A new numerical approach for modeling a class of flow-structure interaction problems typically encountered in biological systems is presented. In this approach, a previously developed, sharpinterface, immersed-boundary method for... more
The interaction between flow induced vibration mechanisms of a square cylinder with varying angles of attack.
The present study deals with the shedding process of the Kármán vortices at the trailing edge of a 2D hydrofoil at high Reynolds number, 3 3
This paper presents an electromechanical dynamic modelling of the partially smart pipe structure subject to the vibration responses from fluid flow and input base excitation for generating the electrical energy. We believe that this work... more
Experiments have been carried out on a pair of circular cylinders to investigate the effectiveness of pivoting parallel plates as wake-induced vibration suppressors. Measurements of amplitude of vibration and average drag are presented... more
The wake-induced vibration (WIV) of two staggered cylinder with two degrees of freedom (2-dof) has been investigated by experiments in a water channel for Reynolds number between 2000 and 25 000. The streamwise separation was fixed to 4... more
The effect of base suction on flapping and energy harvesting through the piezoelectric membrane in the wake of a cylindrical bluff body is studied in this paper by carrying out a series of wind tunnel experiments. The effect of S/D (ratio... more
The galloping response of a circular cylinder fitted with three different splitter plates and free to oscillate transverse to a free stream has been investigated considering variations in plate length and plate porosity. Models were... more
Experiments in the Reynolds number range of 1000 to 12,000 have been carried out on a free-to-rotate short-tail fairing fitted to a rigid length of circular cylinder to investigate the effect of rotational friction on the stability of... more
A three-dimensional computational fluid dynamics (CFD) boiling model is proposed in this paper to investigate the impacts of changing operating conditions on the thermal-hydraulic characteristics in the secondary side of steam generator... more
Flow induced vibration of tube bank structures, could has the harmful effects on a system. In the current work vibration of cantilever tube in the present of fluid flow is investigated. For this purpose the cantilever tube modeled as a... more
This paper deals with both linear and nonlinear analyses of sheet flutter in a narrow passage caused by fluid-structure interaction. The sheet is considered as a combination of massless beam elements, springs and discrete mass particles,... more
The wake-induced vibration (WIV) of the downstream cylinder of a tandem pair is investigated for different diameter ratios of D 1 =D 2 ¼ 1=1, 1/2 and 1/3, where D 1 and D 2 refer to the upstream and downstream cylinders, respectively. The... more
The aerodynamic response of a circular cylinder to nonharmonic forcing of the inflow velocity is studied by numerically solving the two-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations on an orthogonal curvilinear mesh. The effect of varying the... more
A streamwise bending vibration mode of a Tainter gate skinplate involving rotational vibration about a horizontal rotational axis along the weir-plate surface was identified through post-failure modal analysis on one of the remaining... more
Previous wind tunnel experiments by the present authors showed that two kinds of longitudinal vortex induce cross-flow vibrations (LVIVs) on a circular cylinder accompanied by the vortex-synchronization (lock-in) by setting another... more
Experiments were carried out in a towing tank regarding the flow around a stationary array of circular cylinders with low aspect ratio, H/D=1.5, piercing the water free surface. One isolated cylinder and one array of 4 cylinders were... more
The utilization of biomass for heat and power generation has aroused the interest of most researchers especially those of energy .In converting solid fuel to a usable form of energy, pyrolysis plays an integral role. Understanding this... more
In order to study cross ow induced vibration of heat exchanger tube bundles, a new uid-structure interaction model based on surface vorticity method is proposed. With this model, the vibration of a exible cylinder is simulated at Re =... more
Experiments regarding flow-induced vibration on floating rounded squared section cylinders with low aspect ratio were carried out in an ocean basin equipped with a rotating-arm apparatus. Floating squared section cylinders with rounded... more
Measurements are presented of response and drag for a flexibly mounted circular cylinder with low mass and damping. In one set of experiments it is free to respond in only the cross-flow direction and in a second it is free to respond in... more
The objective of this paper is to numerically investigate the effects of parametric excitation on the energy harvesting from transverse galloping of a square prism. The rigid square prism is elastically supported and is free to oscillate... more
Flow induced instability has been observed in numerous fields, including the aerospace industry, power generation/transmission, and nuclear reactor components. This paper considers the stability analysis of a cantilever pipe excited by... more
The problem in question permeates the fluid induced acoustic levitation, which consists of the introduction of a large amount of pressure waves, resulting from the sound vibration of a high frequency exciter creating a pressure field from... more
The concept of Aero-elastic Wind Energy Generator (AeWEG) is applied for producing power at low wind speeds. A straight rectangular rigid wing subjected to controlled torsional flutter is employed to do suitable work for producing power.... more