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El presente estudio realiza una novedosa propuesta comparatista entre la poesía de Miguel Hernández y la poesía de Antonio Gala, centrándose particularmente en dos cancioneros amorosos pertenecientes a los dos autores: El rayo que no cesa... more
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      Literatura españolaPoesíaLiteratura ComparadaLiteratura Comparada (Comparative Literature)
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      Earth SciencesHuman EvolutionBiogeographyIsland Biogeography
The isolating languages of Central Flores (Austronesian) are typologically distinct from their nearby relatives. They have no bound morphology, as well as elaborate numeral classifier systems, and quinary-decimal numeral systems.... more
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Historical LinguisticsAustronesian LanguagesLinguistic Typology
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O melhor curso de arranjo floral online do Brasil!
Clique na pagina inicial e assista GRÁTIS!
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      PaisagismoFloresTursimo e EventosManejo Florestal
A ARTE FLORAL NAS CELEBRAÇÕES Prefácio … uma flor tem uma beleza efémera. Ela passa e morre, sinal do aflitivo perecimento de tudo. Ela afirma, também, uma vitória sobre o impossível: enraíza a semente, veste a corola e eis que, por um... more
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    • Flores
Por la importancia socio económica del Cultivo de Rosas (Rosa sp) en Ecuador, la inexistencia de un manual que detalle en forma práctica y directa como explotar rosas de calidad, y observando que tanto en empresas florícolas como en... more
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      AgricultureAgricultural extensionAgronomy/crop scienceFlores
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    • Flores
El presente artículo pretende dar otra visión al mundo vegetal. Analizaremos el papel de la peonía en distintas culturas, dándonos cuenta de que no es un simple attrezzo usado por la belleza de sus flores, pues esconde innumerables... more
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memenuhi matakuliah manusia dan kebudayaan indonesia)  membahas tentang suku flores yang ada di Indoensia
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    • Flores
El mundo de las flores secas en la obra de Oswaldo Guayasamin Por: Lissandro Loor Solórzano ! El mundo vegetal en la pintura europea Desarrollo histórico y métodos de estudio FLORES SECAS "El siglo XIX latinoamericano había terminado a... more
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      Latin American StudiesHistorical SociologyPaintingSociological Theory
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      MulticulturalismIslamMinahasaBali (Anthropology)
"Since its first description in 2004, Homo floresiensis has been attributed to a species of its own, a descendant of H. erectus or another early hominid, a pathological form of H. sapiens, or a dwarfed H. sapiens related to the Neolithic... more
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      PaleoanthropologyHuman EvolutionIsland StudiesPalaeoanthropology
This paper examines an obsidian cache offering excavated near the corner of a Postclassic Maya platform structure in Nojpeten, on the island of Flores, Guatemala. The cache consists of approximately 190 obsidian prismatic blade cores and... more
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      ObsidianMaya ArchaeologyLithic TechnologyX-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) Spectroscopy
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      Historia del ArtePinturaHistoria CulturalFlores
Gambling is fantastically popular among Ngadha people on the island of Flores in eastern Indonesia. The White Coupon lottery, cards, cockfights and board games are ubiquitous, providing a socially acceptable medium through which to use... more
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      AnthropologyDevelopment StudiesGambling StudiesIndonesia
Indonesia is often described by diplomats and politicians as Australia's most important relationship. This report explores the diverse experiences of youth in Indonesia and their role in shaping the social and political landscape in the... more
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      Environmental EducationYouth StudiesIndonesian HistoryIndonesia
Tour operator wisata pulau Flores untuk wisata Komodo di taman nasional Komodo dan wisata Flores dengan jasa paket tour/wisata yang sudah dikemas
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    • Flores
Excavations at Liang Bua, a limestone cave on the island of Flores, East Indonesia, have yielded a welldated archaeological and faunal sequence spanning the last 95 k.yr., major climatic fluctuations, and two human species -H.... more
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      Ancient HistoryEvolutionary BiologyArchaeologyAnthropology
This article explores the artificial nature and flowers of Italian futurism. With the crisis created by the First World War, the interests of the avant-garde were geared towards an imaginative totality that exceeded the traditional... more
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      Artificial PhotosynthesisBotanicaFlowersUmberto Boccioni
Hommage à une grande diplomatie syrienne Pin d'Alep, prune, pistache, arum ou rose de Damas et autres ambassadeurs. 1 : rose de Damas ou rosa damascena Ce n'est pas d'hier que la Syrie, ou ce grand Bilad Cham, est dans l'histoire, et par... more
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      archéologie de la Syrie romaine et byzantinePatrimoineFloresAleppo
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      Translation StudiesNationalism And State BuildingHistory of Political ThoughtEcuador
Vālakhilyas refer to a group of eleven hymns generally counted as an appendage to the 8th Mandala of Rig Veda. They also refer to a group of sages very short in stature, often mentioned as thumb-sized. Their rendezvous with the mighty... more
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      Indonesian StudiesRamayanaVedic StudiesMahābhārata
Komodo Mega Tours – FLORES KOMODO DRAGON TOUR Flores Komodo Tours Indonesia is main destination in our travel marketing to discover; Komodo Dragon, wild life, nature, culture and snorkeling. We offer all kind of Flores Komodo tours start... more
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    • Flores
En la presente investigación se señalan los problemas y las perspectivas de la producción para la exportación de flor cortada mexicana, dentro de la coyuntura de la firma del Tratado Trilateral de Libre Comercio entre México, Estados... more
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La presente investigación busca conocer los tratados comerciales que mantiene el Ecuador previos a la implementación del acuerdo multipartes con la Unión Europea (UE) en el sector florícola, con ello determinar la incidencia que genera... more
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      European UnionEcuadorFlores
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      Earth SciencesHuman EvolutionBiogeographyIsland Biogeography
Anthropometry has been used for many scientific and applied problems, such as growth, evolution, and applications to forensic identifications. The aim of this study was to determine whether the samples could be significantly... more
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      AnthropometryFacial AnthropometryIndonesiaCephalometry
Example: Computers are becoming very popular these days.
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Flores y árboles nacionales de los países de américa.

*** Revisar Islas.
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In 2007, the Indonesian government introduced Generasi, a community-driven development program to address village priorities such as reducing poverty, maternal mortality, and child mortality. When describing Generasi's biggest challenges,... more
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      Indonesian StudiesIndonesiaTherapeutic LandscapesMaternal and Child Nutrition
La culinaria Guatemalteca es un fenómeno social que debe parte de su complejidad a la alta diversidad cultural y étnica en un espacio geográfico tan reducido, sin embargo, existen algunos factores repetitivos en las etnias coexistentes... more
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      Mayan StudiesGuatemalaFloresAlimentación
The issue of enforcement is central to property rights in land. 3 Modes of property rights enforcement can occur either with or without the state. This paper focuses on the latter mode of enforcement, e.g., how people manage to enforce... more
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      Land tenureLegal PluralismIndonesiaAlternative Dispute Resolution
Análisis de la representación de las flores amapola y adormidera en obras de arte, presentado como requisito académico para la asignatura "El mundo vegetal en la pintura europea. Desarrollo histórico y métodos de estudio" en el Master... more
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      Historia del ArteFlores
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      Cultural LandscapesCatholicismFlores
Sikap hidup masyarakat Jawa memiliki identitas dan karakter yang menonjol yang dilandasi direferensi nasehat-nasehat nenek moyang sampai turun temurun, hormat kepada sesama serta berbagai perlambang dalam ungkapan Jawa, menjadi isian jiwa... more
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    • Flores
Este artículo analiza el proceso de proletarización que se ha generalizado en la provincia de Cotopaxi, especialmente en aquellos territorios orientados a la producción de ores para la exportación. Los asalariados jóvenes en su mayoría... more
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      PrecariedadCapital socialConsumoFlores
In villages from Tanjung Bunga peninsula at the eastern tip of Flores island (Indonesia), some Lamaholot people sing in special places, inhabited or not, and at special times. Around four times a year, songs and dances are performed... more
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En el Renaeimiento gozaron de espeeial popularidad las coleeeiones y los tom os de eonsulta eomo los «speeula», los «florilegia», «eompendia» o «polyanthea», que por una parte transmitian 1a erudicic)!1 de la Antigüedad, y por orra,... more
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      FloresJardinesBosquesFrancisco de Torquemada
"In the twelfth century anthologies were the most common form in which short poems in Latin such as lyrics, epigrams, and occasional verse circulated in written form among the reading public. Since twelfth-century anthologies are not... more
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      Intellectual HistoryRhetoricArabic LiteratureHigh Middle Ages
Se establece una relación posible entre las orejeras empleadas por los Mayas y especies de hongos del género Geastrum.
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      Cultural HeritageHeritage TourismCultural Heritage ConservationIndonesia
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Année 2017-2018 RELIGIONS EN MÉSOAMÉRIQUE. Directeur d’études émérite : Mme Danièle DEHOUVE LES RÈGLES DE CONSTRUCTION DES DIEUX AZTÈQUES Les lundis de 11h00 à 13h00, MAISON DES SCIENCES DE L’HOMME, 54 BD RASPAIL, 75006 PARIS – 1ER... more
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El libro Frutos del paraíso, pintura de flores y jardines en el Museo de Bellas Artes de Álava nos permite acercamos a la representación de las flores y los jardines a través de un gran número de obras pertenecientes a los fondos de este... more
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The discussed record marks presence of the genus Aethalida Walker, 1865 in East Nusa Tenggara (Flores Island, Indonesia) for the first time. We have found that a specimen from Flores Island shows great similarity with A. owadai Dubatolov... more
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      BiogeographyFloresBiodiversity of MothsNew Subspecies
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      FloresFrancisco de TorquemadaAutoridadPedro Mexia
Since its first description in 2004, Homo floresiensis has been attributed to a species of its own, a descendant of H. erectus or another early hominid, a pathological form of H. sapiens, or a dwarfed H. sapiens related to the Neolithic... more
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      ArchaeologyPaleoanthropologyAnthropologyHuman Evolution