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This paper proposes a new type of jetting dispenser driven by a piezostack actuator. After describing structural components of the dispensing mechanism and operating principle, a dynamic model of the dispenser is analytically formulated... more
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      System DynamicsDynamic AnalysisFluid and Solid interactionDynamic Model of WSN
This report develops a proposal to design and construct a forced convection test loop. A detailed test plan will then be conducted to obtain data on heat transfer, thermodynamic, and corrosion characteristics of the molten salts and... more
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      DesignProductionHeat TransferConstruction
In this paper we prove a maxmin principle for nonlinear nonoverdamped eigenvalue problems corresponding to the characterization of Courant, Fischer and Weyl for linear eigenproblems. We apply it to locate eigenvalues of a rational... more
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      Applied MathematicsFluid and Solid interactionDISCRETE MATHEMATICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS
Magmas and other viscously deforming fluids in Earth sciences frequently contain embedded crystals or other solid inclusions. These inclusions generally rotate about their own axis and, under certain conditions, align themselves in a... more
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      Fluid and Solid interactionViscous Flow
The nonlinear aerothermal flutter instability of a shape memory alloy (SMA) fiber reinforced composite beam subjected to simultaneous actions of thermal and aerodynamic loads is investigated. The Brinson model is used to simulate... more
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      Shape Memory AlloysFluid and Solid interactionSmart Materials and StructuresSupersonic flow
We study the boundary conditions at a fluid-solid interface using molecular dynamics simulations covering a broad range of fluid-solid interactions and fluid densities, and both simple and chainmolecule fluids. The slip length is shown to... more
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      Physical sciencesFluid and Solid interactionBoundary ConditionMolecular Dynamic Simulation
Bu çalışmada, kâgir kemer baraj şeklinde inşa edilen tarihi Sultan Mahmut bendinin katı-sıvı etkileşimi dikkate alınarak, lineer ve lineer olmayan sismik analizleri yapılmış ve sonuçlar birbirleriyle karşılaştırılmıştır. Bendin kret yer... more
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      AnsysFluid and Solid interactionSeismic AnalysisArch Dams
... a Group of Structural Mechanics and Materials Modeling, Aragón Institute of Engineering Research ... prosthesis implantation under normal breathing and coughing using a fluid-structure interaction approach (FSI). ... 6], [7], [15],... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringComputed TomographyFluid structure interactionFinite element method
The unsteady natural convective heat transfer of an incompressible fluid is studied in a square cavity divided into two triangles using a flexible thermal conductive membrane. The temperature difference in the cavity induces buoyancy... more
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    • Fluid and Solid interaction
A computer model, PORE-COR 1 , has been used to simulate the permeation of fluid into porous structures by applying a wetting algorithm for fluids undergoing both inertial and viscous dynamical absorption. These structures comprise cubic... more
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      EngineeringComputer ModelPorous MediaPhysical sciences
Solvent-mediated solid-solid phase transformations often result in the formation of a porous medium, which may be stable on long time scales or undergo ripening and consolidation. We have studied replacement processes in the KBr-KCl-H 2 O... more
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      EngineeringMathematical SciencesPhysical sciencesFluid and Solid interaction
This study investigates the creation of Kármán vortices generated from bluff bodies. Computational analyses were carried out to understand the effects of various parameters on the frequency of the vortices. From the concept of resonance... more
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      Vortex Induced VibrationsFluid and Solid interactionEnergy Harvesters
Blood velocity and pressure fields in large arteries are greatly influenced by the deformability of the vessel. Moreover, wave propagation phenomena in the cardiovascular system can only be described considering wall deformability since... more
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      EngineeringMembranesFinite element methodApplied Mechanics
Blood velocity and pressure fields in large arteries are greatly influenced by the deformability of the vessel. Moreover, wave propagation phenomena in the cardiovascular system can only be described considering wall deformability since... more
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      EngineeringMembranesFinite element methodApplied Mechanics
This article summarises the authors' research work in the area of computational modelling of interaction of fluid flow with solid structures. Our approach relies on a fully implicit iterative solution strategy which resolves the strong... more
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      EngineeringFinite ElementMathematical SciencesFluid and Solid interaction
—an abnormal narrowing of a blood vessel (stenosis) is investigated in this study. The present work provides a simulation of blood in a vessel with 50% stenosis. In addition, the effects of tissue surrounding the blood vessel on... more
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      Comsol Multi PhysicsFluid and Solid interactionBlood FlowNumerical simulation of blood flow and fluid-structure interaction (FSI) in arteries and ventricles
In this paper, we present a method for simulating the interaction of fluids with deformable solids. The method is designed for the use in interactive systems such as virtual surgery simulators where the real-time interplay of liquids and... more
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      Cognitive ScienceFinite element methodVirtual WorldsFluid and Solid interaction
At a time when sequential computing is limited to marginal year-to-year gains in speed, multi-and many-core architectures provide teraflop-grade performance to costconscious users. The ongoing shift to parallel computing spurs new... more
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      Mathematical SciencesPhysical sciencesMultibody DynamicsFluid and Solid interaction
Though realistic eulerian fluid simulation systems now provide believable movements, straightforward renderable surface representation, and affordable computation costs, they are still unable to deal with non-static objects in a realistic... more
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      Computer ScienceFluid SimulationInteractionsKey words
The compression process within screw compressors induces large pressure and temperature changes that cause the rotors to deform. To determine this effect, a 3-D numerical method has been developed to calculate flow and deformation... more
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      Numerical SimulationFluid and Solid interaction
This study developed a novel two-way dynamic coupled numerical model to simulate moving solids in free surface flows. The fluid flows and hydrodynamic pressures are simulated by a Large Eddy Simulation model, and the free surface is... more
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      Computational Fluid DynamicsComputational Fluid MechanicsComputational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) modelling and simulationFluid and Solid interaction
The mean-field free-energy based lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) is developed for the calculation of liquid-vapor flows in channels. We show that the extensively used common bounceback boundary condition leads to an unphysical velocity at... more
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      EngineeringMultiphase FlowFluid and Solid interactionSlug Flow
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      Mechanical EngineeringComputed TomographyFluid structure interactionFinite element method
This paper presents a three dimensional boundary element formulation for numerical treatment of lubricated contact between two deformable thermoelastic solids. A unified approach based on continuum thermodynamics is used to derive the... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringCivil EngineeringApplied MathematicsHeat Transfer
Intracranial pressure (ICP) is derived from cerebral blood pressure and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) circulatory dynamics and can be affected in the course of many diseases. Computer analysis of the ICP time pattern plays a crucial role in... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringBiomedicalCerebrospinal FluidComputer Simulation
In the present paper, multiphase flow dynamics in a porous medium are analyzed by employing the lattice-Boltzmann modeling approach. A two-dimensional formulation of a lattice-Boltzmann model, using a D2Q9 scheme, is used. Results of the... more
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      Multiphase FlowTwo Phase FlowFluid DynamicsHeat and Mass Transfer
A multiphysics mathematical model to simulate drug delivery in idealized and patient-specific coronary arteries is presented. Blood is modeled as an incompressible Navier-Stokes fluid, the arterial wall as a linear poroelastic medium, and... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringCivil EngineeringComputational MechanicsDrug delivery
A new orthonormal basis set representation of the prolate spheroidal radial and angular wave functions is presented. The embedded series solutions to a fully-coupled fluid-solid interaction continuum physics problem is defined by product... more
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      Applied MathematicsFluid and Solid interactionExact solution methods
CO2 injection is a well-established method for increasing recovery from oil reservoirs. However, poor sweep efficiency has been reported in many CO2 injection projects. Various injection strategies including gravity stable, WAG and SWAG... more
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      High PressureFluid and Solid interactionPorous Medium
A two-dimensional two-phase flow framework for fluid-sediment flow simulation in the surf and swash zones was described. Propagation, breaking, uprush and backwash of waves on sloping beaches were studied numerically with an emphasis on... more
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      Environmental EngineeringCivil EngineeringWaterWater resources
This paper presents a two-dimensional numerical simulation of fluid flow around a couple of identical circular cylinders aligned, respectively, along and orthogonal to the main-flow direction, at several distances. A lattice-Boltzmann... more
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      Numerical SimulationFluid and Solid interactionFluid flowLattice Boltzmann Method
Objectives: Recent military conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan have highlighted the wartime effect of traumatic brain injury (TBI). The reason for the prominence of TBI in these particular conflicts as opposed to others is unclear but may... more
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      AlgorithmsTraumatic Brain InjuryComputational BiologyMagnetic Resonance Imaging
This paper deals with a fluid-solid interaction problem inspired by a biomechanical brain model. The problem consists of determining the response to prescribed static forces of an elastic solid containing a barotropic and inviscid fluid... more
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      MathematicsApplied MathematicsFinite Element AnalysisFluid and Solid interaction
Using first principles of fluid and solid mechanics a comprehensive model of human intracranial dynamics is proposed. Blood, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and brain parenchyma as well as the spinal canal are included. The compartmental model... more
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      AlgorithmsMathematical BiologyRheologyBiological Sciences
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      Multiphase FlowTwo Phase FlowFluid and Solid interactionMathematical Model
This document has been made available through Purdue e-Pubs, a service of the Purdue University Libraries. Please contact [email protected] for additional information. Complete proceedings may be acquired in print and on CD-ROM directly... more
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      PhysicsComputational Fluid DynamicsComputation Fluid DynamicsFluid and Solid interaction
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      Materials ScienceBiomedical EngineeringUltrasoundFinite Element
A computer model, PORE-COR 1 , has been used to simulate the permeation of fluid into porous structures by applying a wetting algorithm for fluids undergoing both inertial and viscous dynamical absorption. These structures comprise cubic... more
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      EngineeringComputer ModelPorous MediaPhysical sciences
An approach based on a lattice version of the Boltzmann kinetic equation for describing multiphase flows in nano-and microcorrugated devices is proposed. We specialize it to describe the wettingdewetting transition of fluids in the... more
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      Multiphase FlowFluid DynamicsSurface RoughnessPhysical sciences
A two-dimensional two-phase flow framework for fluid-sediment flow simulation in the surf and swash zones was described. Propagation, breaking, uprush and backwash of waves on sloping beaches were studied numerically with an emphasis on... more
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      Environmental EngineeringCivil EngineeringWaterWater resources
Adaptability is the most attractive feature of the smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) method. Therefore it can naturally handle problems with extremely large deformation. Fluid-structure interaction (FSI) problems are placed in this... more
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      EngineeringFluid structure interactionNumerical SimulationMathematical Sciences
Magmas and other viscously deforming fluids in the Earth frequently contain embedded crystals or other solid inclusions. These inclusions generally rotate about their own axis and, under certain conditions, align themselves in a direction... more
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      GeologyGeophysicsFluid and Solid interactionGeomatic Engineering
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      Mass TransferComputational Fluid DynamicsFluid MechanicsKinetics
An approach based on a lattice version of the Boltzmann kinetic equation for describing multiphase flows in nano-and microcorrugated devices is proposed. We specialize it to describe the wettingdewetting transition of fluids in the... more
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      Multiphase FlowFluid DynamicsSurface RoughnessPhysical sciences
In this work, a lattice-Boltzmann method based on field mediators is proposed for the simulation of wetting in a liquid-vapor system. The method includes the effect of long-range interactions between the particles and solid walls, and is... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsModeling and SimulationNumerical SimulationClassical Physics
Dynamic surfaces arise in many applications, such as free surfaces in multiphase flows and moving interfaces in fluid-solid interactions. In many applications, an explicit surface triangulation is used to track the dynamic surfaces,... more
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      Multiphase FlowMesh adaptationFluid and Solid interactionFree Surface
Three-dimensional fluid-solid interaction problems with regard for thermal stresses are considered. An elastic structure is assumed to be a bounded homogeneous isotropic body occupying a domain Ω + ⊂ R 3 , where the thermoelastic four... more
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      Thermal StressFluid and Solid interactionOscillationsSteady state
Page 1. A Computational Fluid Dynamic Analysis of Various Heart Valves and Aortic Conduits, on Coronary Filling Joseph A. Knight, BS University of South Florida, Chemical Engineering Karl Muffly, PhD University of South ...
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      Fluid DynamicsComputation Fluid DynamicsFluid and Solid interactionFluid flow
A model of wave propagation in fluid-saturated porous media is developed where the principal fluidrsolid interaction mode affecting the propagation of the acoustic wave results from the conjunction of the Biot and the Squirt flow... more
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      GeophysicsPhysicsTheorySeismic Waves