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, during a period of three years. I would like to thank my main supervisor, Professor Yuri Podladchikov, for shearing his knowledge, giving valuable criticism and inspiration. Many thanks to my second supervisor, Professor Francois... more
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      GeologyFluid flow in porous mediaMultidisciplinaryHydraulic Fracturing
Microcomputed tomography can be used to characterize the geometry of the pore space of a sedimentary rock, with resolu@on that is sufficiently refined for the realis@c simula@on of physical proper@es based on the 3D image. Significant... more
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      Fluid flow in porous mediaPoromechanicsComputational geomechanics
The Bruggeman approximation has widely been used for estimating the effective conductivity and diffusivity of both the catalyst and gas diffusion layers of polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) fuel cells. This approximation is based on the... more
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      EngineeringEconomicsFluid flow in porous mediaTransport phenomena
The micropolar fluid flow over moving stretching surface in a non-Darcian porous medium with a uniform magnetic field is examined when viscosity and thermal conductivity are vary with temperature. Both the fluid viscosity and thermal... more
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      Fluid flow in porous mediaViscosityThermal ConductivityMicropolar Fluid
Thermoacoustic refrigeration systems use the principles of acoustics and thermodynamics in order to produce cooling effects. These systems are a possible solution to the environmental pollution problems caused by refrigerant gases like... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringAcousticsThermodynamicsHeat Transfer
Accurate descriptions of strength evolution are required in predictive models of fault zone behavior during earthquakes. At low sliding rates, frictional resistance between fault rocks is much higher than the shear stress that is... more
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      Fluid flow in porous mediaSubduction Zone ProcessesLubrication and FrictionFault Mechanics
The study of flow of non-Newtonian fluids in porous media is very important and serves a wide variety of practical applications in processes such as enhanced oil recovery from underground reservoirs, filtration of polymer solutions and... more
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      Fluid MechanicsFluid flow in porous mediaFluid DynamicsNon-Newtonian Rheology
ABSTRACT: Accurate measurement of permeability is critical for fluid flow modeling in porous media. Various experimental methods devised to measure permeability as a porous material property in composites are reviewed. Liquid flow and gas... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringChemical EngineeringFluid MechanicsComposite Materials and Structures
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      Numerical ModelingFluid flow in porous mediaBoiling And Convection Heat Transfer
Spatial confinement in nanoporous media affects the structure, thermodynamics and mobility of molecular soft matter often markedly. This article reviews thermodynamic equilibrium phenomena, such as physisorption, capillary condensation,... more
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      ThermodynamicsPhase TransformationsWaterSoft Condensed Matter Physics
A comparison of discrete fracture and explicit fracture models for single-phase flow in fractured porous media using COMSOL Multiphysics is presented to understand the contribution of each individual fracture to fluid flow, and the... more
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      Fluid flow in porous mediaDiscrete Fractured Model
Softening at drinking water treatment plants is often realised by fluidised bed pellet reactors. Generally, sand is used as seeding material and pellets are produced as a by-product. To improve to sustainability, research has been carried... more
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      MusicComputational Fluid DynamicsWater qualityWater Treatment
Thermoacoustic refrigeration systems use the principles of acoustics and thermodynamics in order to produce cooling effects. These systems are a possible solution to the environmental pollution problems caused by refrigerant gases like... more
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      AcousticsThermodynamicsHeat TransferFluid flow in porous media
The unsteady flow can be analysed by Saint-Venant equations. These equations can be solved by characteristics and finite difference methods. The Saint-Venant equations are changed into four complete differential equations in... more
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      Flow CytometryMultiphase FlowTwo Phase FlowFluid flow in porous media
A review of the developments in the field of heat transfer in non-Newtonian fluids flowing through porous media
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      Heat TransferFluid flow in porous mediaTransport Phenomena in Porous MediaPorous Media
Sylvia Plath enhanced the reading experience by connecting words and images from one Ariel (The Restored Edition) poem to the next, creating a seamless flow for the reader. First published by TAMSEN blog, January 2016.
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      American LiteratureComparative LiteratureEnglish LiteratureLiterature
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      Mechanical EngineeringCivil EngineeringComputational Fluid DynamicsFluid Mechanics
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      Applied MathematicsFluid flow in porous mediaPetroleum Production and Reservoir Engineering
TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435.
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    • Fluid flow in porous media
The mathematical expressions that are used to predict the volumetric performance and pressure behavior of the reservoir vary in forms and complexity depending upon the number of mobile fluids in the reservoir. There are generally three... more
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      Reservoir EngineeringFluid flow in porous mediaReservoir
This project studies incompressible fluid flow in rectangular domain using 2-D Navier-Stokes Equations. Differential approach to derivation of the NS equations was done. Finite Difference numerical schemes were developed for the 2-D NS... more
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    • Fluid flow in porous media
Prinsloo, G.J. 2011. Inlet Air Flow Meter for an Internal Combustion Engine. Bachelor Engineering Thesis, Mechatronic Engineering, Stellenbosch University, South Africa. doi 10.13140/2.1.3010.4649. This project focus on the design an... more
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      EngineeringElectrical EngineeringMechanical EngineeringRobotics
The purpose will be to describe the different methods applied in swimming research to visualize and understand water movements around the propulsive limbs and their application to improving swimming technique. A compilation of flow... more
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      Computational Fluid DynamicsTurbulenceComputational Fluid MechanicsFluid flow in porous media
Multiphase fluid flow models in porous media are frequent in many important applications of Earth Sciences, such as in groundwater contamination, subsurface remediation and reservoir modeling. The aim of the present work is to implement... more
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      Fluid flow in porous mediaFinite Element SimulationsMultiphase Flow Modeling
A large number of correlations can be found in the literature for the calculation of pressure drop caused by fluid flow through packed beds. New correlations continue to be proposed and there appears to be no general agreement regarding... more
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      Fluid flow in porous mediaPowder technology
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    • Fluid flow in porous media
Thermal energy storage technologies can facilitate the transition to an energy system based largely on renewable sources and enable efficiency gains for industrial processes in general. Due to their specific advantages, various concepts... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringCivil EngineeringRenewable EnergyEnergy
A B S T R A C T The fluid flow and heat transfer of a nanofluid is numerically examined in a two dimensional microchannel filled by a porous media. Present nanofluid consists of the functionalized multi-walled carbon nanotubes suspended... more
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      Fluid flow in porous mediaFluid dynamics (Fluid Flow In Porous Media)Transport Phenomena in Porous MediaComputational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) modelling and simulation
This research article aims to disclose the features of nanofluidic flow manifested with Cattaneo-Christov model of heat and mass flux over non-linearly stretching surface. An incompressible visco-elastic nanofluid saturates the given... more
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      Mass TransferHeat TransferFluid flow in porous mediaFluid Dynamics
In the present study, heat transfer and fluid flow of a pseudo-plastic non-Newtonian nanofluid over permeable surface has been solved in presence of injection and suction. Similarity solution method is utilized to convert the governing... more
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      Fluid flow in porous mediaNanotechnologyNanofluidsTransport Phenomena in Porous Media
The flow around cylinder open the path for studying more complex shape bodies that still keep in their external flow properties the combinations of the flow properties of simpler bodies like flat plates, cylinders, ellipses. The aim of... more
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      Computational Fluid DynamicsFluid flow in porous media
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      Computational Fluid DynamicsFinite Element MethodsFluid flow in porous mediaNumerical Analysis
The limitations of two-dimensional electrodes can be overcome by using three-dimensional materials having sufficient porosity and active area while offering moderate mass transport rates and a relatively low pressure drop at controlled... more
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      Chemical EngineeringElectrochemistryCarbon NanotubesFluid flow in porous media
La pollution d'aquifères par des hydrocarbures est très persistante et difficile à traiter, devenant un enjeu majeur pour l'environnement en raison de l'effet négatif sur la santé humaine. La génération de mousse in situ combinée au... more
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    • Fluid flow in porous media
This paper presents a review of the state-of-the-art on interphase mass transfer between immiscible fluids in porous media with focus on the factors that have significant influence on this process. In total close to 300 papers were... more
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      Fluid flow in porous mediaTransport Phenomena in Porous Media
Carbonate rocks are complex in their structures and pore geometries and often exhibit a real problem in their classification and behavior. Many petrophysical and fluid flow properties remain unexplained and perhaps uncertain because of... more
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      Fluid flow in porous mediaRelative permeabilitySPECIAL CORE ANALYSISReservoir Rock Types
In this research work, we analysed the various multiphase flow parameters in a porous medium. From the research work it was observed that pressure gradient calculations and flow regimes in multiphase flow are all dependent on these... more
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      Fluid flow in porous mediaMultiphase flowsMultiphase Flow ModelingMultiphase Flow in Porous Medium
The study of flow of non-Newtonian fluids in porous media is very important and serves a wide variety of practical applications in processes such as enhanced oil recovery from underground reservoirs, filtration of polymer solutions and... more
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      EngineeringFluid MechanicsFluid flow in porous mediaFluid Dynamics
Spatial confinement in nanoporous media affects the structure, thermodynamics and mobility of molecular soft matter often markedly. This article reviews thermodynamic equilibrium phenomena, such as physisorption, capillary condensation,... more
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      Materials EngineeringCondensed Matter PhysicsThermodynamicsPhase Transformations
Thermoacoustic refrigeration systems use the principles of acoustics and thermodynamics in order to produce cooling effects. These systems are a possible solution to the environmental pollution problems caused by refrigerant gases like... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringAcoustic EngineeringThermodynamicsRefrigeration
Wettability is a key factor influencing multiphase flow in porous media. In addition to the average contact angle, the spatial distribution of contact angles along the porous medium is important, as it directly controls the connectivity... more
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      Fluid flow in porous mediaPore Scale Modeling Of Flow And Transport PhenomenaAtomic Force MicroscopyWettability
In this thesis we implement a numerical model of heat transfer in geothermal reservoirs. We use existing pressure and flow transport solvers as a starting point to investigate discretization techniques for a convection-conduction... more
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      Heat TransferFluid flow in porous mediaReservoir modellingUpscaling
Several deterministic and stochastic multi-variable global optimization algorithms (Conjugate Gradient, Nelder-Mead, Quasi-Newton, and Global) are investigated in conjunction with energy minimization principle to resolve the pressure and... more
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      Optimization (Mathematical Programming)Newtonian DynamicsComputational Fluid DynamicsFluid Mechanics
A B S T R A C T Platinised titanium mesh is a common electrode material in industrial electrolytic cells and Ce-based redox flow batteries. In this work, the electrodeposition of platinum on a stack of titanium micromeshes is performed... more
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      ElectrochemistryTitaniumFluid flow in porous mediaElectrodeposition
We model the transport of fluid through porous media in terms of fractional diffusion equation (FDE) for the pressure (,) p x t. Potential application could be to shale gas recovery in tight porous media. Specifically, we pose the time... more
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      Fluid MechanicsFluid flow in porous mediaFluid DynamicsFractional Differential Equations
Using the method of complex potentials we present the closed form of analytical solution for the stresses and displacements around an elliptical cavity filled with fluid in the permeable poroelastic medium. The far-field pore pressure is... more
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      Elasticity (Solid Mechanics)Fluid flow in porous mediaWellbore StabilityPoroelasticity
An analysis is presented to study the forced convection in unsteady magnatohydrodynamic boundary layer flow of a nanofluid over a permeable shrinking sheet in the presence of thermal radiation and chemical reaction. A variable magnetic... more
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      Computational Fluid DynamicsFluid flow in porous mediaFluid Dynamics
Distribution électronique pour Collège international de Philosophie. © Collège international de Philosophie. Tous droits réservés pour tous pays.
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      Virtual Reality (Computer Graphics)Contemporary ArtFluid flow in porous mediaNew Media Art
The porosity and the pore size have a great effect on the properties of packed beds. There is no doubt that any small change in the porosity of the packed bed leads to a big change in the pressure drop required for the fluid flow through... more
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    • Fluid flow in porous media
Proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell Two-phase flow pressure drop PEM fuel cell flow channels a b s t r a c t Water management in proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cells has stimulated an extensive research on different aspects of... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringChemical EngineeringFluid MechanicsFuel Cells