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The unsteady flow can be analysed by Saint-Venant equations. These equations can be solved by characteristics and finite difference methods. The Saint-Venant equations are changed into four complete differential equations in... more
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      Flow CytometryMultiphase FlowTwo Phase FlowFluid flow in porous media
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      Data Flow DiagramRekayasa Perangkat LunakFlow Map
Buzády, Zoltán "Role of serious gaming for Flow, leadership development and increasing competitiveness-a global best practice solution" In: "Role of serious gaming for Flow, leadership development and increasing competitiveness-a global... more
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      Positive PsychologySerious GamesLeadershipSerious Gaming
This study aims to analyse prospective chemistry teachers' cognitive structure related to the subject of covalent and ionic bonding. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with the participants in order to determine their cognitive... more
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      Comprehension LevelFlow MapCognitive Structurecovalent bonding
ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sistem informasi pengajuan anggaran berbasis web pada PT. Multimedia Solusi Prima Kota Bandung. Metode yang digunakan oleh penulis adalah metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan data... more
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      AkuntansiSistem InformasiTUGAS AKHIRSistem
The virtual design and construction is turning into a more essential service to develop construction designs. Even though it is going through the processes of situated projects in the pre-BIM stage, builders-developers are demanding... more
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      Lean ConstructionLean ThinkingBIM (Architecture)Process Control
The present paper is part of a research program on two-phase flows and heat transfer studies in tube bundles. An experimental study was carried out to analyse the void fraction for vertical two-phase flows. Boiling across a horizontal... more
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      EngineeringStatistical AnalysisMultiphase FlowTwo Phase Flow
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      EngineeringMaterials ScienceMechanicsMultiphase Flow
The daily commuting in metropolitan nuclei expresses spatial dynamics of connection and segregation. This paper analyzes the daily intermunicipal flows in the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo. Distinct maps were created, such as... more
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      Urban mobilityGeographic Information Systems (GIS)Flow Map
The purpose of this study is to determine the effects of internet-assisted chemistry applications on prospective chemistry teachers' cognitive structures in the topics of bonding and hybridization. The sample of the study consisted of 36... more
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      Flow MapCognitive Structure
This paper proposes a framework in which Lagrangian Particle Dynamics is used for the segmentation of high density crowd flows and detection of flow instabilities. For this purpose, a flow field generated by a moving crowd is treated as... more
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      MathematicsComputer ScienceComputer VisionFluid Dynamics
The unsteady flow can be analysed by Saint-Venant equations. These equations can be solved by characteristics and finite difference methods. The Saint-Venant equations are changed into four complete differential equations in... more
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      Flow CytometryMultiphase FlowTwo Phase FlowFluid flow in porous media