyIndigenous StudiesIndigenous or Aboriginal Studies
Please cite as Elena FELL, Natalia LUKIANOVA, Fast food and the semiotics of gastronomy. ESSACHESS - Journal for Communication Studies. Vol 8, No 2(16) (2015). P.49 – 57. more
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      MarketingSemioticsSociologyCultural Studies
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      Japanese AestheticsFood Ethics and Aesthetics
This chapter addresses food through an examination of overeating. Considering the popular thesis that dieting is required for the overweight and obese as a path to greater health, it takes up a phenomenology of eating. One finds that... more
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      Public HealthFood StudiesPhilosophy of FoodFood Ethics and Aesthetics
Food is a very fertile field from which to approach normativity for it is one of the few spaces of action where most of our decisions are overt and conscious: what to serve, what to prepare, what to have, what to sell, what to buy, what... more
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      AestheticsPhilosophy of ArtNormativityAvant-Garde
Upcoming special issue in Pragmatism Today
December 2017

Editorial team: Philipp Dorstewitz, Alexander Kremer, Dorota Koczanowicz
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      Cultural StudiesFood and NutritionPragmatism (Philosophy)Food ethics
Continued factory farming makes a new viral pandemic ineluctable. Plant-based and cell-cultured food (together "innovative food") producers use animal-based food names to signal a similar function, use, and taste, but without the negative... more
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      Public HealthAnimal RightsSustainability and food industryFood Ethics and Aesthetics
Quando il cibo ha un'anima. Implicazioni antropologiche del mangiar animali E A, F C Introduzione Preferiamo trasformare in bistecche, pasticci, grigliate, spiedini e salsicce degli esseri che potrebbero farci... more
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      AnthropologyPosthumanismAnimal EthicsCritical Animal Studies
Review essay of Philosophers at Table: On Food and Being Human by Raymond Boisvert and Lisa Heldke, and Appetites for Thought: Philosophers and Food by Michel Onfray
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      PhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyFood and NutritionFood ethics
On the 25rh Anniversary of Wendell Berry's The Unsettling of America, theologians Lorenzo Albacete and John Berkman, and philosophers Bradley Lewis and Eric Perl  individually engage in a dialogue with Berry on a wide-ranging set of topics.
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      Environmental EconomicsPhilosophyMetaphysicsTechnology
Nourishment stands apart from other physiological events: whilst we normally exercise discretion in relation to bodily functions, food consumption takes place in public. We dine, snack and nibble in front of others, and the imagery... more
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      Cultural StudiesAestheticsEthicsCommunication
Can cooking be called a fine art? Can banqueting be a source of aesthetic experience? Addresing these questions in my article, I refer to concepts formulated by Kant, who determined standards of thinking about art. I dsiscuss also the... more
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      PragmatismPragmatist AestheticsJohn DeweyPhilosophy of Food
In hypermodern society, food has become a source of endemic discontent. Many food products are seen as ‘tainted’; literally, figuratively or both. A psychoanalytic approach, I will argue, may help us to come to terms with our alimentary... more
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      PsychoanalysisFranz KafkaPsychoanalysis And LiteratureFood ethics
This is a peer-reviewed chapter in the edited book Food Futures: Ethics, Science and Culture (eds. A.S. Olsson, S.M. Aráujo, M.F. Vieira). Considering that meat consumption will become an increased problem in years to come, alternatives,... more
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      BioartIn Vitro MeatCultured meatSpeculative Design
In hyper-modern society, food has become a source of endemic discontent. Many food products are seen as 'tainted'; literally, figuratively or both. A psychoanalytic approach, I will argue, may help us to come to terms with our alimentary... more
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      PsychoanalysisPhilosophyApplied EthicsFranz Kafka
Food is an engine and source of metaphorical meanings that permeates our life. Apples can incorporate references of sin or toxin or simple land life, and tomatoes, blood and love. Fast food symbolically represents for many items of the... more
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      Cultural StudiesQualitative ResearchLinguisticsConfigurations
Staged as a living laboratory, Bruised Food is a social artwork that uses methods of curation and public pedagogy to frame the discourse of the politics and aesthetics of food as employed by contemporary social practice artists. In... more
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      Contemporary ArtSocial PracticeFood PoliticsSoutheast Asian Art
В статье рассматриваются сырные традиции европейских регионов как часть гастрономической аутентичности и традиции потребления еды, свойственной определенной территории. Алтайская территория исследуется в качестве одной из территорий... more
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      Food ethicsRestaurantGastronomic TourismCheese
3-day conference, June 17-19, 2016, Wrocław, Poland
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      Contemporary ArtPragmatist AestheticsSomaestheticsPhilosophy of Food