Tests in the Ames 40-by 80-foot wind tunnel of the static longitudinal characteristics of the Republic RF -84F were made to determine both the origin and a suitable remedy for a pitch up tendency of the airplane encountered at moderate... more
A method is presented whereby incremental pitching moments can be estimated for swept and triangular wings having arbitrary types of trailing-edge high-lift flaps. In the method use is made of span-loading theory together with... more
A method is presented whereby incremental pitching moments canbe estimated forsweptandtriangular wingshaving arbitrary typesof trailing-edge high-lift flaps.In themethod useismadeof span-loading q theory together withtwo-dimensional... more
A study has been made of the application of two-dimensional data and span-loading theory for estimating the local loading characteristics on a swept wing with flaps. Estimated results, including local pressure distributions, span... more
Control allocation compute the commands that are applied to the actuators so that a certain set of forces or moments are generated by the control effectors. In this communication we consider the problem of the design of an airborne system... more
This recounts the story of an Iowa-born Wild West performer whose birth name was Franklin Samuel Cowdery (1867-1913). He initially gained some prominence in the US as a trick roper, marksman, and cowboy, who bore a persuasive resemblance... more
Three planar, untwisted wings with the same elliptical chord distribution but with dierent curvatures of the quarter-chord line were tested in the Langley 8-Foot Transonic Pressure Tunnel (8-Ft TPT) and the Langley 7-by 10-Foot High-the... more
Three planar, untwisted wings with the same elliptical chord distribution but with dierent curvatures of the quarter-chord line were tested in the Langley 8-Foot Transonic Pressure Tunnel (8-Ft TPT) and the Langley 7-by 10-Foot High-the... more
Original scientific paper The paper is focused on the preliminary aerodynamic analyses of a new light aircraft in symmetrical flight configurations. Initial calculations have been done using a 3D vortex lattice method. Since this method... more
Original scientific paper The paper is focused on the preliminary aerodynamic analyses of a new light aircraft in symmetrical flight configurations. Initial calculations have been done using a 3D vortex lattice method. Since this method... more
FanWing design notes 1) Introduction What follows is knowledge that was acquired over the years. In total 12 flying models have been built and three sessions were done in wind tunnels. Many design points are critical to produce an... more
The present paper summarizes the key findings of a numerical study on the aerodynamic behavior of a generic light aircraft under flow conditions, which are typically associated with spin motions. These conditions include high angles of... more
Carburetor plays an important role in SI engine performance which supplies combustible fuel-air mixture by mixing the right amount of fuel with air before admission to the cylinder at different speed and loads. One of the important... more
Turbulent Flow Over a Low-Camber Pitching Arc Wing MAJID MOLKI, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville -Aerodynamics of pitching airfoils and wings are of great importance to the design of air vehicles. This investigation presents the... more
Based on the book "Convection Heat Transfer" by Adrian Bejan, this study examines the transition time of flow from laminar to turbulent in natural convection near turbulent walls. The presented analysis investigates the hydrodynamic... more
The shooting method is a numerical technique used to solve boundary value problems. In the Blasius equation, which is a third-order nonlinear ordinary differential equation, the shooting method can be an efficient tool for finding the... more
The problem described in the paper concerns the choice strategy of so-called design point of the flow engine in a multi-role aircraft at the initial stage of aircraft and engine design as the aviation system. The design point is defined... more
Analysis of the flow passing cylindrical obstacles is one of the basic issues in fluid dynamics and is of great importance. Many surveys have been conducted to investigate the velocity field in potential and viscous flows, as a basis for... more
Drag reduction has a significant impact on both fuel consumption and an aircraft's aerodynamic performance. The main motive of this paper is to increase the lift and decrease the drag by using shark denticles on the upper surface of the... more
The airplane was not essentially an American invention; it was a World invention. One cannot attribute the invention of the airplane solely to the Wright brothers. The Wright brothers were voracious readers of a variety of articles... more
Anatomy of flight vehicles, components of an airplanes and their function, configuration of space vehicle, earth's atmosphere and gravitational field, bluff bodies v/s streamlined body, airfoil. lift generation, significance of L/D ratio,... more
The growth of aviation and the urgent need to reduce fuel consumption and emissions demand increased airspace and airport capacity and a focus on providing the preferred trajectory to each aircraft. Aircraft operators also require... more
An exposition of Bernoulli's Theorem is made, including the differential and integral approaches. Compressible and incompressible, viscous and non-viscous flows are included. In the integral approach, a stream tube is treated and global... more
History of aviation, early development of airplanes, biplanes and monoplanes, history of spaceflight, development of space vehicle, classification of duct jet propulsion, rocket propulsion, advance propulsion and applications
Deep-stall is a flow regime which may occur in tandem airfoil configurations at high angle of attack. It results from a detached flow on the downstream airfoil and a drop of the lift, rendering the elevators ineffective for a potential... more
We report the effects of posture and morphology on the static aerodynamic stability and control effectiveness of physical models based on the feathered dinosaur, †Microraptor gui, from the Cretaceous of China. Postures had similar lift... more
Periodic and quasi-periodic time-spectral methods are applied to the demanding problems of aeroelastic flutter and gust response. Both a standard time-implicit method and a quasi-periodic time-spectral method are developed that take into... more
Wind power is the source of propulsive energy for sailboats and albatrosses. We present the UNAv, an Unmanned Nautical Air-water vehicle, that borrows features from both. It is composed of a glider-type airframe fitted with a vertical... more
In order to meet the goals of reducing noise, emissions, and fuel burn, the Hybrid Wing Body (HWB) will require revolutionary improvements in aerodynamics, acoustics, and structural design. Reducing or eliminating the traditional "tube"... more
In order to meet the goals of reducing noise, emissions, and fuel burn, the Hybrid Wing Body (HWB) will require revolutionary improvements in aerodynamics, acoustics, and structural design. Reducing or eliminating the traditional "tube"... more
The aerodynamic performance of a wing at an oblique deployment orientation has been found through wind tunnel testing to affect both the lateral and longitudinal stability of a cruise missile. While conventional analysis tools are... more
Current aviation standards define a multipath error model that is valid after the smoothing filter is assumed to have converged (assuming a 100 s Hatch filter). The draft standards for dual frequency Satellite-based Augmentation Systems... more
graduated as an electronics engineer in 1992 from ENAC (Ecole Nationale de l'Aviation Civile) in Toulouse, France. Since 1994, he has been working on the application of satellite navigation techniques to civil aviation. He received his... more
T HIS Synoptic describes an analytical method for solving the equation governing the inviscid, irrotational, compressible, potential flow about a propeller. The equation and boundary conditions are transferred to a noninertial system of... more
has over 35 years of aerospace, utility, commercial, and industrial experience as an engineer, technical manager, program manager, corporate executive, and consultant. He received the Society of Automotive Engineer's Outstanding... more
The Pacific Basin, by virtue of its vastness and its complex aeroscape, provides unique opportunities to address questions about the behavioral and physiological capabilities and mechanisms through which birds can complete spectacular... more
In this paper we discuss the first results from a set of flight experiments. The objective was to show that terrestrial ranging can support aviation services with sufficient accuracy for non-precision approach. The experimental setup is... more
This paper proposes one possible concept for a dual frequency dual constellation GBAS architecture. It is based on a single frequency L5/E5a mode as primary processing scheme for best standard performance, a switch to an ionosphere free... more
The aerodynamic performance of a wing at an oblique deployment orientation has been found through wind tunnel testing to affect both the lateral and longitudinal stability of a cruise missile. While conventional analysis tools are... more
Kapal mengalami keterlambatan dalam proses pengangkutan muatan semen curah sehingga mengalami waktu tunggu yang dapat mempengaruhi target pencapaian pengangkutan muatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh ketersediaan... more
Although quasi-steady aerodynamic modelling is a widely used technique, its shortcomings in representing the stall and post-stall dynamics have been noted in the literature. Various methods to model the unsteady aerodynamics effects have... more
Although there have been many proposed methods to model unsteady aerodynamic effects in the stall and post-stall region, little work has been done to directly assess the impact of unsteady aerodynamic models on stability and control... more
Management 86-87 XIV. Maintainability 87-89 XV. Design Schedules 90-91 XVI. Cost 92 XVII. RFP Requirements 93-94 XVIII. Conclusion 95 6-Sideslip angle ABSTRACT At the equator, the ozone layer ranges from 65,000 to 130,000+ feet which is... more
Management 86-87 XIV. Maintainability 87-89 XV. Design Schedules 90-91 XVI. Cost 92 XVII. RFP Requirements 93-94 XVIII. Conclusion 95 6-Sideslip angle ABSTRACT At the equator, the ozone layer ranges from 65,000 to 130,000+ feet which is... more