The study explores the grammatical means employed for the expression of information structure in standard colloquial Burmese on the basis of a corpus of written and spoken texts. It analyses the morphosyntactic and prosodic devices... more
Исследование посвящено рефлексам одной и той же частицы =OK в языках Поволжья – чувашском (=ax / =ex), луговом марийском (=ak, в некоторых говорах =ok), горномарийском (=ok), татарском (=uk / =ük), башкирском (=uk / =ük) и удмуртском... more
Among (post-)colonial varieties of German, Namibian German is a particularly interesting case. It has a unique status compared to the other extraterritorial varieties as well as to those in the German-speaking area in Europe. First, it is... more
This paper compares the expression of information structure in the three indigenous language families of the Caucasus (West Caucasian, Nakh-Daghestanian and Kartvelian) by means of the concepts of focus, contrast, topic and givenness. I... more
Focus marking in Indian English (IndE) with adverbs such as only, also, and too has been investigated recently by several authors. Based on the Indian and British sections of the International Corpus of English, this article argues that... more
Il punto di avvio del mio lavoro di tesi è stato il confronto tra le due particelle negative del greco antico οὐδέ e οὔτε, che possono essere usate in contesti confrontabili, in cui compaiono in coppia con un’altra negazione e assumono il... more
This study investigates the usage of the pragmatic focus particles even and still in Nigerian English (NigE). A comparison of ICE-Nigeria and ICE-GB showed diverging frequencies of both particles across different registers between the two... more
Lo scopo di questo lavoro è duplice: descrivere il funzionamento dell'avverbio soprattutto all'interno del testo, in particolare all'interno dell'Enunciato e, in base al comportamento osservato, fare luce sul modo in cui si costruiscono... more
Until quite recently, it was taken for granted that human languages were logical. It seemed so obvious that no one even bothered to question it. After all, some of the greatest thinkers of their time spoke Indo-European languages, others... more
The diachrony of Ancient Egyptian allows us to study the emergence of a few discourse markers. Two case studies show an evolution that traditional grammaticalization approaches would term counter- directional. They also illustrate the... more
In this paper I examine the multifunctional enclitic =go in the Nakh-Daghestanian language Avar. By means of a semantic map I show that its central function is the expression of emphasis and/or contrast. Other uses are the expression of... more
The goal of this paper is to offer a cross-linguistic analysis of the most commonly occurring additive focus adverbs used in Italian, French and English – namely 'anche', 'aussi' and 'also' – on the basis of a corpus of written texts. The... more
This study represents the first typological investigation of additive and scalar additive markers that correspond to Engl. too, also, as well, and even. It is cross-linguistically common for additives to fulfill a wide range of functions... more
Languages vary in the ways in which words for conjunction and words for disjunction are interpreted in sentences with negation. To explain the cross-linguistic differences, we propose that words for conjunction and disjunction are... more
The article deals with the semantics of the focus particle =ok in Hill Mari. The author argues that the particle introduces two presuppositions: that of exhaustivity and that of givenness of the focal referent. This assumption allows us... more
1. Introduction This paper offers an account of how information structure is expressed in the Nakh-Daghestanian languages. The focus of this paper is on word order and focus particles which can be regarded as the most important means of... more
This paper describes a set of five focus enclitics in Bodo, a Tibeto-Burman language spoken in Assam, India. The focus enclitics are phonologically bound morphemes which are attached to a phrase-level constituent of a sentence, such as... more
Ever since Schiffrin’s (1987) pioneering work, research on pragmatic/discourse markers have exploded, and recently quite a few contrastive studies have been conducted, be it intralingual (e.g. Blakemore 2002 on but, however, nevertheless;... more
This paper describes three clitics in Purepecha, namely, =sï, =k’u and =t’u. It is argued that they are all focus particles, since they highlight a set of alternatives. however, each of these elements has a specific semantics: while =sï... more
Uno de los retos a los que se enfrentan los estudios sobre partículas discursivas consiste en describir la relación que se establece entre partícula y posición (Briz y Pons 2010). Así, cuando se trabaja con el concepto de posición, es... more
ESSLLI 2016 StuS Proceedings
Доклад на семинаре "Некоторые применения математических методов в языкознании" 19 декабря 2015
The goal of the present study is to illustrate the benefits of using a model of discourse units in describing and explaining the use of polyfunctional discourse markers. Specifically, the aim is to show that the so-called "Basel Model" of... more
Classical Latin displays negative particles, like neque / nec and ne…quidem 'neither, not even', that can express sentential negation while at the same time narrowly focusing on some constituent of the clause. These particles are... more
The goal of the paper is to shed new light on the semantics and pragmatics of cleft sentences by discussing the exhaustive interpretation typically associated with these complex syntactic structures. Based on a fine-grained analysis of... more
Linguistik online 71, 2/15
This paper is focused on the concept of phraseolexical variation, meant as the existence of both lexical and phraseological alternatives to express the same meaning. After this first approach, we delve into the description of the use of... more
The paper deals with the morpheme kə̄n (~qān) in Ulch (Tungusic, Khabarovsk Krai). This morpheme has the limitative (restrictive) meaning (‘only’). The morphosyntactic features of kə̄n are quite unusual. In some uses it occupies the slot... more
The purpose of this paper is to analyse the non-additive adverbial uses of καί. These tend to be identified as “emphatic” in lexica and studies on particles. Here it is argued that they are proper to a particle of emphatic assertion of... more
Comparative tautologies in Russian, of the form X kak X ≈ ‘X as any other X’ or ‘X not much different from what X usually is,’ have been the subject of recent studies, predominantly within constructionist approaches (Cotta Ramusino 2019).... more
The present paper is based on an analysis of Evenki oral stories told from 2005 to 2011. In these stories, several distinctive features can be seen in the use of focus particles, as well as in the grammatical marking of verbs, such as... more
This paper discusses the focusing function of the so-called focusing adverbs. Based on Italian data, drawn mainly from authentic linguistic corpora, I will provide evidence of the fact that, despite their name, focusing adverbs are not... more
In this article, I present evidence for an information-structural basis for linguistic variation in a German multiethnolect, Kiezdeutsch. Using data from word order variation and new particle usages in Kiezdeutsch, I show that variation... more
María Dolores Vivero García : El texto: teoría y análisis lingüístico. Arrecife, Madrid, 2001. 317 p. Si un lector actual, huyendo de la globalización lingüística, buscara ideas originales sobre los aspectos pragmáticos del lenguaje fuera... more