River structures such as bridges and spur dykes cause water level rise during flood situations. Flood analysis considering this effect is very important for an accurate prediction of inundation flow. In this study, a numerical model is... more
FLATModel is a two-dimensional shallow-water approximation code with corrections and modifications that create a simulation tool adapted to debris-flows behaviour. FLATModel uses the finite volume method with the numerical implementation... more
An acoustic reflectivity method is proposed for measuring flow resistivity of porous materials having rigid frame. The flow resistivity of porous material is defined as the ratio between the pressure difference across a sample and the... more
The behaviour of wavefronts propagating in a tunnel with multiple, compact air chambers is investigated with particular reference to the suppression of unacceptable pressure disturbances radiating from exit portals. Attention is focussed... more
The behavior of turbulent open channel flows over permeable surfaces is not well understood. In particular, it is not clear how the surface and the subsurface flow within the permeable bed interact and influence each other. In order to... more
An attention for the effect of a post stenotic dilatation and multiple stenoses on an arterial blood flow is made through this work. The resistance to flow ratio is investigated with the different values of yield stress, viscosity, and... more
In the past years considerable research was done on stepped spillways. Investigations were conducted to understand the hydraulics on the stepped face of Roller Compacted Concrete (RCC) dams and overlays for embankment dams. Also a number... more
Filter applications are important for the chemical, automotive and domestic appliances industries. DHCAE Tools developed a solver for the simulation of filters based on the open source CFD library OpenFOAM®. In this presentation DHCAE... more
Advances in Geo-Energy Research and serves as an Associate/Guest Editor for other international journals. Dr. Cai focuses on the petrophysical characterization and micro-transport phenomena in porous media, as well as fractal theory and... more
Previous studies of the hydraulic conductivity of connective tissues have failed to show a correspondence between ultrastructure and specific hydraulic conductivity. We used the technique of quick-freeze/deep-etch to examine the... more
Previous research has shown that wash-out in bovine and primate eyes can be greatly reduced by perfusing with buffer containing 5-15 % serum. It was suggested that protein diffusion from the iris root might raise the in vivo protein... more
Vegetation can contribute to coastal defence by damping incoming waves. However, prior studies have shown that attenuation varies greatly among plant species. Plant flexibility is a mechanical property that is commonly omitted, but varies... more
Vegetation plays a vital role in the flow characteristics of natural open channels, such as rivers. Typically, vegetation density is higher in the lower layer and sparser in the upper layer of these channels. In this research, Ansys... more
The main objective of this work is to investigate, by means of numerical simulation, the effects of the surface roughness on the laminar fluid flow through annular microchannels, and to propose a method to take into account the surface... more
The air blood barrier phenotype can be reasonably described by the ratio of lung capillary blood volume to the diffusion capacity of the alveolar membrane (Vc/Dm), which can be determined at rest in normoxia. The distribution of the Vc/Dm... more
The mechanics of blood flow in microvessels and microvessel permeability are reviewed. In the first part, characteristics of blood flow in vivo and in vitro are described from a fluid-mechanical point of view, and mathematical models for... more
In the study, a formula for predicting fatigue crack tip opening displacement is deduced firstly. And then, due to comparing actual crack growth rate with the deduced formula, the crack tip configuration factor is defined to figure out... more
The diffraction of a spherical acoustic wave by a half plane in an infinite plane, porous barrier is considered. The barrier is modeled as a rigid material filled with narrow pores, more or less normal to the plane, that provide sound... more
In order to experimentally investigate the flow dynamics around a 3D barchan dune, herein we adopt a new experimental approach that enables us to quantify flow around complex morphologies using a refractive index matching (RIM) flume.... more
We measured minute ventilation (~rE), tidal volume (Vr), mean inspiratory flow (Vr/T0, and occlusion pressure (P.~) in I0 resting subjects breathing room air, in sitting, supine, right and left lateral positions, and compared them with... more
Nozzles are used in industry for several different purposes ranging from cooling, painting, and mixing to dosing or flow seeding. When multiple nozzles should be used alongside with each other at equal rates, flowrate of feeding lines... more
Pulp screens remove fibre bundles, plastic specks and other oversize contaminants from pulp suspensions before the pulp is made into paper. Removal efficiency increases as the size of the apertures in the screen plate is reduced. Smaller... more
The mean flow in a nature-like fishpass can be highly modified by the Froude number. It is important to understand this evolution to correctly design the structure. The studied configuration is an emergent staggered arrangement of... more
To fulfil the increasing demand for faster and more complex separations, modern HPLC separations are performed at ever higher pressures and temperatures. Under these operating conditions, it is no longer possible to safely assume the... more
The pressure-drop characteristics of six sub-2 m columns of three different manufacturers but with the same surface chemistry (C 18 ) have been studied using the recently introduced total pore blocking method for the determination of the... more
To study the influence of the particle size distribution (PSD), we measured the chromatographic performance of a series of sub-2 m particle high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) columns packed with four different particle mixtures... more
Subglacial bed conditions are key to understanding ice stream behaviour and evolution, with bed roughness reflecting substrate composition and flow resistance. Here we present an analysis of bed roughness in the Siple Coast region of West... more
To assess and compare changes in pulmonary functions before and after exercise in young healthy adults. The case-control study was carried out from January to March 2010 on 292 medical students aged 18-24 years at Bahria University... more
We recently measured the flow resistance and flow inductance of inertance tubes at high acoustic amplitudes for four different inner diameters of 0.6, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0mm at various tube length ranging from 100 to 1500mm, at frequencies of... more
The problem of non-Newtonian and non-linear blood flow through a stenosed artery is solved numerically where the non-Newtonian rheology of the flowing blood is characterized by the generalized Power-law and Herschel-Bulkley fluid models.... more
To determine if improvements in ventilatory strength with chronic inspiratory muscle training (IMT) improves 20km cycling time trial (TT) performance in hypoxia (F I O 2 = 16.1%). METHODS: Ten highly-trained men were pair-matched based on... more
The development of vegetation in the river bed and in the banks can affect the hydrodynamic conditions and the flow behavior of a watercourse. This can increase the risk of flooding and sediment transport. Therefore, it is important to... more
The development of vegetation in the river bed and in the banks can affect the hydrodynamic conditions and the flow behavior of a watercourse. This can increase the risk of flooding and sediment transport. Therefore, it is important to... more
Removal of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from water/wastewater by membrane air stripping (MAS) was studied using microporous polypropylene hollow fiber membrane modules. Chloroform was used as model organic compound. The mass transfer... more
Prospect for vaginal delivery of growth restricted fetuses with abnormal umbilical artery blood flow
Prospect for vaginal delivery of growth restricted fetuses with abnormal umbilical artery blood flow.
Although Manning's roughness coefficient is known to vary with river stage, information on this aspect is limited, and practitioners have to resort to trial-and-error approaches or rely on their judgment to quantify the variation.... more
Increasing the performance of heat exchangers is one of the main objectives of researchers and engineers in the industry. In this paper an experimental work is carried out aiming at modeling the efficiency of shell and tube heat exchanger... more
The removal of bed material from active river channels usually affects the bed profile of the streambed, causing progressive degradation upstream and downstream of the extraction site. These effects can extend for kilometers affecting... more
A two-axis tiltmeter installed at the summit of Semeru volcano, Indonesia, reveals two different modes of deformation, short-term and longer-term. The short-term variations are inflations precursory to the occurrence of summit explosions.... more
A two-axis tiltmeter installed at the summit of Semeru volcano, Indonesia, reveals two different modes of deformation, short-term and longer-term. The short-term variations are inflations precursory to the occurrence of summit explosions.... more
Increasing the performance of heat exchangers is one of the main objectives of researchers and engineers in the industry. In this paper an experimental work is carried out aiming at modeling the efficiency of shell and tube heat exchanger... more
Finding the critical factors that influence the pressure during pumping of concrete has been investigated for years. From fluid mechanics, the relationship between pressure and flow rate, radius or viscosity is known. In the practical... more
El presente estudio pretende caracterizar la propagación de las ondas ultrasónicas en medios heterogéneos, prestando especial atención a la dispersión temporal de la onda. Los tejidos vegetales, y en concreto la piel de la naranja, son... more