Food Allergen
Recent papers in Food Allergen
Kutatási eredményeink "terméke" egy egyedülálló prototípus egy vegán golyó és hamburger készítő automata berendezés. A fejlesztés technológiai eredménye egy új, tesztelt prototípus. Intelligens gyártási innovációt tartalmaz a prototípus... more
How to manage allergens in a fresh egg pasta production
Lysozyme, a muramidase enzyme from egg whites (EC, is widely used in soluble form to control lactic acid bacteria in different foods. Moreover, hen egg white lysozyme is a hydrolytic enzyme that can be used to the control... more
The antioxidant activity of rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) extract from different raw materials has been studied. Extracts were prepared from wild or drip-irrigated plants, as well as from the by-product resulting from the... more
ABSTRAK Pendahuluan: Reaksi hipersensitivitas tipe I merupakan reaksi alergi yang dipicu oleh aktivitas IgE. Hipersensitivitas tipe I dapat berupa reaksi anafilaktik sistemik atau reaksi lokal yang ditandai oleh inflamasi dan kerusakan... more
Background: Challenge tests for food-dependent exercise-induced anaphylaxis (FDEIA) carry some risk and have a high rate of false negatives. Our aim was to explore the usefulness of an in vitro immunodepletion assay and an allergen... more
A brief report about the new discipline of allergens labelling which will enter into force on 13th December 2014, together with the entire FIR or FIC Regulation: Reg. EU n. 1169/2011 on the food information to consumers.
Sociología y Derecho del consumo y de la alimentación Boletín nº 98 (2017) © Todos los derechos reservados
Allergies to cow's milk are very common and can present as life-threatening anaphylaxis. Consequently, food labeling legislation mandates that foods containing milk residues, including casein and/or b-lactoglobulin, provide an indication... more
More than 50 years ago food allergy (FA) was suggested as a contributing factor in AD. It was shown that cow’s milk (CM) feeding predisposed to the development of AD while breast fed babies had a prevalence of eczema seven times lower... more
Background: The intestinal epithelium forms a barrier that food allergens must cross in order to induce sensitiza-tion. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of the plant-derived food cysteine protease — actinidin (Act d1) on... more
The aim of the study was to analyse the potential pea-peanut cross-reactivity using the mice BALB/c as a biological in vivo model in the research on immune response to peanut proteins (PnE). BALB/c mice were three-fold sensitised (on days... more
Background The number of individuals with food allergies or intolerances attending catered university residential colleges is increasing, and safe dining options are required to minimize the risk of allergic reactions and food-induced... more
BACKGROUND: Actinidin is a cysteine protease and major allergen from kiwi fruit. When purified under specific native conditions, actinidin preparations from fresh kiwi fruit contain both an active and inactive form of this enzyme. In this... more
While seeking novel food sources to feed the increasing population of the globe, several alternatives have been discussed, including algae, fungi or in vitro meat. The increasingly propagated usage of farmed insects for human nutrition... more
Historically, food allergy diagnosis was a tedious procedure, characterized by extensive physician involvement and regular checkups. Recently, home testing kits for food allergies have been introduced to the public, largely due to the... more
Gluten derived from wheat and related triticeae cereals possesses distinct amino acid sequences that provoke the immunopathogenic features of celiac disease (CD) in genetically susceptible individuals. However, the role of oat-derived... more
Three tomato allergens (Lyc e 1, Lyc e 2 and Lyc e 3) have been characterised until now. Previous studies have demonstrated the existence of other proteins with capacity to bind IgE. The objective of this study was to identify new tomato... more
Food Law: Blogs and Social Networks
Gluten derived from wheat and related Triticeae can induce gluten sensitivity as well as celiac disease. Consequently, gluten content in foods labeled " gluten-free " is regulated. Determination of potential contamination in such foods is... more
Background: Plant lipid transfer proteins (LTPs) assemble a family of small (7-9 kDa) ubiquitous cationic proteins with an ability to bind and transport lipids as well as participate in various physiological processes including defense... more
BACKGROUND: Actinidin is a cysteine protease and major allergen from kiwi fruit. When purified under specific native conditions, actinidin preparations from fresh kiwi fruit contain both an active and inactive form of this enzyme. In this... more
Three tomato allergens (Lyc e 1, Lyc e 2 and Lyc e 3) have been characterised until now. Previous studies have demonstrated the existence of other proteins with capacity to bind IgE. The objective of this study was to identify new tomato... more