Non-invasive recordings of fetal electrocardiogram during pregnancy using electric potential sensors AIP Advances
In this present work the development, the implementation and the results interpretation of an Immersed Boundary Method, in a bi-dimensional Cartesian grid are shown. Three interpolations for the Immersed boundary correction were... more
Progress of each ALS-NSCORT project given by each project lead. 8 pages.
Progress of each ALS-NSCORT project given by each project lead. 9 pages.
Flow-induced instabilities are one of the major challenges in the design of aerospace structures. Numerous passive and active control methods have been used to reduce the flow-induced oscillations of square cross-section cylinder as the... more
The passive safety systems (PSSs) within water-cooled reactors are meticulously engineered to function autonomously, requiring no external power source or manual intervention. They depend exclusively on inherent natural forces and the... more
Recent developments in materials and cost reduction have led the study of the vibrational stability of pipelines conveying fluid to be an important issue. Nowadays, this analysis is done both by means of simulation with specialized... more
In this work, a hybrid numerical approach to predict the vibrational responses of planar structures excited by a turbulent boundary layer is presented. The approach combines an uncorrelated wall plane wave technique with the finite... more
The response of a spring-mounted circular cylinder constrained to vibrate with a single degree of freedom transverse to an oscillating stream is investigated using twodimensional flow simulations. The Keulegan-Carpenter number was set at... more
In this work, we considered the flow around two circular cylinders of equal diameter placed in tandem with respect to the incident uniform flow. The upstream cylinder was fixed and the downstream cylinder was completely free to move in... more
This research delves into the complex dynamics of high-pressure, hot, and dynamic liquids flowing through piping systems. To better understand the various factors that affect the torsional vibration of these liquids, the study uses a... more
Great progress has been made in the research on hydraulics, hydrodynamics and hydroinformatics over the past few decades. This includes theoretical, experimental and numerical studies, leading to a new understanding and knowledge of... more
To reduce environmental pollution like global warming and air pollution has highly promoted the research of application of study of renewable fuel like bio-diesel and its blends to internal combustion engine. In this project practically... more
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International licence Newcastle University Assi GRS, Srinil N, Freire CM, Korkischko I. Experimental investigation of the... more
This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the authors institution and sharing with... more
The stability of a flexible cantilevered plate in viscous channel flow is studied as a representation of the dynamics of the human upper airway. The focus is on instability mechanisms of the soft palate (flexible plate) that cause airway... more
The flow characteristics of inline and one slotted cylinder placed in a fin tube heat exchanger model are experimentally investigated using Partical Image Velocimetry (PIV) for Reynolds numbers of 1500 and 4000. In this study, the... more
Submitted for the DFD15 Meeting of The American Physical Society Hysteretic memory and end plate effects on the response of a flexible cylinder undergoing Vortex-Induced Vibrations (VIV) ERSEGUN DENIZ GEDIKLI, JASON M DAHL, Ocean... more
In the current work, we investigate the influence of unsteady partial cavitation on the fluid-structure interaction of a freely vibrating hydrofoil section at high Reynolds numbers. We consider an elastically-mounted NACA66 hydrofoil... more
In the current work, we investigate the influence of unsteady partial cavitation on the fluid-structure interaction of a freely vibrating hydrofoil section at high Reynolds numbers. We consider an elastically-mounted NACA66 hydrofoil... more
In this paper, power transfer of an elastically mounted body under the influence of fluidelastic galloping is analysed. The quasi-steady state model equations are first analysed to find suitable governing parameters. It is shown that, as... more
This in-water experimental study deals with the effects of the after-body on the FIV response of round and sharp edge cylinders. Different circular, square, diamond, and right-angle isosceles triangular crosssections are investigated. The... more
This research handles the problem of noise pollution caused by the stone cutting processes in the medium and small factories located close to the populated areas. Noise can be reduced by two main ways: the first method is done by adding... more
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
This study aims to review flow-induced vibration one of the repercussions of vibrations is caused by fluid movement. In general, the investigation of the structure of the systems affects the efficiency of the components that construct... more
Wake-induced vibration (WIV) of a two-degree-of-freedom (2-DOF) downstream square cylinder behind a stationary equal-size upstream square cylinder is numerically investigated at low Reynolds numbers by using Characteristics-Based Split... more
Zusammenfassung Das in diesem Artikel beschriebene Auswerteverfahren ermöglicht für Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) Messysteme mit geringen Messraten die zeitlich aufgelöste Darstellung hochfrequenter, instationärer Strömungseffekte. Das... more
In this work, a hybrid numerical approach to predict the vibrational responses of planar structures excited by a turbulent boundary layer is presented. The approach combines an uncorrelated wall plane wave technique with the finite... more
The demand for customized small-scale unmanned air such platforms in Taylor and Thomas Cord (2003), Green and span from zero to substantially high advance ratios. In an et al. prop-stream effects over the broader range of advance ratios... more
This research delves into the complex dynamics of high-pressure, hot, and dynamic liquids flowing through piping systems. To better understand the various factors that affect the torsional vibration of these liquids, the study uses a... more
Stabilized space-time finite element technique is utilized to perform numerical simulation on the wake-inducedvibrations of two identical tandem circular cylinders placed in the flow at Reynolds number 100. Cylinders are separated by a... more
Flow in a branched channel is studied experimentally using the PIV technique. The presented study is concentrated on clarifying the dynamical behaviour in individual branches. The 11 branches issuing from the main channel perpendicularly,... more
Although Particle Image Velocimetry techniques are widely used in the experimental investigation of the flow structure around obstacles, the application of these techniques in wind tunnels is frequently limited by the dimension of the... more
The critical effect of the windward interior angles of elastically mounted trapezoidal bodies on a galloping instability is numerically investigated in this paper using two methodologies of high-fidelity computational fluid dynamics... more
The theoretical analysis of coupled-mode self-excited vibration of hydraulic gates is developed in the present paper. The theory is applied to the 87-ton Tainter gate at the Folsom Dam, which according to eyewitness testimony, experienced... more
Flow-induced vibration (FIV) at the spacer grid in the fuel assembly of a Light Water Reactor (LWR) is the leading cause of fuel failure. This project aims to produce a simulation benchmark on the experimental campaign at MACE on axial... more
Forced vibration has been experimentally investigated on a model consists of circular pipe with1.6m length. The pipe built in tank (1.2m length, 0.6m height and 0.6m width) horizontally at 0.4m height with two different diameters d=15mm... more
Slender cylinders close together may be exited to self-sustained oscillations which are associated with a hysteretic flow switching in the gap between the two cylinders. Measurements have shown that this flow switching appears with a time... more
The nonlinear characteristics of the flow-induced vibration of an elastically-supported cylinder-plate assembly are investigated using numerical simulations of the flow past the assembly at a low-Reynolds number Re = 100. The beating... more
The critical effect of the windward interior angles of elastically mounted trapezoidal bodies on a galloping instability is numerically investigated in this paper using two methodologies of high-fidelity computational fluid dynamics... more
Forced vibration has been experimentally investigated on a model consists of circular pipe with1.6m length. The pipe built in tank (1.2m length, 0.6m height and 0.6m width) horizontally at 0.4m height with two different diameters d=15mm... more
This study aims to review flow-induced vibration one of the repercussions of vibrations is caused by fluid movement. In general, the investigation of the structure of the systems affects the efficiency of the components that construct... more
One of the effects of vibrations resulting from the flow of fluids is the failure that occurs to the structure of the systems, which in turn affects the efficiency of the parts that make up those systems. for the purpose of studying the... more
The utilization of biomass for heat and power generation has aroused the interest of most researchers especially those of energy .In converting solid fuel to a usable form of energy,pyrolysis plays an integral role. Understanding this... more
The need for energy and its utilization for industrial, household purposes has seen an ever increasing hike. However, the uncontrolled and excessive usage of conventional energy resources, like burning fossil fuels has been deteriorating... more
In this present investigation, textiles samples of non-polymeric nature, e.g, cotton, silk etc. of Indian origin were pyrolysed in a 50 mm diameter and 640 mm long packed bed pyrolyser placed in a tubular furnace from 573K to 1173K in a... more
The transverse flow-induced vibration of an elastically supported cylinder-plate assembly (viz., a rigid splitter-plate attached to the downstream side of a circular cylinder) with a low mass ratio of 10 and a zero structural damping... more
The need for energy and its utilization for industrial, household purposes has seen an ever increasing hike. However, the uncontrolled and excessive usage of conventional energy resources, like burning fossil fuels has been deteriorating... more