Flood Myth

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A flood myth is a narrative found in various cultures that describes a great flood sent by deities to cleanse the world of humanity's sins, often featuring a sole survivor or a group of survivors who repopulate the earth. These myths explore themes of destruction, renewal, and the relationship between humans and the divine.
This study analyzes the atmospheric variability that caused the largest floods affecting the town of Tortosa, Spain, in the mouth of the Ebro River (northeast Iberian Peninsula). The Tortosa flood database and flood marks in the nearby... more
Urban ooding as well as its socio-economic repercussions is dramatically escalating globally in several coastal cities due to changes in rainfall patterns triggered by climate change. The principal aim of the study is to evaluate the ood... more
Urban flooding as well as its socio-economic repercussions is dramatically escalating globally in several coastal cities due to changes in rainfall patterns triggered by climate change. The principal aim of the study is to evaluate the... more
This is a PDF file of an article that has undergone enhancements after acceptance, such as the addition of a cover page and metadata, and formatting for readability, but it is not yet the definitive version of record. This version will... more
Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public portal are retained by the authors and/or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal... more
Introduction The 21st century is witnessing the increase of climate change as an important challenge due to its destructive environmental and socio-economic effects. Extreme climatic conditions have become frequent and more intense in... more
 Nepal is among the most vulnerable countries regarding climate-induced-disasters. Nepal is ranked 30th among 198 countries in flood hazard. Climate change associated vulnerability is contextual and gender specific as it impacts men and... more
Floods account for more than half of the global hydrometeorological risks. Severe floods cause significant economic shocks and loss of lives, particularly for developing countries such as Jamaica. There is need for more information on the... more
Digital Elevation Models (DEM) are widely used in many different applications such as orthophoto production, 3D city models, hydrological modeling, visibility, flood, flood analysis and etc. The densest grid spacing DEM covering Turkey is... more
Water quality is crucial for public health, food security, and ecological balance. In heavily utilized water resources, the risk of microbial contamination, indicated by total and fecal coliforms, increases, posing significant public... more
Hidrograf Satuan Sintetik (HSS) adalah alat penting dalam analisis hidrologi yang digunakan untuk memprediksi respons aliran sungai terhadap curah hujan. Namun, keterbatasan model HSS yang ada dalam merepresentasikan kompleksitas... more
Natural disasters including flood put negative impact on mental health of victims. The flood 2022 in Pakistan effected more than 33 million people. Sindh, Punjab, and KPK were the most flood effected provinces of Pakistan. Government and... more
The peri-urban interface (PUI) exhibits characteristic qualities of both urban and rural regions, and this complexity has meant that risk assessments and long-term planning for PUI are lagging, despite these areas representing new... more
During the 20 th century there has been a dramatic development of the coastline leading to substantial population growth in coastal areas worldwide. Given that this trend is expected to continue in the future it raises critical challenges... more
This paper explored the potential of Backpropagation Neural Network (BNN) and M5 model tree based regression approach to estimate the mean annual flood. Data used in this study were taken from an earlier study by Swamee et al. (J Water... more
Google's operational flood forecasting system was developed to provide accurate real-time flood warnings to agencies and the public with a focus on riverine floods in large, gauged rivers. It became operational in 2018 and has since... more
In the context of hydrodynamic modelling the use of 2D models is of fundamental importance in areas where the flow is not mono-dimensional. Nonetheless, the lack of bathymetric data to develop a global 2D model over an entire network or... more
Flood hazards (flow depth and velocity) must be accurately assessed in high-risk areas during extreme flood events. However, the prediction of the very high flows is not an easy task due to the lack of field data and to the strong link... more
This paper presents a data-driven hydrodynamic simulator based on the 1-D hydraulic solver dedicated to ood forecasting with lead time of an hour up to 24 hours. The goal of the study is to reduce uncertainties in the hydraulic model and... more
Fluvial deposits Channel adjustment Dikes (levees) Oxbow lakes Dike breach ponds (wielen) Borrow pits Lower Mississippi River Rhine River US Army Corps of Engineers 1928 Mississippi River and Tributaries Act Room for the River Flood... more
Flood maps (referred to as flood risk maps) are developed for planning purposes and the needs of insurance companies. They usually map the flood with a 100-year recurrence interval (Q p 1%, i.e. discharge of probability of occurrence p =... more
This study analyzed recent extreme weather events in Rwanda with emphasis on drought during March-May (MAM) season using Z-index. Composite analysis identified the years 2009 and 2010 as the most recent dry and wet years respectively.... more
The FLIRE DSS is a web-based Decision Support System for the combined forest and flood risk management and planning. State of the art tools and models have been used in order to enable Civil Protection agencies and local stakeholders to... more
We quantified sediment-water interface and water column nitrogen (N) transformation rates seasonally over the course of a year that incorporated a major storm event and a period of prolonged riverine base flow in Copano Bay, Texas, a... more
In order to save the lives of a people, identification of the area and rescue team is needed. Along with a trained rescue team a quick and relevant intimation system is also needed so that the rescue operation can be carried out quickly.... more
Bihar is home to several prestigious medical colleges that offer top-quality education and training to aspiring doctors. With a growing focus on healthcare infrastructure and medical education, Bihar has expanded its medical institutions... more
Highlights. -We study the impact of future scenarios on floods in the Cambodian Mekong floodplain. -The full combined development scenario alters flows up to -30 % in the wet season and +140 % in the dry season.
Summary: This paper presents an outline of a possible solution of an intended expert system for real time operation for flood prevention of rivers and river canals in Vojvodina Serbia. The system should enable dispatchers to make... more
Modeling of environmental factors in archaeological research leads to a better understanding of human interaction with landscapes. The strict selection of suitable settlement spots is controlled by various influencing parameters like... more
O objetivo deste trabalho é contribuir para avançar no conhecimento acerca do potencial do Modelo HAND para avaliação e monitoramento da expansão urbana da Região Metropolitana de Porto Alegre (RMPA) em áreas suscetíveis à inundação. Como... more
In this paper we developed and tested an integrated methodology for assessing direct and indirect economic impacts of flooding. The methodology combines a spatial analysis of damage to physical stocks with a general economic equilibrium... more
Flood is one of the most frequently occurring and devastating disasters in Nepal. Several locations in Nepal are at high risk of flood, which requires proper guidance on early warning and safe evacuation of people to emergency locations... more
A catastrophic flooding of the Black Sea basin was proposed to have occurred during its reconnection to the ocean in the early Holocene. Possible cultural consequences of the flood include the migration of Neolithic farmers from around... more
The collapse of the Bronze Age Harappan, one of the earliest urban civilizations, remains an enigma. Urbanism flourished in the western region of the Indo-Gangetic Plain for approximately 600 y, but since approximately 3,900 y ago, the... more
In this work, a novel approach for the automated transfer of Bounding Box (BB) and mask labels across different channels on multilens cameras is presented. For that purpose, the proposed method combines the well-known phase correlation... more
Typical disaster flooding and flash floods in Malaysia. Floods occur especially during the wet season within the geographical region area which is especially influenced by the northeast monsoon. So the sampling study was conducted in... more
The northeast monsoon flood phenomenon is a natural disaster especially around East Peninsular Malaysia such as Kelantan. The main objective of this study is to identify the impact of the northeastern monsoon flood of Malaysia on the... more
Flood is the most common type of disaster in Peninsular Malaysia. In December 2014, a major flood event occurred in Pahang River that recorded the worst flood ever hit Pahang River Basin and Malaysia generally. Twelve sampling station has... more
River structures such as bridges and spur dykes cause water level rise during flood situations. Flood analysis considering this effect is very important for an accurate prediction of inundation flow. In this study, a numerical model is... more
An integrated model was developed by combining three separate models: (i) model of seepage flow, (ii) model of slope stability and (iii) model of dam surface erosion and flow to predict flood/debris flow hydrograph resulted from failure... more
The understanding of behavior and mechanism of debris flow, and the study of preventive measures are very important in order to manage the sediment disaster in the river basin and prevent the downstream hazards. A check dam is commonly... more
In recent years climate change and retreating glaciers constitute a major hazard in the Himalaya of South Asia or glacier regions of the world. Glacial lakes are rapidly developing or increasing due to climate change, which may cause the... more
Glacial lake outburst floods (GLOFs) may cause floods of great magnitudes in the downstream river reaches. About 80% of GLOFs (based on 20 cases with known failure mechanisms) were initiated by displacement waves from ice avalanches that... more
Many floods caused by heavy rainfalls and typhoons hit Japan in recent years, and some floods attacked fully urbanized areas. Tokyo, Nagoya and Fukuoka were inundated by urban floods, and some parts of flood water intruded into... more
Natural disasters, particularly hydro-meteorological (climate-related) disasters such as droughts, tsunamis, hurricanes, typhoons and floods, have increased in prevalence and severity in recent decades. During these disasters, the most... more
In Central Europe, river flooding has been recently recognized as a major hazard, in particular after the 1997 Odra /Oder flood, the 2001 Vistula flood, and the most destructive 2002 deluge on the Labe/Elbe. Major recent floods in central... more
Unsteady-flow simulation of the dam break is performed using HEC-RAS and results are mapped using the RAS mapping. Inundation mapping of water surface profile, Velocity and depth results from dam failure models and provides a preliminary... more