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ABSTRACT Floriculture is commercial production, marketing and retail sale of cut flowers and potted plants as well as home gardening and flower arrangement. Arunachal Pradesh has started to promote floriculture, especially orchids for... more
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      DiversityArunachal PradeshOrchidsFloriculture
Nineteen gladiolus germplasms were characterized and evaluated in the Research Field of the Department of Horticulture, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University, Gazipur, during November 2017 to May 2018 for identifying... more
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      HorticultureConservation BiologyBiologyAgriculture
In this study was investigated the effect of manure and cocoa shell biomass addition on soil chemical properties and microflora, when the above mentioned organic materials areused in different proportions in soil mixtures. For this... more
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      Sensors and SensingLandscape ArchitecturePlant NutritionFloriculture
Response of Hippeastrum growth and flowering against different planting dates were studied to find out optimum growing period in the garden of Horticulture Department at Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University, Gazipur.... more
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      PhysiologyHorticulturePlant EcologyFloriculture
This is an empirical research with an overall objective of studying the sustainability of green supply chain systems in the floriculture industry in Kenya. The floriculture industry is a crucial sector in the country since it is a key... more
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Edition:II  (Botimi II ), Publisher: Gjoke Vuksanin ., Editor: “Geer” Tirane .
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    • Floriculture
In order to quantify the shelf-life response of cut roses when stored in aqueous ozone solutions, cut ‘Pascha’ roses were stored in either de-ionised water or aqueous ozone solutions containing an initial dissolved ozone residual of 5.5... more
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      FloricultureSHELF LIFE
Der Beitrag gibt einen historischen Überblick über die unterschiedlichen Möglichkeiten, die Flüchtigkeit von Tanzbewegung mit der Transitorik von Blumen zu verschränken. So wird im Bühnentanz das Auf- und Verblühen von Blumen verkörpert,... more
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      Cultural StudiesPerforming ArtsTheatre StudiesDance Studies
Blumen sind mehr als Blumen: Sie kodieren historisch und kulturell bedingte Nachrichten, die entziffert und gelesen werden können. Was zeichnet eine solche Kommunikation durch die Blume aus? Der Band erkundet erstmals das Feld der... more
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      Cultural StudiesComparative LiteratureQueer StudiesPhilosophy
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      FloricultureFloriculture and Landscape Gardening
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      MathematicsFloricultureBiofertilizersOrnamental Horticulture
The experiment on effect of storage period and GA3 soaking of tuberose bulbs on growth, flowering, flower yield and quality was conducted at Junagadh Agriculture University, Junagadh during 2010-11. The experiment was laid out in... more
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      HorticultureFloriculturePlant propagation
The study was conducted on performance of 30 genotypes of marigold under semi-arid climatic conditions of Haryana. Experiment was laid out in randomized block design (RBD) with three replications, at Research Farm of Department of... more
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    • Floriculture
The present experiment was carried out during
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    • Floriculture
Present study was conducted to study the differences in flowering behavior of twenty different ornamental winter annuals, mostly used for landscaping purpose under different agro-climatic conditions, in the Terai region of West Bengal,... more
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      BiodiversityFloricultureFloriculture and Landscape Gardening
The study was undertaken with a view to establish a protocol for in vitro plant regeneration from shoot tip explants of banana. Different concentrations of BAP (0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0 and 7.0 mg/l) and IBA (0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0,... more
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      Plant Tissue CultureFloriculturePlant Growth RegulatorsIn vitro culture
Rosa spinosissima (also known as R. pimpinellifolia), the wild Scots Rose, has the widest natural geographical distribution of any rose species, extending from the coastal fringes of western Europe to Siberia. It has also become... more
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      Cultural HistoryHorticultureCultural HeritageEnvironmental History
Bougainvilleas (Bougainvillea spp., family: Nyctanginaceae), are evergreen climbing ornamental shrubs which are extensively used in tropical and subtropical gardens. Its attractive foliage (variegated in some of the mutants), colourful... more
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    • Floriculture
Roses from different continents travel long distances to reach the international flower market in Holland and result in them reaching the market while they have aged thus reducing vase life and quality which are vital for consumer... more
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      MathematicsHorticultureQualityPlant Physiology (Biology)
Roses from different continents travel long distances to reach the international flower market in Holland and result in them reaching the market while they have aged thus reducing vase life and quality which are vital for consumer... more
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      MathematicsHorticultureQualityPlant Physiology (Biology)
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      EthnobotanySymbolismPhraseologyFigurative language
Floriculture is commercial production, marketing and retail sale of cut flowers and potted plants as well as home gardening and flower arrangement. Arunachal Pradesh has started to promote floriculture, especially orchids for export... more
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      DiversityArunachal PradeshOrchidsFloriculture
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      HorticultureLandscape ArchitectureOrnament (Archaeology)Floriculture
Edible flowers help us gain pleasure from the way our food is presented by paying attention to details like color, shape, flavor and aroma. Consumed since ancient times, edible flowers are regaining popularity in today’s cuisines. This... more
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      HorticultureFloricultureBotany/ Biodiversity/ Taxonomy/ ethnobotany/ medicinal plants
—Surface sterilization is the most important step in explant preparation for micropropagation as it controls the fungal and bacterial contamination from field sources. The newly emerging hairy leaf explants of Gerbera jamesonii cv.... more
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      HorticulturePlant Tissue CultureBiodiversity ConservationFloriculture
The present investigation entitled, “Effect of different combinations of NPK and biofertilizers on loose flower production of China aster (Callistephus chinensis (L.) Nees) cv. ‘Kamini’” was carried out at the Research Farm of the... more
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      Plant NutritionFloriculture
Abstract: Gerbera is one of ten popular cut flowers in the world which occupies the fourth place, according to the global trends in floriculture. Hence, this study aimed to investigate the effects of chemical, hormonal and essential oil... more
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      HorticultureFloriculturePostharvest Horticulture
ABTSRACT A pot experiment was conducted at the Skills Demonstration Plot of Organic Agriculture, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta between January and May, 2012 to study the growth and flowering response of French marigold... more
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      FloricultureThe Disney PrincessesFloriculture and Landscape GardeningEconomic Evaluation of Floriculture and Betel
Corporate flower farms are based along the shores of Kenya’s Lake Naivasha, a Ramsar Convention protected wetland. Kenya suffers from high unemployment and relative poverty and prioritises economic development. Corporate flower farms are... more
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      Business EthicsCriminologyDevelopment StudiesGlobalization
An experiment entitled " Effect of growth regulators on plant growth and flowering in dahlia (Dahlia variabilis) cv. Charmit " was conducted to evaluate the response of dahlia to different growth regulators (Ethephon @ 500, 750 and 1000... more
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      HorticultureAgricultureFloriculturePlant Growth Regulators
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    • Floriculture
It has been portrayed a cherished picture of the love of Rabindranath for flora in a number of reminiscences. The poet's intelligence was overjoyed with the sweet scent of the flowers. He was well au fait with plant's growth and... more
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      HorticultureNovelFloricultureRabindranath Tagore
Widely regarded as the first gardening book in European history, and currently the only translation available in English, this book was written in the ninth century by Walafrid Strabo, Abbot of the Carolingian monastery at Reichenau... more
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      Early Medieval HistoryEarly Middle Ages (History)Garden HistoryGardening
Society of Krishi Vigyan is regularly publishing its Journal of Krishi Vigyan having a NAAS rating of 4.41 w.e.f. 1/1/2017 and there is a gradual increase in the number of papers published in each issue . May I request our colleagues to... more
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      Agricultural EngineeringHorticultureSustainable agricultureFisheries
Floral Survey of Ferns in Nadia District of West Bengal, India
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      HorticulturePteridologyFloricultureFerns and Fern Allies
The journal is Indexed/Abstracted in: • Index Copernicus International, Poland with ICV: 27.39 • Ministry of Science & Higher Education, Poland with 02 points • Global Impact Factor with GIF 0.471• Indian Science Abstracts • CAB Abstracts... more
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      HorticulturePlant biotechnologyVegetable ScienceFloriculture
The investigation entitled "Evaluation of standard carnation cultivars under protected conditions" was carried out at experimental farm of the Department of Floriculture and Landscaping, Dr. Y.S. Parmar University of Horticulture and... more
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      FloricultureCarnationNew Cultivars
Sustainable agriculture has become a burning issue due to “energy crisis” and “environmental protection”. One aspect of sustainable agriculture is Integrated Nutrient Management (INM). Many regions in India like Kashmir, Himachal and... more
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      Soil ScienceHorticultureNutritionFloriculture
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    • Floriculture
Kindly see the attachment for detail. You can email me for further queries. My email id is

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      PhysiologyHorticultureFood EngineeringPackaging
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      FloristicsFloricultureFloral diversityFloriculture and Landscape Gardening
Tuberose occupies a very selective and special position among the ornamental bulbous plants for its beauty, elegance and sweet pleasant fragrance. It is also gaining priority in the loose flower trade. For prolonging the shelf life,... more
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      HorticultureFloriculturePostharvest HorticultureFloristry
PURPOSE The main purpose of this survey is to know the opinion of traders of West Bengal on the issues related to Floriculture Information System. To understand the marketing system of flowers in the district of Purba Medinipur in West... more
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      Information SystemsLibrary and Information ScienceFloricultureWest Bengal
In the recent days Sub-Saharan African counties look at floriculture as a viable alternative to boost their foreign earnings through export of cut flowers. However, while the sector is second largest contributor to foreign earnings for... more
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The study was conducted in rose growing pockets of Kannauj district of Uttar Pradesh with an objective of estimating the cost of production and marketing and margins in the trade of loose rose flowers by the farmers. The study indicated... more
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      Agricultural EconomicsFloricultureOrnamental Horticulture
This study was conducted in Yapo-Abbe forest in South-Eastern Côte d'Ivoire. It aims to assess the diversity of timber species, listed on the IUCN Red List (2018). The surface survey method was used for the inventory and identification of... more
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      FloricultureEcological and floristic diversity
Global turnover of Essential Oil Industry business is estimated to around US$14 billion. In this turnover India's share is just about 10% though potential is much more. Based on population ratio, the potential is estimated to be 18%. The... more
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Anthurium (Anthurium andreanum Lind.), one of the most valued ornamentals is propagated conventionally through vegetative means which is very slow and need attention to develop elite, genuine, true-to-type quality planting materials at a... more
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      Plant Tissue CultureBiodiversity ConservationOrchidsFloriculture
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