Flipped learning
Recent papers in Flipped learning
This presentation describes the theories and practice behind flipped learning course design at MEF University.
The adoption of gamification in learning and instruction is perceived to have mass appeal among the learners in stimulating motivation, learner engagement and social influence. This study is an attempt to present a summary of the... more
This paper is not meant to explain how a hybrid lesson works or can be planned in detail, nor is it meant to show how to implement flipped classroom model. This paper just tries to emphasize the importance of hybrid learning within the... more
This study investigates the effectiveness of flipped learning on English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners' public speaking. An experimental design was implemented throughout the study, for which the researcher used convenience... more
Flipped classroom is a teaching method that has been used by many teachers all over the world . Thanks to its efficiency in improving the quality of teaching and learning , some Moroccan teachers think that it represents the best... more
This paper reports on the development of blended workshops on training in English as a medium of instruction (EMI). The study was divided into three individually conducted phases. Phase 1 included the development of a massive open online... more
Bài thuyết trình tại hội thảo Giáo dục Không biên giới tại FPT Arena, tháng 8-2014
Este artigo discute a possibilidade de utilizacao da individualizacao da aprendizagem em um modelo de ensino hibrido rotacional sala de aula invertida, na medida em que buscou investigar como se desenvolve a individualizacao da... more
Es gibt viele Fragen rund ums Thema Film und Video, und das aus einem guten Grund: Die Welt des Bewegtbilds wird immer vielfältiger, realitätsgetreuer, einfach bedienbarer und auf vielen Geräten abspielbarer. Das liegt einerseits an den... more
This research aims at investigatingthe implementation of flipped classroom in CALLclass and how it can improve students’ learning autonomy. This research is a case study. The data gathering techniques used in this study were interviews,... more
resenha (book review) - BERGMANN, Jonathan; SAMS, Aaron. Sala de aula invertida: uma metodologia ativa de aprendizagem. (Tradução Afonso Celso da Cunha Serra). 1ª ed., Rio de Janeiro: LTC, 2016. 104 p.p.
Comunicação proferida no 2.º Webinar do Ciclo de Webinares Encurtar @ Distância da Porto Editora
Despite the popularity of the flipped classroom, its effectiveness in achieving greater engagement and learning outcomes is currently lacking substantial empirical evidence. This study surveyed 563 undergraduate and postgraduate students... more
Alongside the rise of educational technology, many teachers have been taking gradual but innovative steps to redesign their teaching methods. For example, in flipped learning or a flipped classroom, students watch instructional videos... more
En este tiempo de clases virtuales y enseñanza remota mediada por tecnología, muchos profesores se han visto enfrentados a horas y horas de enseñanza sincrónica experimentando las dificultades de mantener a los estudiantes motivados,... more
Flipped Learning (FL) has emerged as an essential instructional approach in tertiary education. A common misconception is that FL is highly dependent on the use of video. Educators have the choice to flip content with learning... more
Computer-assisted language learning (CALL) has generated much interest among language teachers, especially since the number of language laboratories in academic institutions increased in the 1960s. More research into how CALL influences... more
Technology can play a role in the transition from a traditional teacher-centered to a more student-centered, communicative English as a foreign language (EFL) classroom. Technology-enhanced language learning (TELL) looks at the impact... more
Sobre la base de la aplicación continua de la clase invertida y de la observación sistemática del trabajo docente en los niveles de educación superior y medio, es posible proponer un proceso de planificación compuesto por tres fases... more
Although the flipped classroom has attracted much attention, the flipped classroom research in the English teaching context has not been widely explored. This research is intended (1) to explore the general responses of English teachers... more
Flipped classroom has been considered an innovative movement in education. Therefore, the aim of the current research paper was to investigate its impact on students’ academic achievement based on the 6th levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy. The... more
Enfocar la enseñanza desde una aproximación más comunicativa y más experiencial es un espacio en el que podemos aprovechar muchas de las bondades que contienen los medios digitales, gracias a que con su uso podemos trascender el negro... more
This presentation discusses a number of different definitions of flipped learning or the 'flipped classroom'. It also looks at the origins of the term and provides some pointers to the factors that may assist the successful implementation... more
Currently, Flipped/Inverted Classroom (FC) and Flipped Learning (FL) seem to be attracting many teachers who are trying to change the traditional and passive learning culture to a more student-centered and active way to study. The... more
No quadro do Programa de digitalização para as Escolas, a Direção-Geral da Educação (DGE) promove, em colaboração com os Centros de Formação das Associações de Escolas, ações de formação, com vista à capacitação digital dos docentes. No... more
The article aims to assess the efficiency of flipped learning as one of the most up-to-date methods when teaching English for the EFL students in Ukraine. The significance of the study bases on the necessity to implement advanced teaching... more
The Information Age has created the need for a new approach to education. One possible approach that makes use of technology and encourages active learning is the flipped classroom, in which instructional content is assigned as online... more
L'integrazione delle risorse digitali e tecnologiche nella didattica modifica tanto gli ambienti di apprendimento quanto gli strumenti a disposizione dei docenti nel processo di trasposizione. Uno di essi è il video, già presente in forma... more
In a flipped classroom, students study instructional material before class and apply this material during class. To provide a statistical synthesis of current research on effects of flipped classrooms, we conducted meta-analyses that... more
The flipped learning approach has been growing in popularity in both higher education and K-12, especially for its potential to increase active learning and student engagement. However, further research is needed to understand exactly how... more
Flipping the classroom or inverted teaching is a response to the idea that class time can be used to engage students in learning through active learning techniques, rather than through delivering lectures along. Flipping the classroom is... more
מאמר זה עוסק ברעיון לייעל את הוראת העברית למבוגרים על ידי שילוב גישת 'הוראה הפוכה' עם מסלולי לימוד חלופיים בהתאם לסגנונות הקוגניטיביים שונים של התלמידים. במאמר יתוארו עקרונות הרעיון ורכיבי התהליך הלימודי המבוסס עליו ויוצג יישומו הניסויי... more
ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study is to determine whether flipped learning contributes to the development of preservice Turkish teachers’ written expression skills and, if it does, the extent of this contribution. To this end,... more
En este proyecto de investigación, en primer lugar, reflexionaremos acerca del modelo pedagógico de la “clase invertida” o flipped classroom, que se basa en la inversión de la estructura tradicional de la clase expositiva presencial a... more
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of the "flipped learning" on university students’ academic achievement. In this regard, 220 students studying in Mechanical Engineering and Computer Programming in Aksaray University... more
A new trend of using Social Media or Social Networking Sites has been recently highlighted in this technology era. Social media influences people’s lives in many aspects including education and English language learning. It has made an... more
El presente trabajo de investigación, explora el uso del modelo de Flipped Learning (FL) en nivel superior, a través de un estudio de casos múltiple, en una universidad privada donde los profesores participantes han utilizado este modelo... more
Flipped learning (FL) in mathematics has recently attracted considerable interest around the world. It raises the question of whether humanist perspectives, such as freedom, dignity, and potential of humans, should have a higher profile... more
En este artículo se revisan las características de los videojuegos que recomendamos incorporar a nuestros entornos educativos para que motiven a nuestros alumnos a implicarse en ellos. Éstas incluyen: I) elementos narrativos que... more
L’inclusione è una filosofia che riguarda la progettazione didattica a tutti i livelli, dalla microprogettazione dei singoli interventi didattici fino alla macroprogettazione dei contesti e delle strategie. In particolare, la... more