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Fire is one of the most severe environmental conditions that concrete structures might be subjected to, especially in closed conduct structures, such as tunnels. Concrete in general can withstand fire but its properties degrade when... more
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      Civil EngineeringGeopolymer ConcreteFly AshFly Ash Based Geopolymer Concrete
Laboratory batch experiments were carried out to study the competitive sorption behavior of metals in three types of Indian soils, differing in their physicochemical properties: acid laterite (SL1), red alfisol (SL2) and black vertisol... more
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      Civil EngineeringChemistryEnvironmental GeologyEarth and Environmental Sciences
Swelling mica exhibits unique characteristics for purification of drinking water contaminated by heavy metals and for selective removal of Sr2+ and Ba2+ ions from nuclear waste solution. As a new approach to recycle fly ash, conversion of... more
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      Materials EngineeringChemistryPorous MaterialsTransition-Metal Oxides
Concrete in farm buildings is subjected to severe corrosion if manure is stored below slatted floors. Many chemicals associated with manure are identified as having a detrimental effect on concrete and the reinforcing steel embedded in... more
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      Agricultural EngineeringMaterials ScienceFly AshAgricultural
The reduction in the sources of natural sand and the requirement for reduction in the cost of concrete production has resulted in the increased need to identify substitute material to sand as fine aggregates in the production of... more
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      Compressive StrengthFly AshExperimental StudySpecific Gravity
Waste foundry sand (WFS) and fly ash D-Optimal mixture design/response surface methodology/design of experiments Statistical optimization Geopolymer concrete (GPC) Compressive strength A B S T R A C T This work examines the partial... more
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      Industrial EcologyCleaner ProductionConcreteGeopolymer Concrete
In our recent study, BABA has been tested to manage Meloidogyne incognita under stress conditions due to fly ash. The reduction in the growth of pathogen under abiotic stress is being intensified by DL-β-amino butyric acid (BABA). The... more
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      Abiotic StressTomato abiotic stressFly AshRoot-knot nematode
This paper presents the results of an investigation on the combined effect of particle size and chemical composition on the colour of fly ash -a property that determines whether fly ash polymer composites can be engineered to have very... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringChemical EngineeringRecyclingPower Plant
This paper reported mercury speciation and emissions from five coal-fired power stations in China. The standard Ontario Hydro Method (OHM) was used into the flue gas mercury sampling before and after fabric filter (FF)/electrostatic... more
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      Chemical EngineeringChinaAir Pollution ControlMercury
In order to address environmental effects associated with Portland cement, there is need to use other binders to make concrete. An effort in this regard is the development of geopolymer concrete, synthesized from the materials of... more
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      Civil EngineeringGeopolymer ConcreteAbsorptionFly Ash
The capability of 14 zeolites synthesized from different fly ashes (ZFAs) to sequestrate Cr(III) from aqueous solutions was investigated in a batch mode. The influence of pH on the sorption of Cr(III) was examined. ZFAs had a much greater... more
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The Indonesian Government's decision to remove Fly Ash and Bottom Ash (FABA) coal waste from the hazardous and toxic materials (B3) list has generated pros and cons in various circles. The waste that comes from burning coal is known to... more
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      International RelationsInternational CooperationFly AshSWOT analysis
The bagasse fly ash, an industrial solid waste of sugar industry, was used for the removal of cadmium and nickel from wastewater. As much as 90% removal of cadmium and nickel is possible in about 60 and 80 min, respectively, under the... more
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Fly Ash (FA) from South African power stations was successfully used to treat Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) and the insoluble residual solids that were obtained as a result of the reaction between FA and AMD proved suitable as a backfill... more
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      Acid Mine DrainageSouth AfricaFly AshSouth African
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    • Fly Ash
Utilization of fly ash as a supplementary cementitious material adds sustainability to concrete by reducing the CO 2 emission of cement production. The positive effects of fly ash as a partial replacement of cement on the durability of... more
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      Civil EngineeringDurabilityFly AshSorptivity
The present paper deals with the static weight loss corrosion studies of Aluminium 2024 metal matrix composites reinforced with fly ash particulates in comparison with matrix alloy using different concentrations of potassium chloride... more
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      Materials SciencePhysical ChemistryFly AshVortex Method
Large amounts of fly ash (FA) and limestone powder (LP) wastes are accumulating in countries all over the world. Most of these wastes are abandoned and cause certain serious environmental problems and health hazards. In this study, LP... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringChemical EngineeringMaterials ScienceManufacturing
The morphology, mineralogy, and magnetic properties of technogenic magnetic particles (TMPs) were analysed in four kinds of industrial dust produced during high temperature technological processes of different branches of industry... more
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      Environmental EngineeringMineralogyCombustionScanning Electron Microscopy
Fly ashes do not have the same properties for different size fractions. It can be accepted that the effect of a fly ash on mortar strength is a combined effect of its size fractions. Therefore, it was concluded that by separating the size... more
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      Civil EngineeringMaterials ScienceCompressive StrengthBuilding
Coal fly ash (CFA) is a waste product produced from the electrical power plant and hazardous towards the environment. However, the high composition of silica and alumina in the CFA makes it useful as raw materials in the zeolite... more
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      ZeolitesFly AshSynthesis of Zeolites
In many countries throughout the world, fly and bottom ashes originating from coal-fired thermal power plants are declared as wastes requiring special care during reuse and disposal. In this regard, a number of toxicity tests have been... more
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      Environmental EngineeringCivil EngineeringWaste ManagementCase Study
The potential problems and their consequences due to fly ash disposal have been well studied around the world. Ash pond is a common available disposal facility for thermal power plants. The pond ash is subjected to weathering and the ions... more
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      MultidisciplinaryAndhra PradeshCase StudyGround Water
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      Mine WaterEnvironmental ChemistryMultidisciplinaryEnvironmental Sciences
In this paper, a comprehensive computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modelling study was undertaken by integrating the combustion of pulverized dry lignite in several combustion environments. Four different cases were investigated: an... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringChemical EngineeringVisualizationComputational Fluid Dynamics
Fly ash is generated in large measures, especially by thermal power plants. A great batch of inquiry has been channeled out for efficient utilization of fly ash in the structure industry. Use of fly ash in manufacturing brick is one such... more
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      SoilCompressive StrengthFly AshWater Absorption
Self- Compacting Concrete is a special type of concrete that is able to flow and compact under its own weight and can occupy all the spaces in the form without any vibration and at the same time it is cohesive enough to be handled without... more
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      ManagementMaterials ScienceBusiness ManagementFly Ash
In this paper, two aspects of studies are carried out: (1) synthesis of geopolymer by using slag and metakaolin; (2) immobilization behaviors of slag based geopolymer in a presence of Pb and Cu ions. As for the synthesis of slag based... more
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It has been proposed that oxidant stress of cells in the lung is one of the underlying mechanisms of particulate pollution-induced exacerbation of lung disease. Individuals who are considered most sensitive to particulate pollution are... more
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      Oxidative StressApoptosisIn VitroCatalase
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      AlgorithmsDesignMesh generationElectrostatics
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      Civil EngineeringChemistryFly AshUnconfined Compressive Strength
Sustainable use of solid residues and carbon dioxide, the two largest and most important waste products from thermal processes, is an urgent issue both for the industry involved and society as a whole, considering the financial and... more
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      Carbon DioxideCarbon SequestrationSite ProductivityMagnesium
Cementitious materials derived from coal combustion by-products have been investigated by means of X-ray diffraction (XRD) and S and Ca K-edge X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) spectroscopy. The XRD analysis revealed that these... more
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      Civil EngineeringBuildingFly AshX ray diffraction
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      Chemical EngineeringCarbon DioxideFly AshChemical Engineering Design
In this work, alkali-activated fly ash-derived foams were produced at room temperature by direct foaming using aluminum powder. The 1 cm 3 foams (cubes) were then evaluated as adsorbents to extract heavy metals from aqueous solutions. The... more
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      Porous MaterialsHeavy Metal PollutionPolymeric foamsFly Ash
Our objective was to study mature grains of crops grown on various areas of power plant ash and bottom slag deposits. It was found that good grain quality with the application of usual agricultural techniques and intensified fertilization... more
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      EngineeringPower PlantEnvironmental SciencesGrain quality
Inoculating legumes with commercial rhizobial inoculants is a common agriculture practice. Generally, inoculants are sold in liquid or in solid forms (mixed with carrier). The production of inoculants involves a step in which a high... more
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      WasteAgricultureMultidisciplinaryNitrogen Fixation
The synthesis of zeolites from three samples of fly ash was carried out through a low-temperature (25-60°C) hydrothermal process with a NaOH pre-fusion treatment preceded by sonication. The results were compared with those of conventional... more
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      Fly AshLow TemperatureChemical CompositionCoal Fly Ash
Significant economic and environmental problems coming from the disposal of coal ash have led to the implementation of various alternative uses, in which combustion residues are considered as value-added products. In Greece, a large... more
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      Heavy MetalChemical AnalysisFly AshValue added
A pure 4A/X (60/40) zeolite product was synthesized from silica extracts of the Meirama fly ash in northwestern Spain. A high cation-exchange capacity (4.7 meq/g) was obtained for the zeolitic material. The potential application of this... more
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      Environmental EngineeringChemical EngineeringCivil EngineeringFly Ash
The demand of using local fly ash is growing rapidly in Indonesian cement industries. The quality of fly ash plays an important role to ensure since the quality of coal used is not uniform. Basically, good and fewer qualities of coal are... more
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      Fly AshFly Ash Characterization
This study examines an attempt to produce self-compacting concrete (SCC) containing fly ash (FA), ground granulated blast furnace slag (S) and both (FA+S). The effects of these materials on the rheological properties of the SCC mixes were... more
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      Fly AshSelf Compacting ConcreteLignosulphonates
Electronic waste is an emerging issue posing serious pollution problems to the human and the environment. The Disposal of electronic waste in an environment is considered to be a big problem due to its very low biodegradability and... more
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      Civil EngineeringStructural EngineeringE-wasteCompressive Strength
Главной целью данной работы является выявление влияния сдвига «сомбреро» от оси на показатель эффективности установки. Эта работа важна для реализации промышленной модели инерционно-вакуумного золоуловителя. Лучшая эффективность... more
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      Fly AshParticle-laden Flow
Fly ash from straw combustion contains valuable nutrients when returned to agricultural soils. In many instances, however, this fly ash may contain heavy metals, such as cadmium, at levels which often exceed the limits given by the Danish... more
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      ChemicalMultidisciplinaryFly AshHazardous
Ice cores from the relatively low-lying ice caps in Svalbard have not been widely exploited in climatic and environmental studies due to uncertainties about the effect of melt water percolation. However, results from two recent Svalbard... more
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      GeologyGeochemistryGeophysicsClimate variability
This work aims to develop a new mineral porous tubular membrane based on mineral coal fly ash. Finely ground mineral coal powder was calcinated at 700°C for about 3 h. The elaboration of the mesoporous layer was performed by the slip... more
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      Arabian GulfTextile industryMicrofiltrationFly Ash
The respirable fraction of ash from the 1982 eruptions of Galunggung volcano, West Java, contains quartz and cristobalite in lesser quantities than Mount St Helens samples. Small amounts of these fibrogenic minerals may be characteristic... more
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      EpidemiologyFly Ash
The volatility of 16 trace elements (TEs) (As,
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      Mechanical EngineeringChemical EngineeringThermodynamicsFuel
Mineral wastes or by products provide great potential to alleviate demand for large volumes of low cost mineral resources for highway construction. Fly ash, the inorganic residue of coal burning thermal power plants, has been used widely... more
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      EngineeringConstruction IndustryX RaysEnvironmental Sciences