Focus particles

119 papers
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Focus particles are linguistic elements that emphasize a specific part of a sentence, highlighting the information that is most relevant or important in a given context. They play a crucial role in shaping the meaning and interpretation of utterances by directing the listener's attention to particular aspects of the conveyed message.
This paper focuses on the interpretation of the Italian approximative adverb quasi 'almost' by primarily looking at cases in which it modifies temporal connectives, a domain which, to our knowledge, has been largely unexplored thus far.... more
Deutschlands (einzige) nationale Amtssprache ist das Deutsche. Die Dominanz des Deutschen in Schulen, Politik, Rechtswesen, Verwaltung sowie im gesamten (schriftlichen) offentlichen Leben ist so gros, dass das Fehlen einer koharenten... more
This study explores the comparative sentence construction of Myanmar and English through the lenses of structural and transformational linguistics. By examining the fundamental syntactic and morphological elements of both languages, the... more
German synthetic compounds containing selbst have traditionally been treated as reflexive in nature. However, this view cannot cope on the one hand with the basic value of selbst as focus particle and not as pronoun and on the other with... more
This paper examines the cartography of the so-called "outer left periphery" in contemporary German, namely the array of functional projections surfacing to the left of the highest clause-internal position, ForceP, in this language. The... more
This discussion introduces the nature of the Burmese language, aiming to provide a comprehensive view for those interested in learning it as a foreign language. The initial study presented here is a window into the rich and diverse world... more
This dissertation investigates experimentally the role of Question-Answer Congruence (QAC, von Stechow 1990, Rooth 1985, 1992) in child language acquisition and adult sentence processing. Specifically, I present two case studies:... more
Ludo M LA PRÉPOSITION EN FRANÇAIS Paris, Ophrys, L'Essentiel français,  p.,  La préposition constitue un sujet vaste ayant donné lieu à une littérature abondante. Cet ouvrage, qui s'appuie, comme le précise l'auteur, sur... more
Expressions from the semasiological domain of phasal polarity (ʻstillʼ, ʻalreadyʼ, etc.) tend to be highly polyfunctional, with their various uses often extending into a wide range of other linguistic domains, both time-related and... more
Zhiyou and zhi are two variants of the same focus operator, the choice of which depends on the positions of the focused element. Zhiyou is used to modify the focused elements in the subject position, whereas zhi is used to modify the... more
It is a standard view that concessive clauses (concessives) cross-linguistically cannot be used in the scope of focus particles such as only, even, just, unlike the majority of other adverbial clauses (e.g. König 2006; Mizuno 2007). It is... more
This study investigates children's identification of prosodic focus in Hungarian, a language in which syntactic focus-marking is mandatory. Assuming that regular syntactic focus-marking diminishes the disambiguating role of prosodic... more
The main purpose of this paper is to contrast the realizations of elements-processes, participant roles and circumstances in the English and Myanmar transitivity configurations following the network developed within the framework of... more
De los elementos que mayor arraigo han tenido en los estudios gramaticales a lo largo de nuestra historia destacan dos: el análisis de la oración como unidad gramatical y la delimitación de las distintas partes de la oración. Aunque ambos... more
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
This paper examines six bilingual pragmatic markers: jare, biko, jor, shebi, shey, and fa which are borrowed from indigenous Nigerian languages into Nigerian English, with a view to examining their sources, meanings, frequencies, spelling... more
This study investigates the interpretation of disjunction words (English or) in negative sentences by Turkish-and German-speaking children. Both children and adults were asked to judge Turkish/German sentences corresponding to the English... more
Riassunto. La parola macari e le sue numerose varianti (macar, magari, maguer ecc.) sono diffuse in tutti i Paesi che si affacciano sul Mediterraneo e sui Balcani, e mostrano un numero relativamente elevato di significati e funzioni. Nel... more
In sentences with internal negation, Free Choice Inferences (FCIs) are canceled (Chierchia, 2013). The present study investigated the possibility that FCIs are negated, not canceled, by external negation. In previous research, both... more
This paper describes three clitics in purepecha, namely, =si , =k’u and =t’u . It is argued that they are all focus par-ticles, since they highlight a set of alternatives. however, each of these elements has a specific semantics: while... more
A key discourse function that mediates between communicative context and sentence prosody in a regular — and to a large extent grammaticalized — manner is focus. The acquisition of the comprehension of prosodic focus-marking has typically... more
This study investigates children's identification of prosodic focus in Hungarian, a language in which syntactic focus-marking is mandatory. Assuming that regular syntactic focus-marking diminishes the disambiguating role of prosodic... more
This paper argues that there is a one-to-one mapping between the syntax of a causal clause and its semantic type. A causal central adverbial clause (CAC) is base-generated inside its licensing clause in a deep position and refers to a... more
Adverbial clauses are often used to organize the information flow in discourse. A finite adverbial clause employs the finite form of a verb, and a central adverbial clause modifies the information given in the proposition with which it is... more
by Livio Gaeta and 
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German synthetic compounds containing selbst have traditionally been treated as reflexive in nature. However, this view cannot cope on the one hand with the basic value of selbst as focus particle and not as pronoun and on the other with... more
new terminal tenses from go-periphrasis in Kryz
This paper investigates how pragmatics can be deployed to interpret non-standard usages in the context of the English language users. There are two important linguistics keys to interpreting meanings in English: pragmatics and grammatical... more
The Czech polarity items i and ani are traditionally treated as English even. This paper deals with the acquisition of these polarity items in Czech children. These focus/scalar particles are specific for their sensitivity to probability.... more
The focus of our contribution is the German particle auch ‘also’ and its Italian counterpart anche. From a semantic point of view, auch and anche convey the same additive meaning in both languages: through them an element, called ‘domain... more
In this article we look at a case of secondary grammaticalization in English which entails the development of originally adverbial subordinators into complement-clause connectives. The study systematizes our earlier findings regarding the... more
The present study focuses on different topicalization strategies and on the linguistic realization of a variety of topics used in highly affective communicative contexts in Lebanese Arabic, i.e., contexts where speakers show highly... more
Per riconoscere i tratti linguistici di interesse su un corpus composto da quasi tremila temi e per annotarli in modo coerente si è reso necessario lo sviluppo di diversi strumenti informatici. Tali software appartengono a due tipologie:... more
The story of heritage languages is often told as a story of grammatical simplification. A substantial body of work has pointed to numerous areas of reduced structural elaboration across heritage language systems, often manifested as a... more
The paper examines the semantics and distribution of the polyfunctional Hill Mari focus particle =ok. We describe two interpretations of =ok possible on a wide range of hosts: the exhaustive use and the counteradditive use; besides, we... more
This paper investigates the interpretation that Italian-speaking children and adults assign to negative sentences with disjunction and negative sentences with conjunction. The aim of the study was to determine whether children and adults... more
A talk given at the Indernational Laboratory of Lunguistic Convergence, HSE. on Sempember 20th, 2022.
We here revisit the let alone construction, which was first described in a 1980s paper that put Construction Grammar on the map. Our focus is on a seemingly aberrant use where the first conjunct does not entail the restored second... more
A central issue in semantics and pragmatics is to understand how various different aspects of meaning contribute to the overall conveyed meaning of an utterance. Asserted content, implicatures, and presuppositions are commonly assumed to... more
The article discusses the late Middle English replacement of the ordinal number other by the Romance loanword second. The major cause of the change was the ambiguity and polyfunctionality of the older native word. The study is based on... more